recolour of louis@simcribbling's elf ear's to match Enayla's Blue midnight skintone
bluemidnightelf ear recolour.jpg - width=600 height=450
I've had a sudden urge to create a elven/fae/mermaid (you get the picture!) neighbourhood and I absolutely adore Enayla's skin tones & Louis's elf ears. But I needed ears to match the Blue Midnight skin tone so, I thought I'd share them with you, in case you guys have any sudden urges for dark faeries! You can find the skin tone here:
And louis's elf ears here:
You can find them by clicking make-up, then accessories and they're on the first page.
The ears will show up under glasses in bodyshop/CAS.
Louis-enayla blue midnight elf
Uploaded: 5th Jun 2006, 14.4 KB.
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