Part of The Abhorsen's House. (From Garth Nix's The Old Kingdom series.)

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Who will guard the living when the dead arise...?

"Anyway, the island is about three hundred yards long and a hundred yards wide. There's a garden and an orchard as well as the House itself - you can just see the blossom on the beach trees, over on the right." Page 499, Lirael.

"Then, just for a moment, the mist parted and she saw a bright tower, its red-tiled, conical roof catching the sun. " Page 498, Lirael.

"There was a red-brick path ahead, boredered by a lawn and a line of shrubs with clumps of odd, stick-shaped flowers. The path led to the front door of the House, which was painted a cheerful sky blue, bright against the whitewashed stone on either side of it. The House itself seemed normal enough. It was mainly one large building of three or four stories, in addition to the tower. There were many windows, all of them quite large, and it exuded comfort and welcome." Page 503, Lirael.

"A fire burned briskly in a red-brick fireplace and wood-panneled walls gleamed with the dark mystery of well-polished mahogany." Page 93, Sabriel.

The above quotes from Sabriel and Lirael give a brief outlook on the House. Using the plan from Abhorsen (picture below) I have replicated the house and gardens. The pictures of the plans arn't very good because they came from my phone taken from a book. I guess because they're not part of the house, they'll pass the dreaded inspection! (Fingers crossed.)

It is only part of the House because to get the proportions right, it didn't fit in the largest lot. I will therefore upload the rest in another post, when it is finished and thus, completing the House. I tried to make it in Sims 1 also, I had to do it in two separate lots. I did the house in one, garden in another, and well. I got them round the wrong way and got stressy. Mwuha.

A majority of this is made from maxis stuff, as to not having the hassle of downloading meshes and whatnot, but there are three things which you'll need to get.

Medieval door by the Magick Modders:
(New Lethe Medieval doors +

Round flowerbeds by MaryLou & Numenor:

Floating Candles by lorelly

The steppings stones in the book, well, I didn't replicate them, because the poor simmies cannot leap like us humans. Instead I made a pathway, on the left. The newspaper girl also comes and puts your paper in the near the orchard. Yeah! Talk about service! ;]

This is an unfurnished lot and only comes with plants and stuff and lighting in the house. It uses all three EPs, because I have them and I don't know what comes in each expansion pack, so only download this if you have all three, to be safe. It costs $175,466. Ouch, but it is pretty big. The lot size is 5x6.

There were limitations, not being able to do a curved path for example. Diagonal will have to do. Because of the limit to 5 floors (including roof) and searching for half hour trying to find the thing to make many floors and it not working, I combined the study and reading room, so I could still have the observatory at the top. (The Observetory itself is odd, I wouldnt think it would have all the glass, but hey! =D) And uh, I also used "moveobjects on" to place the stairs on top of each other so it resembles the plans.

Well, I hope you lot can find a use for this, enjoy it, and part two will come soooooon...

And another quote; Does the Walker chose the Path, or the Path choose the Walker? Think about it kids..
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