26 Tile Floors
TILE I.jpg - width=972 height=840
TILE II.jpg - width=958 height=770
TILE I Crystal Bamboo.jpg - width=500 height=300
TILE I Monte Bianco.jpg - width=500 height=300
TILE II Cabernet Quartz.jpg - width=500 height=300
TILE II Sour Apple.jpg - width=500 height=300
TILE I Spanish Colonial I.jpg - width=500 height=300
TILE I Malabar Green.jpg - width=500 height=300
There are 26 files. I would have separated them and organized them but I have no idea which file name belongs to which tile. So despite the Parts I and II pictures, they are all in one.
There are quite an array of floor covers. Some of the tiles are porcelain or ceramic floors which are good for kitchens or entryways and whatnot. There are some very nice glass/jewel tile floors, two poured quartz floors, a few terracotta floors, a few stone floors, and two Spanish style tiles.
Tile Floors I and II.zip
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2006, 886.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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Updated: 29th Mar 2009 at 3:04 PM by HystericalParoxysm
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