Wednesday 13
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I am offering a Wednesday 13 based loosely around what he has been wearing for his recent 'Till Death Do us Party Tour. And a Frankenstein Drag Queens Wednesday. Both are included in the zip, but if you only want one, obviously only open that file. The FDQ one is named 'FDQWednesday' The other one just 'Wednesday13' The skintones show on the pictures, are not the skintones included in the file...this is because i just found out that i have no idea who made the skin tone shown on the 'till death do us party Wednesday. Although the body shop pictures show the skin tone. Also the shirt for the FDQ wednesday in the in game pics is shown different to the one included in the package. Although i am including a picture of that shirt in game and a bodyshop picture of it on the FDQ sim.
Skin tone by evilmzkitty on the sims exchange which I'm pretty sure is plicka on MTS2
eyshadow by liegenschonheit
Stitches, piercings and the 13 are all together and come under costume makeup, made by me.
Their both packaged with the maxis black lipstick... Which I'm sure you will want to change, again i couldn't not find the creator of the black lipstick i was using.
'Till Death Do us Party
Shirt/Jumper thing, made by me. And you don't need a mesh or anything, which you probably guessed.
Trousers made by Q3tbo and you need the mesh which is here.
Hair Mesh can be found at And to be exact Here :
Although it will not be on that page forever, because as more hair is added to that site, that file will eventually move onto a new page. Anyway, The hat was recoloured by me. Looks to me like the site is now gone... and although you can get both the male and female version of this mesh at TSR the male one is a subscription thing... Which is just great... urrrh
[B] Frankenstein Drag Queens
Hair mesh made by shadylady482 available here Recoloured by me
Shirt mesh made by Q3tbo: Here
Shirt recolour by liegenschonheit found: here
Shirt partly recoloured (torn and bloodstained) by me.
Skirt by Q3tbo and you need the mesh from here
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2006, 3.17 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Outfit for... Males? by q3tbo |
Whatever you want it to be... by q3tbo |
No-Name Productions presents... something for Males ^^ by q3tbo |
Sims 4 Rent Project: Angel's Black Bob Wig by shadylady482 |]Here : (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 15th Dec 2006 at 2:17 PM
#Wednesday, #13, #Murderdolls, #Frankenstein, #drag, #queens
by gigachanger 23rd Mar 2006 at 1:05am
9 21k 5
by ElectricLadyland 29th Mar 2006 at 2:32pm
21 31.5k 3
by awsomest 5th May 2006 at 1:44am
10 18.1k 6
by thunderbreak 5th May 2006 at 8:23am
35 35.1k 11
by Trouble1234 14th May 2006 at 3:59pm
18 19.2k 3
by Trouble1234 21st May 2006 at 6:42pm
5 9.7k 2
by Trouble1234 3rd Jun 2006 at 2:00pm
9 15.6k 1
Eric Griffin of the murderdolls.
by Murderdolls 18th Aug 2006 at 12:58am
Hey, heres my first attempt of Eric Griffin of the Murderdolls. Hes not prefectly eric-like but hey im not perfect. more...
12 22.4k 5