Balder's wife Nanna - Norse goddess
Nanna.JPG - width=660 height=432
She is the wife of Balder and mother of Forseti . Their home is Breidablik in Asgard.
At Balder's funeral, the grief caused her to die from a broken heart, and the gods put her on Balder's funeral pyre next to him on his ship Hringhorni, which was described as the 'greatest of all ships', the largest ship in the world.
The gods were unable to move the great ship and needed help from the giantess Hyrrokkin, who was incredible strong.
She rode a giant wolf with vipers for reins. Hyrrokkin was able to launch the giant ship to sea, but with her imense strength, the launch caused the rollers under the ship to set on fire.
This angered Thor , who wanted to kill her (his favorite hobby was – after all – killing giants) but the other gods talked him out of it; after all, she had helped them and it was a funeral.
Nanna and Balder went to Hel ', where they stay until Ragnarok.
Not much else is said about her, and I barely found any illustrations of her that I thought fit, but I imagine a charachter known for dying of a broken heart must look pretty sad..
Skin by Enayla (included) Fresh Summer
Eyes: Dark bronze by Enayla (included)
Hairmesh by XM Sims
Hair recolour by SeluXereZ
Tears by Sussi (included)
Lashes by Lyran
Brows by Helaene (included)
Gown: Arwens gown by Helaene and the Magic Modders' 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Lips by Barcelonista, found at Justsims2
* Unless it says otherwise, custom creations are not included.
Uploaded: 20th Sep 2006, 2.01 MB.
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