Gefion * Norse goddess

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("giver"; also Gefjun, Gefjon, Gefyon, Gefn)

This is a goddess who seems to have had more importance in Sweden and Denmark than she did in Norway, as I hadn't heard about her before starting this project. She intruiged me so much I had to add her to my Norse Mythology sims

She was a seeress and goddess, a member of both the Vanir and the Æsir.
All women who die virgin are sent to her hall, and thus she is characterised as a goddess of virtue, yet she was also a fertility goddess, associated with the plow.

Her husband was King Skjöld (or Scyld¹), son of Odin. Many legendary Swedish and Danish kings claimed to be descended from her.
Having been promised by the Swedish king Gylfi as much land as she could plow in one night, she transformed her four sons into oxen and took enough land to create the Danish island of Zealand (= Sjaelland, where the capitol city Copenhagen lies), leaving the Swedish lake Mälaren.
This legend is commemorated by the bronze Gefjun fountain in Copenhagen - see photo.

The goddess' name is shared with a Norse term meaning "marriage", represented by the English language as "give", meaning "wife", and found in the form of a Rune.
Moreover, "Gefn" is one of the alternate names of Freya , the Norse goddess of procreation. It is entirely conceivable that Gefjun is merely an aspect of Freya.

(¹ This Scyld is the same person whom the Beowulf poet alludes to at the beginning of that poem)


Morning light Skin by Enayla (included)
Hair by XM Sims
Eyes by Barcelonista
Lips by Helaene (included)
Shadow: Sussi's pureOriginal (included)
blush: Glowing blush by Sussi (included)
Lashes by Lyran
Brows by Rose
Gown by Eowyn1

* Unless it says otherwise, custom creations are not included.
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