I've been thinking for about.. a year atleast to make some kinda of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas projects.
And now finally i've decied to do so.
GTA SA is one of my two fave games.
So i wanted to bring my two fave games together, and so thats what im doing now.
Okay, here is the FIRST of many (hopefully) houses/characters to come.
This is Mike Toreno's Ranch.
I have tried to make it as exact as i could.
The large room is exact, and the the other rooms which you have never seen i've tried to make some more things with.
Here's the stats for the house:
Price: 160 934
Size: 4x5
1 master bedroom.
2 child bedroom / One Boy and one boy/girl.
1 gymroom.
1 Kitchen
1 Diningroom.
1 Livingroom.
3 1/2 bathrooms.
1 large garage - There space for 6 cars on the lot.
1 large room (The one where you see Toreno in the game)
No CC, but i do recommend the invisible driveway!
Its been scanned with the Sims 2 Pack Clean!
I had the game on for 3 hours looking in the game and then doing it on The Sims, so its pretty exact!
I hope you all will like it as much as me and Mike Toreno does!
More will come later!
Disclaimer: Weird Map and James Woods not include.
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