Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1)

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These sets add a pregnancy morph to all maxis-made adult female meshes.
They are default replacement meshes. The pregnancy morphs for these meshes features a slightly larger pregnancy belly as well as a breast size increase during the pregnancy.

As with all default replacements, you may only have ONE installed for a particular mesh at a time. Make sure these are the only ones you have in your Downloads folder (or your SavedSims folder).

You must have Sim/Object Detail Set to High in order for these meshes to be work.

This is Version 1.1 - From my own testing and from feedback and testing from others, it appears that all meshes work fine, and should be safe to use. I can't guarantee there won't be problems, so keep an Eye out.

Update 15 Sep 08: Added Free Time and Kitchen & Bath Stuff replacements. Please test these and let me know if they all work. Also removed old update text because they were getting cluttersome.

Update 25 Sep 08: Added Apartment Life replacements. Please test these and let me know if they all work.

Update 28 Sep 08: Fixed a mesh in the Free Time meshes. Please redownload if you downloaded before today.

Update 2 Oct 08: Fixed a mesh in the Kitchen & Bath Stuff meshes. Please redownload if you downloaded before today.

Update 5 Feb 09: Fixed two of the TS2 meshes. Please redownload if you downloaded before today, or just grab the FIXED files.

To make the most out of this set, you will need Squinge's Pregnant Sims Wear Any Outfit mod, or any similar mod that lets you wear any clothes while pregnant. If you have Seasons or Bon Voyage, you will need to get the EP5 version of Squinge's hack. If you have Freetime, grab this one, and if you have Apartment Life, grab this one.

What to download:
Here's the rundown of the various files:
PregDefaults_Base.rar - Get this if you don't have any hacks that let you wear any clothes while pregnant. Includes the MaternityShirt, Swimwear, Underwear, Tracksuit, Long Dress Loose, Classic Pajamas, and Nude meshes, which are the only meshes normally available while pregnant. These meshes already have a preg morph, but I've added the breast swell.
PregDefaults_TS2.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from the Base Game with added pregnancy morphs, including all the career and NPC meshes, except for the Swat Team mesh*. It does NOT include the meshes that are in the PregDefaults_Base.rar
PregDefaults_EP1_UNI.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 University. Note that the maxis clothing that uses these meshes is normally not available except for Young Adults, so unless you have custom clothing, or do some extra default replacing of the outfits, you will probably not every have an adult female that uses these.
PregDefaults_EP2_NL.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Nightlife
PregDefaults_EP3_OFB.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Open For Business
PregDefaults_EP5_Seasons.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Seasons (But not the four new career and plantsim meshes)
PregDefaults_EP5_Seasons2.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female new career and plantsim meshes from Sims 2 Seasons
PregDefaults_EP6_BV.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Bon Voyage.
PregDefaults_EP7_FT.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Free Time. Note: Free Time uses three meshes from previous expansions (Fig from Uni, Techie from Seasons, and DressScarfGloves from Nightlife). If it safe to overwrite as they use the same IDs.
PregDefaults_EP8_AL.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Apartment Life. Note: Free Time uses two meshes from Nightlife (WideJeans and MotoJacket). If it safe to overwrite as they use the same IDs.
PregDefaults_SP1_FFS.rar - Includes ONLY one new adult female mesh from Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff
PregDefaults_SP2_GLS.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff
PregDefaults_SP3_Cele.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 Celebrations Stuff
PregDefaults_SP4_HMS.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 H&M Stuff
PregDefaults_SP6_KBS.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Stuff
PregDefaults_Holiday.rar - Includes ONLY four adult female meshes from Sims 2 Holiday Stuff (2006). The Mrs. Claus mesh was also included in the Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack (2005) and the original Sims 2 Holiday Edition. The three non-Mrs. Claus meshes were also included in the Sims 2 Holiday Mini Pack..
FIXED_afBottomSlinkySkirtBoots.rar - Fixes the afBottomSlinkySkirtBoots mesh. Only download if you downloaded the TS2 set before 5 Feb 09
FIXED_afTopBlousedWaist.rar - Fixes the afTopBlousedWaist mesh. Only download if you downloaded the TS2 set before 5 Feb 09

Which ones should I download? - Download the Base Set at the minimum. If you have Squinge's Pregnant Sims Wear Any Clothing (or any similar hack) then you should also download The TS2 Set (which is all the rest of the base game meshes) and each of the files for the expansions you own. Do not just download the set for the latest expansion you own, because you will then not have the meshes from the base game or earlier expansions.

If you downloaded them before the listed date, you should re-download the following:
02 Aug 07 - PregDefaults_TS2.rar
02 Aug 07 - PregDefaults_EP1_UNI.rar
02 Aug 07 - PregDefaults_EP2_NL.rar
02 Apr 08 - PregDefaults_SP4_HMS.rar
29 Sep 08 - PregDefaults_EP7_FT.rar
03 Oct 08 - PregDefaults_SP6_KBS.rar

Compatibility: There are no real incompatibilities. If you download one for a set you don't own, it won't hurt anything; you'll just have some useless meshes in your download file, that's all.

* The Swat team pregnant morph obj always ended up corrupted when I imported it into Milkshape, losing three faces somewhere between when I exported the body from Milkshape, and when I imported it back in. I don't know why this occurs, but it is the reason this mesh is left out.

Known Issues
1) I can't decide if the breast swell is too much. An informal poll showed that the most common increase averaged about 1.5 cup sizes, and well.. it's hard to gauge cup size on a 3d Sims 2 model. If you think this is close enough to 1.5 or 2 cup sizes, or if I'm way off, let me know that too.

Note: A Version 2 is in the works... slowly. I am using them for my base meshes while updating Maxis clothing to Warlokk's shapes, so they're going a bit slower that the first version. It will have a bump closer to Maxis's, and better-placed on the belly, and will have a very slightly less pronounced breast swell.


Polygon Counts:
All meshes have the same poly counts as the original Maxis meshes, which are too numerous to list.

Additional Credits:
Warlokk, for introducing me to the world of Poser magnets, without which this would not have been possible.
BlooM, for telling me how to add a preg morph in the first place.
aberry5000, for without him I wouldn't have gotten the Seasons and Celebration Stuff meshes done.
Wojtek2008, for without him I wouldn't have gotten the H&M Stuff meshes done. Also provided the Free Time and Kitchen & Bath meshes, though by the time I got to them, I owned them (haven't installed yet, so I did save some time).
marvelousmarja, for getting me the apartment life base meshes to modify.
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