
Downloaded 123 times 48 Thanks 5 Favourited 4,548 Views
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Lot 4x4
Prize 105.000

Basament: pool
Ground floor: living, baby room, kitchen, study and bath
High Plant: study, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths.
Completely furnished, Garage and Driveway (for 3 vehicles) and swimming-pool inside house

More picture here:

I hope you like it.

Lot Size: 4x4
Lot Price: 105000

Custom Content by Me:
- fizz_F_M_4x4
- F_mosaicorojo
- F_Pyellow_diamates2x2
- Piedraamarilla
- W_Proja_mosaico

Custom Content Included:
- FrameWhite by -Maylin-
- Counting Frame by -Maylin-
- Maylin curtains -1 tile/short- by -Maylin-
- curtainsShYellow0 by -Maylin-
- Maylin-FluoXylo by -Maylin-
- Luxury Changing Table by -Maylin-
- Maylin-LuxuryBabyTable by -Maylin-
- Luxiourous Crib by -Maylin-
- Maylin-LuxuryCrib by -Maylin-
- Luxury Potty by -Maylin-
- Maylin-LuxuryPotty by -Maylin-
- Maylin-PinkXylo by -Maylin-
- Toy by -Maylin-
- Montego Wall Divider (middle) by Ailias
- montegowalldivider_lgtw by Ailias
- Satinistics Loveseat by taroo
- antikbankrecol1 by taroo
- Colonial Bathtub by Imperial Plumbing Works by taroo
- bar300106taroo by taroo
- Round basket endtable by buggybooz
- tribeccasims2  by tribeccasims2
- tribeccasims2  by tribeccasims2
- tribeccasims2  by tribeccasims2
- tribeccasims  by tribeccasims2
- Mystic Life "Flower Vase" by 15pupmaus49
- Brett by marilu
- CAH_AverioBathtub_champagner by Chrissie
- Badewanne "BlubbaBlubba" by Chrissie
- Armchair "Cannes" by Chrissie
- Sofa "Cannes" by Chrissie
- Deko by marilu
- Kitchen Window by macarossi
- by by by
- Fusty Hors D'oeuvres Gym Lockers by by
- Fancifully Fuzzy Fern by macarossi
- Cappucino Living large Painting by Funny2401
- funny2401_cappucinobigpaint_recolor2 by Funny2401
- HolySimoly_EdwardDr by Holy Simoly
- 'Edwardian Elegance' Door by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- HolySimoly_EdwardDr_White by Holy Simoly
- HolySimoly_PictureShelves_FrameBeige by Holy Simoly
- HolySimoly_PictureShelves_FrameYellow by Holy Simoly
- 'Wall of Memories' Shelf by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- PictureShelves_WhiteBeige by Holy Simoly
- StairsfloatingLeft_Ash by Holy Simoly
- StairsfloatingRight_Ash by Holy Simoly
- Victorian Quaint Fence in White by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- Victorian Porch Fence in White by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- justmoi_DeckStairs_PinePlywoodnWhite by justmoi
- "Shells" Bathtub by Kate
- Sea Shells Sinks by Kate
- "Spirit" Lavatory by Kate
- Don Quijote and a red rose by Marina by Kate
- Classic Window Large by marina
- Classic Window Large diagonal by marina
- marina_classicwindowlarge2_txtr1 by marina
- marina by marina
- Manor House Multi-Mirror by macarossi
- Side Table Metal Frame by macarossi
- MetalFrameMirror_RCL_Dark_macarossi. by macarossi
- N65_Garden_plant_01_blueflowers by nengi65
- N65_Garden_plant_01_hotpinkflowers by nengi65
- N65_Gardenplant01 by nengi65
- N65_Garden_plant_01_orangeflowers by nengi65
- N65_Garden_plant_02_blueflowers by nengi65
- N65_Gardenplant_02 by nengi65
- Curvaceous Colonial End Table by Ntischsamroxi.
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- Phelana - geflochtenerUmtopf-o5o7o6 by Phelana
- Phelana - barspiegel-22o3o6 by Phelana
- barspiegel-recolor1 by Phelana
- NuMica Folding Card Table by Phelana
- Phelana - blueglass-dekobadregal-18o9o6 by Phelana
- Apple of the Eye by Phelana
- Phelana - Dobett-magnolie by Phelana
- Phelana - kleineRitterburg-19o5o6 by Phelana
- Phelana - Rattan-Satztisch-1oo7o6 by 15pupmaus49
- Set PlatzsetCombo by marilu
- recol1schaukelstuhltaroo by
- Moderniste Dining Chair by
- Champagne by marilu
- Club Distress Square Coffee Table by taroo
- TableSideEmbossedMetal2_RCL_Dark_macarossi by macarossi
- Trawka Nr 2 by Margierytka
- Trawka Nr 5 by Margierytka
- Trawka Nr 7 by Margierytka
- Trawka Nr 4 by Margierytka
- "Zielono mi" by Margierytka
- Animax Collection by tribeccasims
- Trawka Nr 3 by Margierytka
- "Jestem trochÄ™ przykurzony" by Margierytka
- "Jestem taki rozdeptany" by Margierytka
- wagencolorrox by
- Outside BrickMarina's Sims  by Marina
- baldosas  by nazariopilar
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