Victoria's Shoppe (inspired by Walter Campbell's art)

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I was going to do a story to show off my Coven Dress on the Exchange. But my Wickans needed a place to call home; a home that best suited them. Once again, Walter Campbell inspired me to create a circa 1900 (approx.) home.
To show it off, I put some fantastic sink in the bathroom (see pics). Also, I added a few of my wallpaper to go with the decor. To top off my creation, I put a statue of a cat atop the tallest spire. This is to honor all the cats that I have loved and lost:

Muffin RIP Jan 2000, age 16
Snowflake lost 2002.
Ginger RIP June 2007, age 7.

And to honor the ones that give me joy daily:

Shadow, age 10

And my favorite, Nicodemus, age 11.
I bought him at a local pet store. When it was learned that he was in fact deaf, I wanted to take him back to get a refund, when I learned of his fate if I had chosen to give him back. Who wants a deaf cat, right?
Long story--short, I took him home and since then, I always catch him doing the cutest things. Once I catch him on film, I'll be sure to send each of you a poster for your sims (and you) to stop and smile at

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: $ 22,718

Custom Content by Me:
- Borrowed from Grey River Rock, a Word Perfect Suite 8.0 template 
- Borrowed from Bubbles, a template from Word Perfect Suite 8.0 
- Sharp and radient. Perfect for any cottage. 
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