Ninja Career for Teens, Adults, and Elders
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This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.

This is... a first for me. This is my Naruto-themed Ninja Career set for Teens, Adults, and Elders. The entire set has custom images and Chance cards for each level, but doesn't use custom work outfits or vehicles so there is no extra stuff to download to make your new job work.
The Adult Career...
Ranges from Academy Student (how embarassing to be an adult and still in public school!) to Jounin and even to Kage, with all the ranks in between and perhaps a few surprises. The reward is the Punching Bag since I do not have the skill to make my own, custom item for it, and Ninjas need to work on their body skills, right?
Most of the jobs are all-week events. A few have weekends off. All of them pay some daily amount. Your Sims should go in the morning and come home early afternoon.
Some of the chance cards may remind you of certain events... ah, nah, who am I kidding.
The Teen Career...
Ranges from Academy Student to Chuunin, as I figure the teens can go up in rank to Special Jounin when they become adults. The chance cards are mainly borrowed from the Adult career, and you may find if you're busy with school, you'll be pardoned from having to leave. :P
The Elder Career...
Ranges from Jounin to... Sannin! I didn't think it was fair to make poor lazy bones Jirayia a Kage without his permission, right? These chance cards are all new, and one of them is very hard to get but is a special surprise.
Okay, so it's not a word. I will allow editing of my creations if I receive the proper credit. You can change the careers completely if you wish, or update them as you see fit, just link back and tell me, 'K?
Please don't sell this somewhere. I'll have an absolute heart attack if I see it on a paysite. That's not nice to anybody.
This is my first series of creations, so if you run across errors, I'll -try- to fix them. So please be kind.
Extra Stuff...
It should be noted this career set was based off another I found here on ModTheSims2, but it didn't work for my expansions! So I went totally overboard and made it for all ages. I have no clue how to make one for Young Adults, unless all the Teen careers pass on automatically.
Someday, when I figure out how, I plan on making a 'Animal Familiar' career for Pets that follows the same lines of the Naruto careers here. (Your Akamaru can finally fight and get moolah as well.)
EDIT: I keep getting questions about the Tsunade and Jiraiya in these pictures. Both came from the Sims exchange and have a couple options for you to download.
I decided to link you guys to the searches for these. Mind you, you must have a registered game in order to download from the Exchange.
Zabuza and Haku!
Finally ... Naruto-themed Books (including Kakashi's)
That should be it! Thanks, folks!
Additional Credits:The Adult Career...
Ranges from Academy Student (how embarassing to be an adult and still in public school!) to Jounin and even to Kage, with all the ranks in between and perhaps a few surprises. The reward is the Punching Bag since I do not have the skill to make my own, custom item for it, and Ninjas need to work on their body skills, right?
Most of the jobs are all-week events. A few have weekends off. All of them pay some daily amount. Your Sims should go in the morning and come home early afternoon.
Some of the chance cards may remind you of certain events... ah, nah, who am I kidding.

The Teen Career...
Ranges from Academy Student to Chuunin, as I figure the teens can go up in rank to Special Jounin when they become adults. The chance cards are mainly borrowed from the Adult career, and you may find if you're busy with school, you'll be pardoned from having to leave. :P
The Elder Career...
Ranges from Jounin to... Sannin! I didn't think it was fair to make poor lazy bones Jirayia a Kage without his permission, right? These chance cards are all new, and one of them is very hard to get but is a special surprise.
Okay, so it's not a word. I will allow editing of my creations if I receive the proper credit. You can change the careers completely if you wish, or update them as you see fit, just link back and tell me, 'K?
Please don't sell this somewhere. I'll have an absolute heart attack if I see it on a paysite. That's not nice to anybody.
This is my first series of creations, so if you run across errors, I'll -try- to fix them. So please be kind.
Extra Stuff...
It should be noted this career set was based off another I found here on ModTheSims2, but it didn't work for my expansions! So I went totally overboard and made it for all ages. I have no clue how to make one for Young Adults, unless all the Teen careers pass on automatically.
Someday, when I figure out how, I plan on making a 'Animal Familiar' career for Pets that follows the same lines of the Naruto careers here. (Your Akamaru can finally fight and get moolah as well.)
EDIT: I keep getting questions about the Tsunade and Jiraiya in these pictures. Both came from the Sims exchange and have a couple options for you to download.
I decided to link you guys to the searches for these. Mind you, you must have a registered game in order to download from the Exchange.
Zabuza and Haku!

Finally ... Naruto-themed Books (including Kakashi's)
That should be it! Thanks, folks!
SimPE, Bidou's Career Editor
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Uploaded: 2nd Aug 2007, 29.6 KB.
Ninja (Elder).rar
Uploaded: 26th Jul 2007, 12.1 KB.
ninja (teen).rar
Uploaded: 26th Jul 2007, 13.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Packs Needed
None, this is Sims 2 base game compatible!
Download Details
Uploaded: 26th Jul 2007 at 3:07 AM
Updated: 3rd Mar 2011 at 6:59 PM by whiterider
Updated: 3rd Mar 2011 at 6:59 PM by whiterider
– Teen
– Adult
– Elder
Career Type:
Chance cards:
– All
: All levels have chance cards
Other Download Recommendations:
by 8th Feb 2006 at 10:27pm
133 192.5k 92
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About Me
Hello everyone! This is Xefi (aka Peridox), a non-talented Simcreator who can only recolor objects. But most of these have some special, odd quality about them... who am I kidding.
I cannot make meshes or 3-D anythings. I thus like to use original objects from the game and put a twist on them.
Currently my project going on are 'Simangas', that is... books that look like Manga for your sims! All they are, so far, are recolors of default maxis books, but apparently people like them.
Keep an eye out for 'King of Bandit Jing', my favorite little-known title, for your Sims soon.
Requests Policy ~
I take requests -at my leisure-. I am not obligated to your every whim because I am going through college and have a life of my own. I'll take most requests as 'suggestions' and you may or may not see results later.
I cannot make you meshes. I cannot provide you with material on paysites. Beggars will be ignored.
I seem to get many of these lately even though I'm not very big on the favorites list or anything. First and foremost, if you have a question about my downloads, go ahead and ask!
...but if you have a question about the website OR the official Sims2 website, please visit the help sections on either one.
ModTheSims2 contains a massive encyclopedia of help tips that can much more easily explain anything about the game/website than I can.
Those who are wondering about certain sims in my screenshots, ones that cannot be found here on MTS2 are probably on the official Exchange. That is at the Sims 2 webpage, and you must have registered your games online to use it.
I WILL NOT provide you with registration codes to get online. If you're playing a Sims game with a fake code, shame on you.
So please, before asking me, check out the handy FAQs. They're more patient than me.
Recoloring Policy ~
All my works are recolors. So... go ahead and recolor them yourself. But if you use my hand-scanned images, please PLEASE PLEASE give some credit.
None of my stuff should ever appear on paysites. EVER.
If you wish to upload something with my objects in it (a house, store, etc.) feel free to do so, just give me a mention.
Final ~
I'm really not trying to be crabby! xD I love you all! Have a wonderful day!
For more of my things (AKA Sims) check out
I cannot make meshes or 3-D anythings. I thus like to use original objects from the game and put a twist on them.
Currently my project going on are 'Simangas', that is... books that look like Manga for your sims! All they are, so far, are recolors of default maxis books, but apparently people like them.
Keep an eye out for 'King of Bandit Jing', my favorite little-known title, for your Sims soon.
Requests Policy ~
I take requests -at my leisure-. I am not obligated to your every whim because I am going through college and have a life of my own. I'll take most requests as 'suggestions' and you may or may not see results later.
I cannot make you meshes. I cannot provide you with material on paysites. Beggars will be ignored.
I seem to get many of these lately even though I'm not very big on the favorites list or anything. First and foremost, if you have a question about my downloads, go ahead and ask!
...but if you have a question about the website OR the official Sims2 website, please visit the help sections on either one.
ModTheSims2 contains a massive encyclopedia of help tips that can much more easily explain anything about the game/website than I can.
Those who are wondering about certain sims in my screenshots, ones that cannot be found here on MTS2 are probably on the official Exchange. That is at the Sims 2 webpage, and you must have registered your games online to use it.
I WILL NOT provide you with registration codes to get online. If you're playing a Sims game with a fake code, shame on you.
So please, before asking me, check out the handy FAQs. They're more patient than me.
Recoloring Policy ~
All my works are recolors. So... go ahead and recolor them yourself. But if you use my hand-scanned images, please PLEASE PLEASE give some credit.
None of my stuff should ever appear on paysites. EVER.
If you wish to upload something with my objects in it (a house, store, etc.) feel free to do so, just give me a mention.
Final ~
I'm really not trying to be crabby! xD I love you all! Have a wonderful day!
For more of my things (AKA Sims) check out