Restaurant Careers for Teens and Elders

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Okay guys, I'm back yet again!

After eating at a restaurant practically every night of my vacation, I thought it'd be a neat career path for my sims. So, I made myself another huge pot of coffee, and set to work. After hours and hours of work, and suffering through a splitting headache, I present to you my latest career pack (and hopefully my last for now).

Like my amusement park career sets, I found it hard to sum up all of the possible positions at a restaurant in only three levels, so I made a mega pack! There are two main divisions: Kitchen and Service. And each has it's own teen path and elder path.

I've never worked at a restaurant before, but I did do some research. However, I apologize now if you don't agree with the hierarchy and/or job descriptions. For example: I know there are multiple levels of chefs in a restaurant kitchen, but there was no way to include them all; so I made the positions as general as possible.

Like my usual fashion, The pay is low--although I tried to make it a little more than I usually do.

The teen versions of the careers can be used by both teens and elders if you want. However, the elders' version are specifically designed for their age group (because of the work hours). And also, the elder versions take a lot more skills to advance up because I assumed that over the course of your elder's lifetime (i.e. transitions from adult to elder) they would have picked up at least half of the skills already. If not, then...if you really want it, you'll work for it right?

Restaurant – Teen – Kitchen

Hours: 15:00 – 21:00
Wage: $55
Days: T Thur F Sat
If you thought washing dishes at home was bad, then washing them for a restaurant is torture! Being a dishwasher is not for the feint of heart. You'll spend hours scourging away at a stack of dishes ceiling high! And, every time the busser delivers another pan of dishes you sink deeper into despair. But don't give up, just pull on your yellow gloves and get to scrubbing!

Hours: 15:00 – 20:00
Wage: $90
Days: M T W Thur Sun
You're not exactly done with dirty dishes, but at least you're not the one washing them anymore! As a busser, you have to learn how to clean a table in less than a minute, and have it spotless for the next guests! If you can keep up the fast pace, you might be able to snag a much cleaner job in the kitchen!

Food Prep
Hours: 15:00 – 22:00
Wage: $135
Days: M W Thur Sat Sun
As a food prep you'll be in charge of simple tasks like dicing tomatoes and slicing bread. Occasionally you'll make a salad or two when the kitchen is backed up. Although this is as far up as you can go at least you'll get a closer look at the culinary world. Who knows, you may even decide to pursue a career in the culinary arts one day!

Restaurant – Teen – Service

Delivery Boy/Girl
Hours: 16:00 – 21:00
Wage: $60
Days: T W F Sat Sun
Being a delivery boy has it's perks: free gas and all the leftovers from the kitchen you can eat. No itchy uniforms. No customers to cater to; just drop off the goods and take the cash! What can be better than that?

Hours: 15:00 – 22:00
Wage: $95
Days: T W Thu F Sat
Being a server is a lot more stationary than running cross town doing deliveries. This job requires a really good memory and really good balance. Maneuvering between tables while holding a ten pound tray can be every tricky. And, dealing with picky guest can be even harder. Just keep a smile and let the guest think they're always right, even when they're not. Remember: generous service can bring a generous tip!

Hours: 15:00 – 20:00
Wage: $155
Days: T W Thu Sat
The host is the one highest paid staff members in a restaurant, with the least amount of work to do. You'll be in charge of greeting and seating guests, and also bringing up the take-out from the kitchen. Congratulations, you've made it to the top of the restaurant hierarchy!

Restaurant – Elder – Kitchen

Food Prep
Hours: 11:00 – 19:00
Wage: $90
Days: M T W F Sat
So you think you can cook? Well it takes a lot more than knowing how to make spaghetti to be able to work in this kitchen! Before you're able to fly with the pros, you'll have to spend some time as a food prep. If you can learn the recipes and keep up with the fast pace of the kitchen, you'll be manning your own cook station in no time!

Line Cook
Hours: 13:00 – 21:00
Wage: $165
Days: T W Thur F Sun
Contrary to popular believe it's not the chef who does all the cooking, it's the line cooks. The line cooks are the heart and the lungs of the kitchen, everything depends on them. Multitasking is the only way to keep up in the kitchen, so learn how to do it with ease. Always keep your station clean, and never ever leave a flame unattended...unless you like your pork chops (and maybe the entire kitchen) burnt to a crisp!

Hours: 11:00 – 21:00
Wage: $320
Days: T W Thur F Sat
If the line cooks are the heart and lungs, then the chef is the brains! As chef, you are commander of the kitchen. You plan the menus and come up with the recipes. The chef makes guest appearances with the well-to-do guests while everyone in the kitchen slaves away. Sometimes if the spirit moves you, you'll pick up a pan and prepare a meal, but for the most part you stand back and supervise the cooks.

Restaurant – Elder – Service

Hours: 9:00 – 17:00
Wage: $95
Days: M T W F Sun
Back in your day, it was still politically correct to call servers "waiters” and "waitresses". But, a lot has changed over the years and being a waiter isn't what it used to be. You no longer have to manually add up bills, a computer does that for you. You don't even have to write out a ticket for the cooks, the computer does that, too! Sure it'll take some time to get used to the new generation of the restaurant staff, but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Hours: 9:00 – 17:00
Wage: $155
Days: M W F Sat Sun
Being a bartender can be a fun job. You get to hob-nob with the customers, maybe flirt with a few of the young ladies. The bartender is the source of all the fun in the restaurant, so you have to keep the spirits flowing! Learn a few specials drink mixes to please the crowd, yet keep the classics for the regulars. Soon you may even get to create your own mix!

Hours: 13:00 – 20:00
Wage: $260
Days: M T Thur Sat Sun
The host is a lot less social than a bartender or a server, but it's one of the highest paid staff members in the restaurant. As host, all you do is meet, greet and seat the guests. Remember to keep a smile on your face, because no one likes a bad host!

As usual: each career has it's own GUID, custom icon and chance cards. I tested and spell/grammar checked. But even with all the coffee in the world, I do make mistakes. So if you find one, let me know and I'll get it fixed ASAP.

FYI: the service path upgrades to the business career path (it was all I could think of), and the kitchen path upgrades to the culinary path.

Additional Credits: SimPE (Bidou's Career editor), Adobe Photshop 7.0

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