Gothic Lip Quartet ~ Four lip sets
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These are old and new lip sets that I havent uploaded here yet, so I figured I'd do it all in one beasty upload :P
Now, from my counting there are 22 lips in total...but the MTS2 uploader says 23....So obviously I cant count properly! Dagnabbit!
Anyhowie, the four lip sets are called RedRum, Jessica, Orchid and MoonShine.
Jessica lips are four recolours, and slight alpha edit, or Jessica_2020's Luscious Lips - big thank you to her for permission! These lips are metallica...shiny...and perfect for cyber goths
RedRum lips are a set of 5, all red and heavily textured with nice glossy spots. Very pin up style
MoonShine lips are a set of seven shiny, metallica glosses, and my personal fav.
Dark Orchid is a set of 7 lips, all dark and mostly magenta (well my version of magenta :P) with different levels of contrasts, brightness, etc. So there should be something in there that everyone likes.
*You can not post my stuff on a paysite
*You can post my stuff on the Exchange
*You can include my stuff in a full sim on a free site, just give me credit
*(with permission) You can recolour my stuff
*(with permission) You can edit and alter my stuff
Additional Credits:
Jessica for permission and original lips :] Thanks hun!
Uploaded: 15th Aug 2007, 254.6 KB.
Uploaded: 15th Aug 2007, 205.3 KB.
Uploaded: 15th Aug 2007, 150.8 KB.
Uploaded: 15th Aug 2007, 123.5 KB.
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Updated: 18th Aug 2007 at 11:35 AM by xnymphetaminex
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