*custom* Army Spouse Career

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I recently posted a custom ARMY ENLISTED career and I began thinking that Army Wives and Husbands have important jobs too. So here is my ARMY SPOUSE career complete with CUSTOM CHANCE CARDS for EVERY level (sample picture below). Of course real Army spouses don’t actually get paid for the volunteer work that we do nor the FRG (Family Readiness Group) positions that we take, but this after all is a career for your sims so they do get paid, just not much at all!! Sims can not get rich off this job.

The hours are based on FRG meeting times (although in real life, you typically don’t have 2 meetings a week) and weekend event and fundraiser times. The hours do not interfere with the ARMY ENLISTED career either, so one of your sim parents can be in the ARMY Enlisted career and the other in the ARMY spouse career and never need a nanny. Each job level has the same title either Army Husband or Army Wife, then each description has a title for the volunteer work you are doing (sample picture below).

Here is the title, pay, and hours for each level:

1. Army Husband or Army Wife *Welcome to Army Life* $50 Tue. & Thu. 6pm-7pm
2. Army Husband or Army Wife *Daycare Provider at FRG meetings* $75 Tue. & Thu. 6pm-7pm
3. Army Husband or Army Wife *Gift Wrapping Volunteer* $100 Sat. & Sun. 11am-1pm
4. Army Husband or Army Wife *Clean Up Crew* $125 Sat. & Sun. 3pm-5pm
5. Army Husband or Army Wife *Bake Sale* $150 Sat. & Sun. 12pm-2pm
6. Army Husband or Army Wife *Easter Bunny* $175 Sat. & Sun. 1pm-3pm
7. Army Husband or Army Wife *Event Food Coordinator* $200 Tue. & Thu. 6pm-7pm
8. Army Husband or Army Wife *Key Caller* $225 Tue. & Thu. 6pm-7pm
9. Army Husband or Army Wife *Treasurer* $250 Tue. & Thu. 6pm-7pm
10. Army Husband or Army Wife *FRG Leader* $300 Tue. & Thu. 6pm-8pm

This career uses all of the skill points at some point, but none need to be maxed out. This should be a fairly easy career complete.

Your Sims will need the following to reach the top of this career.

Cooking 5
Mechanical 1
Charisma 9
Body 2
Creativity 6
Logic 7
Cleaning 1

Friends 10

*EP Ready *Uses military Career Icon *has been tested in 2 separate games on 2 computers
*DOES NOT overwrite any existing games *No custom clothing or cars (all Maxis stuff)

UPDATED FILE: The updated version, the hours are extended from 6-7pm to 6-8pm. During Testing I didn't have any problems, but noticed while playing a lot today, On their days off (when their schedule was Tue & Thu from 6-7p) they were told they missed work! By making it a 2 hour "meeting" (shift), seems to fix the problem. Sorry for the inconvience. If you haven't had any problems, I am glad, but if you have, just delete the old one and use the updated version. THIS WILL OVERWRITE THE REGULAR ARMY SPOUSE CAREER

Additional Credits: SimPE of course and as always MTS2!! And a special thanks to my friend
who is an Army wife as well and helped me out with this career.
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