Vampire's Real Bite / Vampire's Motives Nighttime Decay

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First of all I want to thank Monique and Black_Spirit for making the original hacks so i could modify them and make to these ones.
This Hack needs Nightlife, Seasons AND Bon Voyage!

This is modify the "bite neck" interaction to something more like in the vamp tales.

* The interaction always appears and always work.

* The Vampire that Bites someone will have Energy, Hunger and Confort raised to maximum, while Fun and Social will be set to a little more than half bar. (This is to create a "I feel good" feeling in the vampire, and make them want to have fun after a good bite. hehehe

* Not everyone a vampire bites will survive to be another vampire, so...
Victims will take a hevy hit on their needs. Energy, Confort, Social and Fun will decrease about 100 points. The victim will also have a the Hunger , however depending on how Hungry is the vampire, this decrease can be big or small. This way if the vampire is very hungry, the victim has a decreased chance of surviving.
(Don't worry too much about the sim dying. Right after the bite the victim will already be turned into a vampire, and vampires are very tough and even with the need decreased its not very easy for them to die. But it definitely makes it possible. Look at the pictures below)

Look at the needs of each of the sims before and after the bite:

Look how even with the very low needs, the biten sim (as a vampire now) will easily survie and raise all those motives again:

OBS1: This also modifies the needs of vampire-plantsims and normal-plantsims that get bitten
OBS2: I don't know for sure that Bon Voyage is necessary. Season is for sure, because of the plantsims.

This Hack needs Nightlife Only! Can be used with other EPs

This hack is a modified version of the Monique's hack that decreases fun and social for vampires at nightime.
I modified it so every need will decrease normally for vampires during the night, except for bladder, that will only decay by eating, or drinking or other
interaction that decays bladder, because vampires rarely goes to the bathroom!

Additional Credits:
Thanks to Black_Spirit for making the original "Biting neck satisfies hunger need ( Vampires) CORRECTED VERSION "

Thanks to Monique for creating the original "Vamp Nighttime Fun/Social Decay Hack"
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