Dolls Lip Pops - sheer Lipgloss *all skintypes*
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I made some sheer, transclucent glosses, esp. for doll sims. But looks also very good for an everyday sim.
Fits almost every skintone- like here in the preview by teru_k and of course for dark dolls *g*

mostly skinshadings but also few rosy/orange tones
Additional Credits:
skintone on preview by teru_k
haircolor by me, mesh by Louis
Uploaded: 9th Dec 2007, 591.6 KB.
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Updated: 7th Feb 2008 at 7:26 PM
#lipgloss, #sheer gloss, #doll lips
by im_a_disaster 21st May 2006 at 10:07pm
by LadyGrainne 11th Sep 2006 at 7:04am
by MissSimGameFan 4th Nov 2006 at 6:24am
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