Farmers-Overalls and Boots

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This download is part of the Farm/Rural Creator Challenge
As the farms are my favorite in the game, I wanted to make something for this contest.

All farmers need workingclothes, overall and boots, and young and old helps out with working on the fields and take care of the animals. Even the little children can help by feeding the chicken.

The Blue overalls without boots are allrecolours from basegame EA/Maxismeshes. I extracted hidden basegame careeroutfits "mechanics" to make recolours for grandparents, Adults and Teens, thanks to Moraque for the tutorial. I could not alter the little darkblue triangle in the Elder Females lowerback, as that is something in the mesh, not in the texture and I made sure it isn't in the FEdeBoerBootsmesh.

Using these meshes as the base I made new meshes with Boots. For the child mesh I used a basegametopmesh and for the toddler a Holidaypackmesh and it has fake boots. I called them DeBoerBoots as De Boer is a very common Dutch familyname and I think is translated as The Farmer. Most Dutch farmers wear a blue overall with green boots like this ones.

I have included UV maps, all meshes have a fatmorph (except Toddler as the original didn't had one and this mesh is already very fat!!) and most textures have a bumpmap.
All clothing is categorized as everyday and MA and FA textures are enabled for Young Adult if you have University.
At first I made a child DeBoerBoots mesh too but didn't liked that mesh so deleted that and made a Blueoverall DeBoerBootstexture on the UCoverallsBootsmesh.

These are my first meshes so they may be not that good yet and as I am not a great texturemaker each DeBoerBoots Mesh comes with only one blue overalltexture with green boots.

Then I explored what meshes and textures from EA/Maxis I could use for my farmers and found an Adult male basegame overallsmesh with 5 textures, and an Elder male overallsmesh with 2 textures and made the other 3 for the Elder Male overalls Mesh too.
As Females,Teens and Children need overalls too, I made an overalls Mesh for them, all from basegamemeshes. The toddlers already have an overalls in game.
All overalls can use the same 5 textures as the Adult and Elderoveralls, wich means you only have to make one clothingtexture and alphatexture and use that for all ages and both genders. The whole family in the same outfit!! Only the UCmesh uses a slightly different alpha and maybe needs a little adjustment in the clothingtexture on the backcollar, and the UC+female meshes need a little shorter "zipper".

Mesh Info
FAoveralls Facecount=2154 Vertexcount=1532
FEoveralls Facecount=2160 Vertexcount=1542
FToveralls Facecount=2154 Vertexcount=1532
UCoveralls Facecount=1934 Vertexcount=1401
I have made 4 recolors of this meshes, texture overalls3 matches a maxis male texture and 3 other recolors=overalls6-7-8, I used textures from the game.

MToveralls Facecount=2086 Vertexcount=1493 5x recolour with male EA/Maxistexture.

I have included UV maps, all meshes have a fatmorph and (except UC) textures have a bumpmap. All clothing categorized as everyday and MA and FA textures are enabled for Young Adult if you have University.

And because they actually need to wear Boots with that overalls I made the overallsmeshes with Boots, and again make just one recolor and it will fit on all.

Included UV maps, all meshes have a fatmorph and textures have a bumpmap (except UC). The overallsBoots meshes only have one texture for now, categorized as everyday and the FA and MA textures enabled for Young Adult.

None of these meshes would have been possible without the excellent tools and tutorials, and the friendly help and advise I have found here on MTS2. Thank you Delphy and team for MTS2, Quaxi and his team for Simpe, Wes_h and Deamon432 for the plugins, Meta for Milkshape1.8.2 and Faylen for the Bodyshoptutorials and especialy Tiggerypum, HP en DrPixel for the Meshingtutorials.

You can do with these meshes whatever you want, just never ask money for something I have made. I sure do hope somebody with more talent for texturing will make me some lovely recolors!! Have fun.

Polygon Counts:
Mesh Info
AF-DeBoerBoots Facecount=2218 Vertexcount=1560
EF-DeBoerBoots Facecount=2218 Vertexcount=1560
TF-DeBoerBoots Facecount=2218 Vertexcount=1576
MA-DeBoerBoots Facecount=2172 Vertexcount=1519
EM-DeBoerBoots Facecount=2170 Vertexcount=1534
TM-DeBoerBoots Facecount=2170 Vertexcount=1534
PU-DeBoerBoots Facecount=1626 Vertexcount=1166

FAoveralls Facecount=2154 Vertexcount=1532
FEoveralls Facecount=2160 Vertexcount=1542
FToveralls Facecount=2154 Vertexcount=1532
UCoveralls Facecount=1934 Vertexcount=1401
MToveralls Facecount=2086 Vertexcount=1493

FAoverallsBoots Facecount=2170 Vertexcount=1560
FEoverallsBoots Facecount=2176 Vertexcount=1570
FToverallsBoots Facecount=2170 Vertexcount=1560

MAoverallsBoots Facecount=2102 Vertexcount=1521
MEoverallsBoots Facecount=2102 Vertexcount=1521
MToverallsBoots Facecount=2134 Vertexcount=1541

UCoverallsBoots Facecount=2126 Vertexcount=1569

Custom Content by Me:
- FAoveralls3
- Mesh-Coc-FAoveralls
- FEoveralls3
- Mesh-Coc-FEoveralls
- FToveralls3
- Mesh-Coc-FToveralls
- MToveralls1
- MToveralls5
- MToveralls3
- MToveralls4
- MToveralls2
- Mesh-Coc-MToveralls
- UCdeBoerOveralls
- UCoveralls3
- Mesh-Coc-UCoveralls
- MEoveralls4
- MEoveralls1
- MEoveralls5
- FAoverallsBoots5
- Mesh-Coc-FAoverallsBoots
- FEoverallsBoots5
- Mesh-Coc-FEoverallsBoots
- FToverallsBoots5
- Mesh-Coc-FToverallsBoots
- MAoverallsBoots5
- MAoverallsBoots1
- Mesh-Coc-MAoverallsBoots
- MEoverallsBoots5
- Mesh-Copc-MEoverallsBoots
- MToverallsBoots5
- Mesh-Coc-MToverallsBoots
- UCoverallsBoots5a
- UCdeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-UCoverallsBoots
- texAFdeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-AF-DeBoerBoots
- texEFdeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-EF-DeBoerBoots
- texEmdeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-EM-DeBoerBoots
- tex-MAboerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-MA-DeBoerBoots
- Pu-DeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-PUdeBoerBoots
- texTFdeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-TF-DeBoerBoots
- texTMdeBoerBoots
- Mesh-Coc-TM-DeBoerBoots
- Coc-UC-DeBoer
- FTdeBoer
- FEdeBoer
- MTdeBoer
- FAdeBoer
- MAdeBoer
- Coc-PU-DeBoer
- MEdeBoer
- FToveralls7
- UCoveralls7
- FEoveralls7
- FAoveralls7
- FAoveralls8
- FEoveralls8
- UCoveralls8
- FToveralls8
- UCoveralls6
- FToveralls6a
- FEoveralls6a
- FAoveralls6a
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