[Kissy Darling] Eyeshadow:Lip Colour:Mascara
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[Kissy Darling]
Set of eyeshadows {13 in total} in singular colours and two-tone colours
~I say two-tone what I mean is black and one colour...~
Set of lipstick {10 in total} in sumptuous, lip lickin' colours!
And a small set of eyeliner... Some with strange dots here and there
~well it's how I wear mine...meh :D~

Everything is labelled clearly ~apart from the mascara, take a look at the picture for reference~ so you can discard any you don't want...
Feel free to use in sim uploads
Model credits:
Hair by ModKitty
Recolour by LeiaStyle
Eyes Me
Skin @Stefan
Dress by Simsbaby
Uploaded: 21st Feb 2008, 98.7 KB.
Uploaded: 21st Feb 2008, 302.6 KB.
Uploaded: 21st Feb 2008, 564.5 KB.
Uploaded: 21st Feb 2008, 816.1 KB.
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by MissSimGameFan 24th Jul 2006 at 1:36am
by angelmarie123 22nd Aug 2006 at 8:26pm
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About Me
what i'm saying is do what you want with my stuff, just don't re-upload it as it is, tweak it, pimp it, slap it... whatever! enjoy! credit's nice but not necessary... although i do like praise and love... hehehehe<p>
I'm sorry, but I don't take requests, please stop demanding I make things for you. It's just plain rude. Try Bodyshop for yourself!