Bjork's Pagan Poetry Dress
abjorkpagandress.JPG - width=527 height=422
apaganpoetry1.JPG - width=377 height=472
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apaganpoetry3.JPG - width=436 height=572
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apaganpeotry.JPG - width=255 height=545
This was pretty difficult, but really enjoyable to make, luckily I had an awesome mesh to work with.
Ok, this is Bjork's dress that she wore in the video for "Pagan Poetry", obviously, if you have seen the video you will know that this dress is a little more on the modest side!

I probably will be doing a less modest version and uploading it to the adult site. But this took me a while and a lot of patience.. So not just yet lol!
All of the pearls you see have been placed one by one, instead of copying and pasting a large section, to give the dress a more realistic, fluid look to it. I hope that's what i have achieved!
You can find my version of Bjork here
The mesh for the dress can be found at
It's mesh 062 ~about half way down the page~
Additional Credits:
MTS2 Tutorials
and melesha for requesting! I hope you enjoy it!!!! :D
Uploaded: 1st Jun 2007, 541.5 KB.
Uploaded: 21st May 2007, 548.5 KB.
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Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available | (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 10th Oct 2008 at 3:06 AM by CatOfEvilGenius
#bjork, #pagan poetry, #gudmundsdottir, #pearls, #vespertine, #corset dress
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About Me
what i'm saying is do what you want with my stuff, just don't re-upload it as it is, tweak it, pimp it, slap it... whatever! enjoy! credit's nice but not necessary... although i do like praise and love... hehehehe<p>
I'm sorry, but I don't take requests, please stop demanding I make things for you. It's just plain rude. Try Bodyshop for yourself!