ASH * Evil Dead - Army Of Darkness

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Ashley J. "Ash" Williams (played by Bruce Campbell) from the movie "Evil Dead II" and "Evil Dead - Army Of Darkness".

"Ash has become very popular in modern cult horror and one of the few protagonists of said cult horror films to have such notoriety. He is most easily recognized and envisioned in later material based on his final appearance in the second film however, armed with a sawed-off shotgun and a chainsaw strapped to the stump on his right arm where his hand once was."

I love "Evil Dead", I'm a huge fan of it, could watch over and over again and never get bored and Ash is like my personal hero I really enjoyed creating him and had a lot of fun making the previews. Didn't really wanted to make Bruce Campbell lookalike Sim, althought I like him as well but, I wanted to have Ash so, forgive me if the similarity to Bruce is not the best

Hope you will have fun with Ash in you Strangetown or somewhere else, he definitely will kill all the zombies there

Ash's skintone made by me basing on the skin by SimCribbling / Ren

If you want to have the chainsaw and the boom-stick! (gun) you can get it HERE

Zombie Sim on previews is Miss Worm by Reinkaos

!!! Sim packed with Maxis hair. On my previews I used edited hair by Coris which you can get by clicking here.

Custom Content by Me:
- Ash
- Ash skintone
- Ash clothing

Custom Content Included:
- Ephemera_0814EyeBrow by teru_k
- Not So Soft ~ eyes crayonsun by crayonsun
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