-Conversion Content- Swimsuits for Elders, Teens, and Children

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Why are there only two (ugly!) swimsuits for our Elder men? Are the elders not important enough in our simcieties to have better swimsuits? Well, now that I've figured out how to get rid of that custom content 'Star of Shame' that does not rightfully belong on Maxis clothing conversions and how to use the repository technique on clothing I took care of the elder's lack of swimsuits for you. Then I tackled the teens and kids as well.

Listen up, this takes some explaining. These swimsuits are not your standard downloads (how often is my stuff standard anyways?) They draw their texture from the basegame adult swimsuits. Since they do not actually contain a copy of that texture, if you happen to have a replacement for them, like mine, then they will draw that texture instead too. The elders received all six of the (normally) awful two colored banded suits, the teens had five of them but were missing the blue one. The kids didn't have that mesh so I didn't make it for them, sorry. I made the speedos for teens and elders with this method, and created a (mostly) normal CC version for the kids. The kid's packages just have the custom content star removed, the uv maps on kids and adults isn't the same so its not possible to just reference the image instead. The last .rar is for if you have University, I've made a set for teens using the young adult university swim trunks. If you don't have University, I have no idea what texture it will pull if they even show up, though I do know it won't be the one you wanted. I really wouldn't suggest trying it if you don't have UNI. If you want standard CC versions of the elder or teen trunks, check out this thread of mine and if you want the speedos, it was an earlier project of mine that you can get here.

Just to recap, since I didn't take pictures of everything. What you get:
Elders: 6 swimtrunks, 5 speedos (both sets on elder body)
Teens: 1 (missing) swimtrunk, 5 speedos, 4 UNI swimtrunks
Kids: 5 speedos
By the way, each swimsuit is separate inside the .rar, so you can pick an choose your ages.

Install instructions: Place them directly, or make a subfolder, in the following location and put the files there instead of in your Downloads folder. C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins (or whichever is your highest expansion pack folder).

You can put these files in your Downloads folder, but if you do, the delete button will be enabled in CAS and Body Shop. Do NOT delete them in CAS or Body Shop. Doing so may corrupt some of your game files. To remove the outfits from your Swimwear bin, delete the package file from where you installed them.

If, for nothing else, download the speedos so you have the teen and elder meshes available to you in Bodyshop. (I don't need/expect credit for anything you make from them, the mesh is all Maxis, I just put a different Maxis texture on it.)


P.S. Leave me a note? I'm interested to see which package is the most downloaded here, just how popular are speedos really?

Additional Credits:
To Kalimos, for letting Arthur and Striker try on his swim trunks.
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