The BearCave Starter

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This download is part of the Neanderthal Creator Challenge

Another starterlot for your caveman and another set of rockrecolors, the Bearcave lot needs the Pets expansion offcourse and OFB because Crocobaura's Simstones Slab need the OFB expansion. The recolors of the Waterfallshower from Marvine needs Bon Voyage but isn't used in this lot so you don't need BV to use the Bearcave starter, only for the Buildset-recolors.

The Bearcave starter and the rockrecolors are made with almost the same custom meshes as my previous 3 startercaves here:

You can find the meshes you need there, so I didn't included any meshes in this post, the only additional meshes you need to download are the Petstuff from FeeEssen:


The lovely Bear dog is from Corvidophile you can find here:

Clothing is from the career of the Simstones Set

Lotsize: 2x3
Price: 17850
Playtested a copy for 2 simdays.
This lot is best played with the walls down.
Sometimes simmies walk through parts of the rocks and one time I totally lost track of a sim when he was standing inside a rock looking at the rain through an invisible window LOL. I tryed to correct that as much as possible by placing extra rocks and bushes. I didn't use any terrainpaint or made a pond otherwise this lot would need even more expansionpacks. You can decorate the yard with whatever you want, there is even place for a driveway although real cavemen didn't drive cars and I think they even didn't ride on horses, but they did eat horses! The simstone wallphone is hidden in the wall in the hall. I didn't hide the burglaralarm and the smokealarm because I want to replace them with the invisible ones from Pfish wich you can find here:
Invisible Burglaralarm-Pfish
Invisible Smokealarm-Pfish

Used and recolored meshes not included, if you downloaded the meshes for my other cavestarters you already got all the neccesairy meshes and you only have to download the Petstuff from FeeEssen.

Required meshes for the buildset-recolors:
Rockcollection from Nengi65 with the Rockspa and the campfire
Rock slab Roof piece mesh from Crocobaura from her SimrockbowlingLot you can find here: Needs OFB expansion.
xan-Simstones welcoming rock from the Simstones Set here:
Waterfallshower and matching rocks from Marvine The waterfallshower needs BV expansion. Each recolor contains all 3 colors off the set, you can't delete only one because than you'll loose all 3.
Roofrock from Jon119-

Used in the BearCave lot not included meshes:
Invisible door and window meshes from Numenors WallwindowV3 set from here:
Rocks to sit on from Khakidoo
Stone table and chair from Simsistic
Cavewall from Jon119-
Lights Counter Fridge Mirror Phone TV and stove from the Simstones set
Rug= echo-3x4-floorrug-
Recolors fur of echo-3x4-floorrug from pupmaus49
Dresser=shop-at-home Hacked coat Hook from Numenor and Marylou
Bed is Haystack2 from Maylin
Sink and Toiletbucket from Supertramp

Several furniture recolors and the floors and walls by me in the EAoceandeptstexture included with my other startercaves. If you don't have those in your game, you can choose/download Bearcave-Starter-Lotfile+Coc-recolors wich contains the recolors (not the meshes) needed for this lot.

I hope this is all the information you need and that you will have fun with it. In case you want to make additional recolors yourselve I've included a rar with the used original textures. You can use my textures and recolors however you want, but please don't upload the Bearcave lot anywhere else, because I used a lot of other peoples work in it.

Happy Simming!

Custom Content by Me:
- Coc-rec-Crocobaura_Simstones Slab-GreystonesM
- Coc-rec-JB-rockRoof-GreystonesM
- floor_Coc-EAoceandeptsp2-5x5
- wall_Coc-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-BobL-Nmnr_SimStone-WallPhone_rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL-Nmnr_SimStone-WallPhone_rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-BobL-Nmn_Simstone_Counter_recEAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL-Nmn_Simstone_Counter_recEAoceandepts2
- Coc-Bobl-Nmn_Simstone_SmallTV_base-EAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL_Simstone_Fridge_rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL_Simstone_Fridge_rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-KhakidooNanettesRock-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-KhakidooNanettesRock-rec-EAoceandeptp2
- Coc-simsisticstonechair0711-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-simsisticstonechair0711-rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-simsisticstonetable0711-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-simsisticstonetable0711-rec-EAoceandeptp2
- floor_Coc-EAmixedrocks4
- Coc-MarvineWaterfallRocks-Greystones
- Coc-MarvineWaterfallshower-Greystones
- Coc-rec-Crocobaura_Simstones Slab-GreystonesD
- Coc-rec-Crocobaura_Simstones Slab-GreystonesL
- Coc-rec-JB-Neander-RockRoof-GreystoneL
- Coc-rec-JB-rockRoof-GreystoneD
- Coc-rec-N65_Campfire-GreystonesD
- Coc-rec-N65_Campfire-GreystonesL
- Coc-rec-N65_Campfire-GreystonesM
- Coc-rec-N65_RockSpa-GreystonesD
- Coc-rec-N65_RockSpa-GreystonesL
- Coc-rec-N65_RockSpa-GreystonesM
- Coc-rec-N65_ScatteredRocks-GreystonesD
- Coc-rec-N65_ScatteredRocks-GreystonesL
- Coc-rec-N65_ScatteredRocks-GreystonesM
- Coc-rec-xan_simsrock01-GreystoneD
- Coc-rec-xan_simsrock01-GreystonesL
- Coc-rec-xan_simsrock01-GreystonesM

Additional Credits:
All the great creators for the wonderfull meshes I used.
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