Starter Caves

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This download is part of the Neanderthal Creator Challenge

My entry in the Neanderthal challenge are these 3 starter caves. Please put the seperate Meshes and recolors in your Downloadsfolder first before you install the lotfiles.

Update : I forgot to post the link to the tent bed, used in lot 3, sometimes you just don't see what is right in front of you, sorry, I could have included it.
Medieval Tent/bed from JohnBrehaut1

Starter 1 contains the Waterfallshower from Marvine and that needs the Bon Voyage expansion.
Lotsize 3x2
Price: about 14400
Playtested a copy so see if everything worked.

Lotsize 3x2
Price: 16628
Playtested a copy. This is another version of Starter1 without the waterfallshower (so it don't need Bon Voyage) and a different bathroom.

Lotsize 2x2
Price: 11263
Playtested a copy. Well this one starts to look like a real cave but it is missing a shower or bath, so they have to wash at the sink unless you give them something else to clean themselves in.

I've build all 3 caves using about the same custom content, with everything a cavesim needs to start a life, including most skill builders. If you don't see it, it doesn't mean it isn't there, some things are (partly) hidden in the walls.
It took a lot longer to make a cave that contained only allowed custom content. I deliberately did not use any terrainpaints and did not decorated part of the garden as that would give you space to place a driveway, fishing pond or whatever you want.
The Waterfallshower in starterlot1 needs the Bon Voyage expansionpack, as that is what the waterfall was cloned from, don't install starter1 if you don't have BV installed or you're game will crash. The other 2 lots need at least 1 expansionpack, I don't really know wich expansionpack you need but I tested it with basegame and only Seasons and the only thing missing was the rockslab from Crocobaura as that is cloned from an OFB object. The lots installed however fine, just put an extra roofrock in place of the missing rockslab.
All lots are best played with the walls down from the front view as most rocks that cover the walls don't go down. These caves still look much to modern I think, but when you play you can let your sims buy and use all those modern things as computers and telefoons and sell them immediatly afterwards or put them in the inventory, if you have an expansion pack that gives your sims a backpack/inventory.

I made recolors for all the rocks in a 3-colorset with 2 matching wall, Floor and terrains. I have packed all building rocks recolors in the build-recolors.rar wich contains all 3 colors. The waterfallmatching rocks from Marvine and the rocks from Nengi65 use the repository method so you need to have at least the master mesh in your downloadsfolder.
Marvine's waterfallshower and rocks had to be recolored with 3 textures at a time, so don't delete just one of the 3 because than you will loose all 3. The 2oceandepts textures are from EAmaxis and the third from Jon119 Comfort cave meshes with his permission to use the texture to make matching rocks.

Included Meshes Build

Rockcollection from Nengi65 with the Rockspa and the campfire
Rock slab Roof piece mesh from Crocobaura from her SimrockbowlingLot you can find here:
xan-Simstones welcoming rock from the Simstones Set here:
Invisible door and window meshes from Numenors WallwindowV3 set from here:

Included meshes Furniture etc.
Rocks to sit on from Khakidoo
Stone table and chair from Simsistic
Chessboard from winterwoodset from Parsemonius:

Not included meshes used Furniture and Build. Sorry, but you have to get these meshes in the original post as it was not clearly permitted or not permitted to include them.

The beautifull Waterfallshower and matching rocks are from Marvine and you need to download the meshes here: The waterfallshower needs BV expansion and it is possible that simmies sometimes walk through parts of the rocks.

For the roof I needed a flat rock and happily Jon119 made one for this challenge and I used it in all 3 caves. He as well made a cavewall that I have used in starter3. Please download the meshes here:
Lights Counter Fridge Mirror Phone TV and stove from the Simstones set-
Rug= echo-3x4-floorrug-
Recolors fur of echo-3x4-floorrug from pupmaus49-
Dresser=shop-at-home Hacked coat Hook from Numenor and Marylou-
Sink-Tsukubai from Reica15
Bed is Haystack2 from Maylin
Sink and Toiletbucket from Supertramp
Stove=lethes-mesh-medioven from Lethe's-
Medieval Tent/bed from JohnBrehaut1
.trascan=wfsbbokittrashcan01a from a free woodbuildset at Wood For Sims Didn't know WFS is a paysite but this mesh is not essential, if you don't have this mesh there just will be a modern trashcan in your cave.

Objectrecolours, 2 floors, 2 walls and 2 terrains by me using EAmaxistextures.
This is the first time I tryed to make mathing floors, walls and objectrecolors, and uploaded a lot with custom content. I hope you can use them and will have fun with the caves.
You can use my work/recolors anyway you want, but please don't upload these caves anywhere else as I used a lot of work from other people in it.

Happy Simming !

Custom Content by Me:
- Coc-Marvine-WaterfallShower-EAoceandepts
- Coc-MarvineWaterfallRock-EAoceandepts
- Coc-Crocobaura_Simstones Slab-rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-Crocobaura_Simstones Slab-rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-Crocobaura_Simstones Slab-rec-Jon119roofrock
- Coc-JB-rockRoof-EAoceandepts
- Coc-JB-rockRoof-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_Campfire_rec-Jon119
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_Campfire_rec-Oceandepts
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_Campfire_rec-Oceandeptsp2
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_RockSpa_rec-Jon119
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_RockSpa_rec-Oceandepts
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_RockSpa_rec-Oceandeptsp2
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_ScatteredRocks_rec-Jon119
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_ScatteredRocks_rec-Oceandepts
- Coc-N65_RockCollection_ScatteredRocks_rec-Oceandeptsp2
- Coc-rec-xan_simsrock01-Jon119.package
- Coc-rec-xan_simsrock01-oceandepts.package
- Coc-rec-xan_simsrock01-oceandeptsp2
- floor_Coc-EAoceandepts4-5x5
- floor_Coc-EAoceandeptsp2-5x5
- terrain-Coc-EAoceandepts4
- terrain-Coc-EAoceandeptsp2
- wall_Coc-EAoceandepts
- wall_Coc-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-BobL-Nmnr_SimStone-WallPhone_rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL-Nmnr_SimStone-WallPhone_rec-EAoceandeptsp2.
- Coc-BobL-Nmn_Simstone_Counter_recEAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL-Nmn_Simstone_Counter_recEAoceandepts2
- Coc-Bobl-Nmn_Simstone_SmallTV_base-EAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL_Simstone_Fridge_rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-BobL_Simstone_Fridge_rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-k8-winterwoodchess-131205-rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-KhakidooNanettesRock-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-KhakidooNanettesRock-rec-EAoceandeptp2.package
- Coc-KhakidooRockChair-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-KhakidooRockChair-rec-EAoceandeptp2
- Coc-KhakidooStoneSlabSofa-rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-KhakidooStoneSlabSofa-rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-lethes-mesh-medioven-rec-EAoceandepts
- Coc-lethes-mesh-medioven-rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-rec-MaxisBareBath-EAoceandepts.package
- Coc-simsisticstonechair0711-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-simsisticstonechair0711-rec-EAoceandeptsp2
- Coc-simsisticstonetable0711-rec-EAoceandept
- Coc-simsisticstonetable0711-rec-EAoceandeptp2
- Coc-wfs2bbokittrashcan01a-recEAoceandepts
- Coc-wfs2bbokittrashcan01a-recEAoceandeptsp2

Custom Content Included:
- Simstone Slab by Crocobaura-MTS2
- "Winter Wood" Chess Table by
- Nanette's Rock by Khakidoo-MTS2
- Boulder Chair by Khakidoo-MTS2
- Stone Slab by Khakidoo-MTS2
- Flat Rock by Nenji65 at SimsCrossing
- Flat Rock - small by Nenji65 at SimsCrossing
- Pebbles by
- Scattered rocks - small by
- Standing stone 1 by
- Standing stone 2 by nengi65
- Grilled chicken Deco by nengi65
- Camp fire by Nengi65
- Rock Spa by nengi65
- Scatterd Rocks by
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_InvisibleGlass. by Numenor
- Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_InvisibleHandles by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow Door (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow Door - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow DoubleDoor (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow DoubleDoor - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow *Not-Moving* Door - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless HIDDEN WallWindow (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless HIDDEN WallWindow - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow (diagonal) - by Numenor by Numenor
- Seamless WallWindow - by Numenor by Numenor
- simsisticstonechair0711 by simsistic
- simsisticstonetable0711 by simsistic
- Simsrock Welcome Sign by The Mod Squad

Additional Credits:
All the makers of the meshes I used especially Jon119 for making much needed new cavebuilding material.
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