Once in blue moon skintone
BlueSkin_Thumbnail.jpg - width=300 height=272
BlueSkin_FullBodyView.jpg - width=1280 height=760
All angles you might want to see
BlueSkin_FaceView.jpg - width=845 height=600
Close-up of the faces
BlueSkin_Details.jpg - width=1078 height=677
Showing off the skintone
This is also the first creation I've actually done to completion. So once in a blue moon even a lazy bum like me can finish stuff. All it took was a massive project. Go figure. I've lost track on how many hours I've spent on this but I think it's fair to use the term days instead of hours.
The skin is handpainted by me ontop of a Maxis one, pieces of the original can only be glimpsed in ages baby, toddler and child. (Mostly because it made a convienient way of keeping the seams lined up.) It's a shiny blue tone with hints of purple, both genders all ages have nipples, otherwise they're barbie.
CC in screenshots:
Female hair by Ren found here
Female eyebrows by Helaene
Male eyebrows by Sirona Sims
Eyes made by me
Additional Credits:
Just want to say thanks to all the great creators on MTS, 'cause I looked at your creations to see how you had solved things I found problematic. Plus I read so many tutorials I think I might have become cross eyed...
Uploaded: 5th Nov 2009, 1.25 MB.
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Alien Recolor of SimCribbling's Skintone
by PattyMcPat2666 27th Oct 2005 at 3:54am
by SexyChicaFury 19th Dec 2005 at 10:33pm
by x_grey_wings_x 3rd Mar 2006 at 12:52pm
Zombie Fantasy Skintone recolor of Louis skin
by dragon_tfm 8th Sep 2006 at 10:39pm
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by SciBirg 6th Nov 2006 at 9:06pm
by Darkwolf Jr 21st Jun 2007 at 11:35am
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by swampcandy 16th Aug 2008 at 1:58am