Zombie Fantasy Skintone recolor of Louis skin
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I was putzing around with some psp tools and made this skin its a bit different but i liked it and thought you all might too. I deemed it a zombie skinthough it is rather less siniter compared to many others on the site and could easily be used as alien or just a fantasy skin. All the genders and ages have been recolored and just a simple editing under the lower lip has been done.
I hope you enjoy it!
Please DO NOT upload to the exchange or othersites however you may use skintone on your models/stories/video but please credit my self and louis, and a link would always be nice (i like to see what happens to things i make =]).
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2006, 6.51 MB.
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Updated: 5th Sep 2008 at 2:30 AM
Purple Fantasy Skintone Recolor Of Louis Skins
by dragon_tfm 28th Aug 2006 at 8:28am
Pink and Blue Fantasy Skintones recolors of Louis Skins
by dragon_tfm 29th Aug 2006 at 6:19am
*Requested* 6 Recolors of LOUIS's skintone #7
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28 17.9k 2
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