RihannaPicMain.jpg - width=438 height=438
Head Shot
RihannaMusicoftheSun.jpg - width=471 height=694
Music of the Sun
RihannaAGirlLikeMe.jpg - width=341 height=679
A Girl Like Me
RihannaGoodGirlGoneBad.jpg - width=404 height=692
Good Girl Gone Bad
RihannaGoodGirlGoneBadReloaded.jpg - width=401 height=687
Good Girl Gone Bad Reloaded
RihannaRatedR.jpg - width=257 height=699
Rated R
Rihanna Tat Collage.jpg - width=448 height=300
All Tats
Rihanna Comparison.jpg - width=400 height=600

My Rihanna comes in the form of a single Sim with Maxis hair and clothes and 5 individually named folders that include the specific shown content, so you can delete the ones you don't want ( but you want them all, right

~ Fawkes
Custom Content by Me:
- Rihanna - Fawkes
- Rihanna Nose-Fawkes ~ Alpha-Sirona Sims
- Rihanna Skintone by @Stefan/Fawkes
- Rihanna Music of the Sun Hair Recolour - Fawkes
- Rihanna Music of the Sun Bangles Recolour - Fawkes
- Rihanna Shut Up And Drive Shirt - Fawkes
- Rihanna Shut Up And Drive Pants- frizelbliz/ - Fawkes
- Rihanna Take A Bow Jacket - linnulvklo/generalzoi Edit- Fawkes
- Rihanna Take A Bow Shirt -HystericalParoxysm Edit- Fawkes
- Rihanna Rated R- Newsea Edit- Fawkes
Custom Content Included:
- Femme,Medium Brown-Anva by Anva
- Anva Eye - Brown by Anva
- [081201]eyelash_GE@E-Studio by Ephemera
- Lipgloss Junkie - Runway Rush - Bruno@MTS2 by bruno
- Eyelights - Red Carpet - Bruno@MTS2 by bruno
- Nouk - Girl Nextdoor - BrownFile Edited with The Wardrobe Wrangler, version 1.1.3026.37483 by Nouk
- Nouk Mesh by Nouk
- Dresss by fabulousims by agustin
- augstin Dress mesh by agustin
- Smudgy Eyes - Soot - Bruno@MTS2 by bruno
- PinUpBottom-brfl by Beeare
- Lilly@S2D by Łoś
Custom Content Not Included/Meshes Required
Rose Sims 2
- Rihanna Shut Up and Drive Hair
Hysterical Paroxysm
- Rihanna Music of the Sun Pant Mesh
-Rihanna Music Of the Sun Bangle Mesh
Newsea Sims
-Rihanna Rated R Hairmesh
Additional Credits:
@stefan for his original skintone that Rihanna's is based off of
frizelbliz for her great textures that are used for the pants of "Music of the Sun" and "Good Girl Gone Bad"
linnulvklo for her great generalzoi biker jacket recolour that I recoloured
Everyone whose liberal use policies allowed me to include most everything with her

Filename | Type | Size |
RihannaSimByFawkes.zip | zip | |
46768587_RihannaHair3.package | package | 1525511 |
4c9fa936_RihannaBangles.package | package | 38714 |
5f0a6448_RihannaBraShirt.package | package | 80945 |
frizel_YAFlowrisejeans4.package | package | 317258 |
Agustin_gorgeousgowns_whiteandgold.package | package | 518071 |
MESH_fabulousims_afsoftformaldress.package | package | 162026 |
MESH_Nouk_Hair_GirlNextDoor_TFAF.package | package | 320789 |
Nouk - Girl Nextdoor - Brown.package | package | 568604 |
5f3147a6_RihannaSUADShirt.package | package | 105325 |
5f5e36b6_RihannaPantHeels.package | package | 125276 |
49e5fa2b_RihannaAviators.package | package | 13907 |
5fa7eca9_RihannaTABShirt.package | package | 154589 |
cf049b79_RihannaRedJacket.package | package | 134480 |
Ghanima_NoukSkinnyjeansConverse_Black.package | package | 427892 |
MeshHelga_96.package | package | 241074 |
Phobia - Helga096 - Black.package | package | 766837 |
771644de_RihannaHairSwept.package | package | 845173 |
RihannaSimByFawkes.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 3121561 |
| Rihanna Sim By Fawkes
Uploaded: 16th Nov 2009, 7.71 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 22nd Mar 2010 at 1:21 AM
by wildbill411 29th Oct 2005 at 6:33am
3 14.2k 2
by angelmarie123 27th Mar 2006 at 1:39pm
20 32.5k 6
by iloverobalot 11th Apr 2006 at 6:29pm
13 14k 2
by D&S Productions 16th Jul 2007 at 5:07pm
46 95.2k 59
by enriquemt0 15th Oct 2008 at 1:42am
42 141.6k 73
by vindicatedmess updated 15th Mar 2009 at 3:46am
33 100.3k 61
About Me
To put my situation in the most general terms, I am a lurker. I try my hardest to create content on my very limited spare time, but never seem to be able to upload. So I apologize if I am unable to get to things that have been asked of me.
That being said, I still try to keep involved in the community, whether its lurking everywhere or posting on my Simblr.
I hope you all will forgive me for my lack of uploads and activity. Life is busy.
Forever here,