Custom Lycanthropy Career to Match My Lycanthropy College Major!!!
You don't start off as a werewolf, there is a journey you take to get there.
There are three chance cards, it has it's own GUID so it won't replace any other career. The reward is the Punching Bag cuz you will like to pummel things with your big werewolfy paws! This is an adult only career, it is not available for teens. Two of the levels have business suits attire, (the cryptozoology positions) but the rest are plain clothes jobs.

level one:
Wildlife Photographer
To you there is nothing better than capturing the mysteries of mother nature on camera. You spend your days hiking in the wilderness trying to find something that no one else has seen before, often camping out for days at a time in the remote woods to catch that one perfect photo.
pay per day-$50
hours worked-6a-12p
days worked-W,Th, F, Sat & Sun
chance card-no
level two:
Cryptozoologist assistant
Your explorer's nature led you to a remote part of the woods where you caught something on camera that chilled you to your very core. No matter how you looked at it, it could only be one thing-a werewolf. Driven by this discovery, you turn your attention to cryptozoology, the study of beasts both strange and unbelievable.
pay per day-$60
hours worked-7a-2p
days worked-M, Th, F, Sat & Sun
chance card-yes
level three:
level name- Chief Cryptozoologist
level description-Your passion for finding the illusive creature you caught on film has led you to a chief position in your field, and with that comes more resources and extra hands to help you. Work is mostly done in the office, sifting through photos, history books and following up on sightings.
pay per day-$75
hours worked-8a-4p
days worked-T, W, F, Sat & Sun
chance card-no
level four:
Werewolf Field Researcher
level description-You've done enough desk work, it's time to go out and do some serious searching. You follow up on sightings around the world, following the slightest clues around the wild to try to find a werewolf. You're getting closer and closer to finding the beast, and you can't even image what you would do if you found one.
pay per day-$80
hours worked-5p-1a
days worked-M, W, Th, F & Sat
chance card-yes
level five:
level description-Deep in the wilderness of Romania you find yourself hot on the trail of a strange series of footprints and markings carved in trees. Late one night you are searching for firewood when the object of your searching slinks out of the shadows nonchalantly-and with a toothy canine grin it snaps onto your arm and then retreats back into the shadows with a throaty chuckle. You have become a werewolf-what are you going to do now?
pay per day-$100
hours worked-8p-2am
days worked-W, Th, Sat & Sun
chance card-no
level six:
Pack Member
level description-You are really starting to get the hang of being a werewolf, and have eventually been found by a pack that lives several miles away from your home. After slowly teaching you some of the ropes and letting you find out some things on your own, you are given a spot in their pack. You spend most of your days and nights with your new found family, and feel more alive than you ever have before.
pay per day-$250
hours worked-8p-32am
days worked-M, T, W, F & Sun
chance card-yes
level seven:
Alpha Werewolf
level description-You've been moving up the chain in your pack, and with your extensive knowledge of werewolves combined with your new unnaturally stronger physique, you have become a formidable beast. You fall into a chance to challenge the Alpha wolf who has been abusing her power horribly, and you best her with your quick reflexes and keen insight to her weaknesses. In a resounding victory, you become leader of your pack, and you intend to search out other packs and tribes to widen your pack's power.
pay per day-$350
hours worked-7p-3am
days worked-M, W, Th & F
chance card-no
level eight:
Tribe Leader
level description-You have quickly been spreading your control over local packs, uniting them with your balanced and intelligent leadership. Your pack is now a tribe of 50+ werewolves, quickly growing as you incorporate larger and larger packs into your fold.
pay per day-$650
hours worked-7p-4am
days worked-W, Th, F, Sat & Sun
chance card-no
level nine:
Council Member
level description-You have gained the respect of other tribes and Elders, and have been asked to take a place in the High Council. With your tribes behind you, you intend to bring order and balance to the unstable hierarchy of the council, whether it be by reason or by force.
pay per day-$750
hours worked-7p-4am
days worked-M, T, F & Sun
chance card-no
level ten:
Werewolf Elder
level description-Your work has not gone unnoticed, and while the council has begun to become a balanced and just system with your influence, rouge tribes abscond permanently and are dealt with accordingly. Werewolves have gained enormous hold upon the continents thanks to you, and you rise to the esteemed position of Elder, a position given to only 7 worthy werewolves-one for each continent. Your power is absolute and werewolves flourish under your rule.
pay per day-$2000
hours worked-7p-4am
days worked-M, T & Sun
chance card-no
Additional Credits:
Thank you tons to Bidou for the career editor that fixed all the mistakes I had made! lol!
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2010, 16.5 KB.
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
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- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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