~As Requested~ Diapers for Children

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As requested by FuzzyAl, I present to you Diapers for Children. The outfit is for both boys and girls and can be found in everday, pajamas, and underwear.

This is a custom mesh made by me using Milkshape 3D which combines the toddler diaper mesh (by EA/Maxis) and the child body mesh (by EA/Maxis). The mesh UVMap had to be reworked due to the different skin maps between the toddler and the child. The mesh has the original block feet to reduce poly count.

The outfit is both fit and fat morph enabled. The textures were copied from the base game toddler diaper outfit (EA/Maxis) and tweaked to fit the new mesh.The outfit is also bump-mapped so you can see texture.

The zip file includes the mesh and basic outfit.A UVMap has been included as a separate download for skinners.

The outfit and mesh should be base game compatible and has been tested in-game successfully. PM me if you find out otherwise or have any problems with the mesh.

You may do whatever you please with the mesh and outfit as long as you give proper credit. You may upload these items with your Sim as long as you DO NOT upload to any pay sites. Recolors and comments welcome!

And lastly...enjoy!

<<o~~ Giant Squid Enterprises ~~o>>

Polygon Counts:

Additional Credits:
Milkshape 3D SimPE EA/Maxis
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