The Multi Owners Door Version 3

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Updated MODoor v3 that is compatible with the current EA patch 1.32 (and 1.31) !

In this update a small option to allow / disallow pets has been added. Also the Door is
now recognizing the new (Sim-) service types (in 'Auto-Keys')

IMPORTANT : You have to download and install the new door (and gate-) templates too.
Note: For any reason the door animations don't work anymore if you use the original MODoor3 models. Also
I found that is not so easy any more to make doors work that have been extracted with Object Cloner. If you
are going to make or make suitable your own template(s), I advice you to use the (new) option "deep clone"
in P.J's S3oc!

What is new in version 1.2 ?

This version of the MultiOwnersDoor Controller is fully compatible with newest patch level (1.22) and all
expansions/stuff packs. Minimum requirement: Base Game.

1. Minor fix: Sims now respond immediately to any change in the Key-Owners-List. No longer lingering in front
of the door, while the way is free!
2. A new category for 'Paparazzi' has been added to the 'Auto-Key'-section.

3. Improvements made to the Key-Owners-Picker:
- Two additional Buttons/Tabs for female/male Sims to filter Sim-gender while (de-/)selecting key owners.
- Hold down 'Shift' (while Clicking) to switch all Sims of one state (key owner or not-allowed) to the opposite.
- Holding down the 'Control' key on your keyboard, only Sims of a group (household, Npcs or visitors) will receive
another status.

4. There are true Customs sounds now in the Key-owners-picker as well as in the Auto-key setup window as
part oft the UI. Enjoy!


The Multi Owners Door Version 3 - differences to its predecessor (MO-Door v2).

The Door is modular now. That means, in order to make it work you have to download
the 'MODoor-Controller' package and put it in your MOD-folder. Once this is done you can install any of the
door-packages and (only then) they will appear in the in-game door folder with the full functionality of a
The big advantage of this new approach is that you'll never have to exchange or remove any of the door-files again!
If there is a new version with enhanced features or just an update in order to be compatible with another new
EA-patch you just have to download and exchange the Door Controller!
For me as the developer it's also much easier that way 'cause I will not have to upgrade any single door-package
(containing a special door model) in the future.
From now on you will find new features and updates of the MODoor in this thread - a good reason to check back
frequently (an/or bookmark this page)!

The following Door- and Gate-Files are provided:

01_MODoorV3_Luxery (base game)
02_MODoorV3_Egypt (EP 1 needed)
03_MODoorV3_Lucky (base game)
04_MODoorV3_Sliding (base game)
05_MODoorV3_StGlass (base game)
06_MODoorV3_PrankProof (base game)
07_MODoorV3_ADoorable (base game)
08_MODoorV3_FrenchDbl (base game)
09_MODoorV3_Modern (base game)
10_MODoorV3_Insta (base game)
11_MODoorV3_SingleFederal2x1 (EP 2 needed)

G1_MOGateV3_Fence Picket (base game)
G2_MOGateV3_FenceRedwood (base game)
G3_MOGateV3_FenceValueConcret (base game)
G4_MOGateV3_FenceMetalMesh (base game)
G5_MOGateV3_RoyalHighness (base game)

And this the file that you have to download to make any of those doors run:

MODoor-Controller_1.2.package (compatible with base game and EP1 - EP3)

The MODoor Controller will be updated frequently. To update your doors to future versions, simply replace this package
with its newer version.

1. Download the MODoor-Controller_1.2.rar file. Unpack it and put the MODoor-Controller_1.2.package in your
MOD-folder or one of its' sub-folders.
2. Download any of the doorfiles. Unpack them, put them in your MOD-Folder or one of its' sub-folders.
3. Run the game. Enjoy the MODoor V3!

What is new in Version 3 of the Multi Owners Door :

- The MODoor is modular now. This makes it much more flexible and easier to handle.
(...Okay you have learned that already, it's just for the records)

- The MODoor is no longer limited to max 8 key-owners! Now you can assign an unlimited number of permissions!

- Instead of 'pie-menus' now the edit functions can be accessed through tables which is probably more handy
and gives you a much better overview on who is 'in' and who is 'out'!

The MODoor now has an extra option to give general permissions to certain groups of Sims who are not members
of an active household. This new function is called 'Auto-Permission' and can be accessed from the Pie-Menu
by clicking on 'Set Auto-Permission'. The 'Set Auto-Permissions' window opens. Several categories are
displayed which you can activate or deactivate by clicking on them. The Auto-Permission for 'Public Services'
is activated by default.
If you assign an Auto-Permission, Sims who belong to the selected category will automatically have access to that
door. For example if you set an Auto-Permission for visitors, any visiting Sim will be added to the list of key-owners
as long as the 'Auto-Permission' is set for the door, no matter whether the Sim was present or not whenyou first
set the Auto-Permission for visitors. 'Auto-permitted' Sims will disappear from the owners list, as soon as they leave
the lot, but next time they stop by they will appear on the owners list again, assuming the Auto-Permission for their
category is still set.

You can assign Auto-Permissions to the following groups (or categories):

1 Visitors (Sims visiting: like friends, school-mates, co-workers etc.)

2 Paid Services (these are: Maids, Pizza Delivery, Babysitters, Newspaper Delivery, Repair Service, Bartenders)

3 Public Services (Police, Firefighters, Mail Carrier, Social Workers, Repoman, Science Geeks)

4 Unwanted Visitors (Burglars... and the Grim Reaper - but this guy can't be stopped anyway).

5 Paparazzi

Butlers will be treated as household members.

The second option shown by the Pie-Menu of the MODoor V3 is called 'Edit Owner List'. So let's have a look at it:
When you click this the so-called 'Key Picker' window will open. If no one has been assigned to hold a key
you will see the headline: 'Edit Key List' in that Key-Picker window. Below you see the List of Sims organized in
a table. In each row of that table you have a thumbnail image of the Sim followed by the Sims name and a symbol
that indicates whether the Sim holds a key or not. A key symbol stands for owning a key while a key in a red circle
crossed by a red bar means that the Sim has no permission for the door.
Every Sim staying at the lot will always appear in the 'Edit Key List'. While household members will always be
available (even when they are not at home), visitors, Service Sims and NPCs who do not belong to the household
only show up in the edit list when they are actually present at the lot.

There are two tables accessible from the 'Key Picker' window. There is the 'Edit Key List' that we have already
talked about and then there is another one that shows the key owners only. It is titled : 'Sims holding a key'
and it is meaned to be a quick reference to inform you about which of the Sims hold a key for that particular door.
As soon any key owners have been set for a door, this will be the table that is displayed when you call the Key Picker
window from the Pie-Menu.
At the top of the Key Picker you see two buttons that let you switch between both tables. To see the 'Edit Key List'
table, click the one with the horizontal '8'symbol which stands for 'All'. Now you see a complete list of all Sims staying
currently at the lot as well as all household members. To see the other table/list containing key-holders only click on the
other button with the little key inside.

You can withdraw the permission from a special Sim at any time by editing the Key-Owners list as described. Respectively
you can assign a key at any time in that list, no matter whether the Auto-Key is set or not, but of course this is only
possible while the sim is on the list: (I repeat)

- You will find households members on the Edit-List at any time.

- You will find other Sims on the Edit-List only while they are staying at the lot.

- Not-households (Visitors and NPCs) will disappear from the key owners list if they leave the lot. However if the
Auto-Permission for the category of a Sim is still set on her/his next visit the Sim will automatically get a new key,
even if you have withdrawn the key from that Sim the last time she/he visited the lot.

- If no Auto-Permission is set for a Sim (visitor/NPC) and you assign a key individually to that Sim, the key will be lost,
as soon as the Sim leaves.

If you still don't get the idea of the whole enterprise, have a look at the screenshots and tables attached!

And now, finally - Ladies and Gentlemen - here comes the 'killer feature':
The MODoor is now fully Do-it-Yourself-able! That's right, now you can make your very own MODoor exactly suiting your
personal needs ore taste! It's very easy. Even if you have only little knowledge of 'how to make a Mod' it should be
possible for most of you to MODoorize your favorite door-model! Thanks to the modular system there is no software
contained in the door files anymore. It all happens in the Door-Controller. Thus it is easy to create your own door-files
and add them to your game! All you need are the two (well known) modding tools called 's3pe'(Sims 3 Package Editor)
and 's3oc'(Sims 3 Object Cloner) writen and distributed as freeware by Peter Jones.
You can find them here - in case you don't already have them. So... if you consider yourself capable of installing
these tools on your computer as well as clicking a view buttons I would really like to encourage you to do so!
You will find a text-file with detailed instructions on how to do this among the downloads. So don't hesitate, it's quite
easy. It's just extracting the door of your choice (with S3OC - Sims3 Object Cloner) and then making a tiny little change
to the extracted package using 's3pe'!

Note: Compatibility
This is NOT a 'Core-Mod'. You can use it in combination with any existing Core Mod as well as any other Mod out there.
Of course you never know... There are too many possible constellations or situations when running a piece of software
on different systems with different hardware und operating systems and so on.
The MODoor V3 has been tested with EA-Patch version 1.18 and now also with the new patch 1.19 (base game) with
EP1, EP2, EP3 installed.
Version 1.2 of the MODoor-Controller has been built with EA-Patch 1.22 installed.

In case something goes wrong - that means everything from not running at all to bugs that show up under certain
circumstances - PLEASE DON'T COMPLAIN writing messages, like: "My game crashed, it's all your fault".
This kind of comments are not really helpful or not even useful. Not for you and not for me!
However, if you really want me to help you with your problem, and furthermore if you want to help me to improve the MODoor,
PLEASE give me details!

To reproduce a malfunction of the software on my own computer I need to know:

1. Which operating system runs on your computer? (Is it Windows? And which version?)
2. Which expansions of the Sims 3 are installed on your computer ?
3. Are you running any other mods along with the MODoor? If yes, which?
4. A clear description of the problem. Can you reproduce it? Did you watch certain circumstances that might be
conditional for the appearance of the mal-function?
5. Anything else that you consider suspicious or likely to cause the error.
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