"Comfy Pet Pillow" Retextures - Part One

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----Part 2----
----Part 3----
Have you always wished for a rubbery type pet bed, or a modern carpetanised one? Wishes granted! Since I learned to make recolours and retextures for objects in SimPE, I really hated the normal dark and dull pet beds, so I took some pics of my house, and saved some from the net, and I set to work!
As you can see, I have changed the textures a lot and have tweaked them until I was sick, so they look more unique than those stupid dark things EA call "beds."
I had a lot of fun making this, and I also hope you enjoy playing with it with your furry friends!
Happy simming and petting!

Additional Credits: SimPE Photoshop
$RaMRoM$ tutorial http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=1707366
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