Nouveau Hacienda - 3B/2.5B/Garage and Pool - SplitLevel

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2021 UPDATE: Now with much less CC!
- the original upload is still available - it you really want all that CC
- new pictures are tacked on at the end of the above pictures.

--- You will need the Lifestyle Build Bundle if you want all the same walls I used.
--- And Numenor's Unlevel Wall - #90
--- I also suggest Sophie-David's Invisible Driveway so the driveway pavers look right

CC Included:
- HugeLunatic's L&F Plumbob Arch
- Lastrie's Aquawall
- Macarossi's Eclectic Expressions Sidelight
- Macarossi's Minimalist Door and Window
- Marvine's Ladder
- Mia86's EAxis Moroccan chimney-less fireplace
- Numenor's Recolorable Wooden Stairs
- JuliMonde's recolors of the above Macarossi Door and Window (there is no longer a working link?)
- and my recolors of the above HL's plumbob arch, and Numenor's stairs

Lot Size: 30X50
Lot Price: $216,143

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the original upload post follows below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The hacienda design style offers a tangible link to Mexico’s past with an emphasis on solid simplicity, traditional architectural elements and handcrafted elements with a distinct Mexican style. Spanish Colonial antiques and Mexican country objects are intermingled with contemporary notions of art and comfort, creating a balance between old and new.
From Hacienda Style by Joe P. Carr & Karen Witynski Carr

Contemporary Mexican kitchens combine rich color and familiar old-world elements with modern fixtures and appliances.

I built this house with the aide of Numenor's AGS (what a wonderful tool!) It needs NL, OFB, and M&G installed in order to work properly. This lot has been play-tested. Everything should work and be easily accessable for your sims- the Travellers thought the house was terrific! The Sims2Pack and the EXTRAs download files have both been thoroughly cleaned with the Clean Installer.

  • Lot size: 40X50 (4X5)
  • About 2,560 sq ft covered living space - 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, garage, great room, parlor, rec-room, kitchen, and formal dining room. Plus a courtyard in front, large deck with balcony in back, observation platform, and a pool
  • Around $68,622 simoleons - I say "around" because I have extensively re-organized my build/buy catalogues and, in doing so, re-priced most everything. I don't know if this will effect the cost in your game or not. If it does, maybe your Sims qualify for a huge tax break? Inheritance? Or, it's their turn to win the lottery?
  • The semi-private front courtyard - featuring hand painted ceramic tile imported from Armenia, lots of cheery flowers, and a bubbling fountain greets your visitors with warm hospitality
  • Twin balconies add to the delightful architectural detailing along the front facade of this home
  • Stepping into the foyer, you are surrounded with rich dark mahogany floor, balcony and stairs. The Armenian tile continues inside on the custom built split level staircase
  • The upper landing is large enough to accomodate a small sitting area - several bookcases are built into the wall
  • All bedrooms have an outside balcony; the Master bedroom opens to the upper level deck in back - just above the pool and hot tub
  • The owners designed the pool themselves. It is a unique heart shaped design with a sea-turtle motif on the bottom
  • Climb up the adobe style ladder (on the back deck) to the observation platform complete with a hi-powered telescope - every junior astronomers dream come true
  • The central feature of this house is the built in wall aquarium - it can be viewed from many rooms in the main living area
  • This house is being sold furnished - standard appliances, fixtures, and interior finishings, as well as sparse basic furniture is included
  • Wired for cable/TV
  • Need a pizza for the moving crew? The phone is installed and ready.
  • Invisible/stealth Alarm systems included (for both fire and burglar)
  • Contemporary style fireplace in the great room
  • Airy catherdral ceilings and textured ceilings throughout
  • Ceiling fans in all bedrooms and main living area
  • Earth-friendly stained concrete driveway and garage floor
  • Fine quality, energy efficient Maxis Brand Products used wherever feasible
  • And an added bonus: the grounds are beautifully landscaped and include a fun play set for the kiddos

Credit & Thanks:
To all the wonderfully talented creators & re-colorers whose work I have used in this house: THANK YOU!!!
And thank you for downloading! I really enjoy reading your comments - leave me some?
Thanks MTS2 too for having such a great site!

Necessary but NOT included in either the .Sims2pack or the EXTRAs.rar.
Shopping List: (You need to go get these items yourself - just click/follow the link)
From HugeLunatic - HL_IndestructableConcreteModularRECOLORABLE
From Menaceman44 - Lunatech Ceiling Light FIX
This one MAY be necessary From Numenor - NumenorDizzy2_GlobalHack_Smarter-Lights_AllGames

The EXTRAs file - includes items that are necessary for this lot to work properly. Yes, you need them!!!
Either they just didn't package properly with the lot, or I couldn't find a direct link - so you could easily go get them yourself (they may be part of a huge set, for instance) and/or they're things from Creators without a current web presence (at least, none that I could find.) Credit/links for items in the EXTRAs file are mixed in with the other CC listed below.

Lot Size: 4x5
Lot Price: $68,622

Custom Content by Me:
- PlumbobArch-NouveauHacienda
- DeckStairs_NouveauHacienda
- NouveauHacienda2
- Maxis Lifestyle wall
- hottub_DkWood

Custom Content Included:
- BatikAutumn by pktechgirl @ junipersun
- Crayola Plain Paint Collection by pktechgirl @ junipersun
- Wood Squared Light by CTNutmegger @ MTS2
- CheapShowerBackless by HugeLunatic & Hokadk47 @ sims2artists
- TubShowerBackless by HugeLunatic & Hokadk47 @ Sims2Artists
- liamWindow2 by ADELE @ MTS2
- wallClockAntique_rome by ADELE @ MTS2
- EP4atomicbed_single by Ailias @ MTS2
- quintessimtialwalllamp_chelseablues by Amethystfenix @ Sims2Artists
- Antiquity Brown 2 by Sesame @ Sims2Artists
- wallAquarium by lastrie @ MTS2
- Armenian Tiles 08 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 09 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 12 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 13 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 15 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 16 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 18 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 19 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 22 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 23 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 24 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 25 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 01 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 02 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Armenian Tiles 04 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- chimney_meggola by B43 @ brigit43
- MumboJumboGrass by BuggyBooz @ MTS2
- Blue-Lagoonfloor4 by Simlin55 @ CasaSims
- Boots Floor 01 by bootsbrisket @ MTS2
- RusticClayPaver1x1 by Cathy @ AussieTopEnders
- ChezMoi-Cabinet by CTNutmegger @ MTS2
- Carved wooden ceiling tile. by DAH - is this you???
- Daisy Batik by pktechgirl @ junipersun
- Dream-lite-1116 by Parsimonious
- EclecticExpressions_sidelightwindow by Macarossi @ MTS2
- ExtendableArchSide_Straight by tbudgett @ MTS2
- PoppyDayFloorsCeilings_Orange by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- PoppyDayFloorsCeilings_SoftYellow by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- PoppyDayFloorsCeilings_WarmPink by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- WeatheredWood_Kaffee by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- Grass-HillsideGrasses by cyclonesue
- Grass-Vegitation3 by Margierytka
- Grass-VegitationClover by K8 @ Parsimonious
- Economy1tileDesk by Huge Lunatic @ MTS2
- Lost & Found Object by Huge Lunatic @ MTS2
- Balustrade Minimaal in White by iCad @ MTS
- MaxisSunshineStucco_WhtRail by iCad @ MTS
- Cement flooring by iCad @ MTS
- Concrete flooring by iCad @ MTS
- InvisibleBurglarAlarm by pfish @ MTS2
- SmokeSentry by pfish @ MTS2
- Italy Balcony by Katy_76 @ PC-Sims
- Low Wood Fence by Jonesi @ Black Pearl Sims
- Door-ArtDeco-green by JuliMonde @ Yahoo Groups
- Window-ArtDeco-green by JuliMonde @ Yahoo Groups
- Just Black by SimMaster @ MTS2
- quintessimtialwalllamp by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- reflectionsofyou-mirrorA by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- reflectionsofyou-mirrorA-RCblack2 by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- reflectionsofyou-mirrorA-RCblack3 by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- reflectionsofyou-mirrorA-RCblack4 by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- resplendantgarden-grass by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- lastriesaquawall-white by loverat @ MTS2
- ladder-animated-Kodiak by Marvine @ MTS2
- spiralstairs-matching-fence3 by Marvine @ MTS2
- Maxis Lost Mountain Fog Tile by Piggis @ PiggisSims
- oaktownebarstool by Dgandy @ SimsFashionBarn
- ChezMoi_ConnectingIsland by MaryLou & Numenor @ MTS2
- ChezMoi_CountersNoTrim by MaryLou & Numenor @ MTS2
- ChezMoi_Diswasher by MaryLou & Numenor @ MTS2
- tinyceilinglight_July19 by senesi2003 @ MTS2
- Neutral Slate Floor by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- DeckStairs_main by Numenor
- Aged wood floor by OM @ Avalon
- WoodenDeckStairs_MysteryWood-A by PlasticBox @ MTS2
- WoodenDeckStairs_MysteryWood-B by PlasticBox @ MTS2
- WoodenDeckStairs_MysteryWood-C by PlasticBox @ MTS2
- WoodenDeckStairs_MysteryWood-D by PlasticBox @ MTS2
- WoodenDeckStairs_MysteryWood-E by PlasticBox @ MTS2
- Pictureglassdoor_straightV2 by Macarossi @ MTS2
- PictureGlassWindow_straightmemsh by Macarossi @ MTS2
- AnimatedLadder-newwood06 by Piggis @ PiggisSims
- OpenTimberStairs by Reyn @ MTS2
- Victorian bathroom Floor by Simplan-X
- The SupaFridge by Targas @ MTS2
- RetainingWall_Top-Mesh by tbudgett @ MTS2
- RetainingWall_Top_NearDirt by tbudgett at MTS2
- terrainPaint_d225038c by Margierytka
- Cactus Tile Wall by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- Mexican Floral Tile Wall by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- Meredith's Harmony Collection by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- UltraMod70sSwirl by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- YouGotPlanked_modified_darkwood_floor by sarah*rose @ MTS2
- liamDoor1 by ADELE @ MTS2
- liamDoor1_diagonal by ADELE @ MTS2
- liamDoors_olive by ADELE @ MTS2
- liamWallCap by ADELE @ MTS2
- liamWindow1 by ADELE @ MTS2
- liamWindow1_diagonal by ADELE @ MTS2
- granitedarkwoodcarvedviccabinet by amjoie @ MTS2
- blanket_oceanica-m-mermaid by Amethystfenix @ Sims2Artists
- celestialkitchencountertop by bitzybus @ MTS2
- jonesibb_mesh_1 by betsy4arts @ BlackPearlSims
- woodpaints-paintbox by buntcreesl
- woodd3_040207 by Fizzbomb @ SimsFashionBarn
- Invisible_DrivewayNightlife by Sophie-David @ MTS2
- FlowerBox by MaryLou @ MTS2
- FlowerBox_Recolor_Fence by MaryLou @ MTS2
- FlowerBox_Recolor_Flowers by MaryLou @ MTS2
- FlowerBox_Recolor_Vase by MaryLou @ MTS2
- SinkKitchen_marbletazmanian by Merco @ MermaidCove
- phone_basicgreen by Merco @ MermaidCove
- HangingBracket by Menaceman44 @ MTS2
- sediasfb by JerryS @ Edenstyle
- UnderGroundOMSP2h1 by Silent Lucidity @ MTS2
- UnderGroundOMSP2h1inv by Silent Lucidity @ MTS2
- RetainingWall_Mesh by tbudgett @ MTS2
- RetainingWall_MeshCorner by tbudgett @ MTS2
- RetainingWall_TopCorner-Mesh by tbudgett @ MTS2
- coffeecutout_basic by tiggerypum @ MTS2
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