Cheap Industrial Level-Loop Low-Pile Carpets ~ 57 Maxis-Matching Colors
01_Title.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
02_Swatch.jpg - width=2000 height=1440
03_BlandBeige.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
04_JudiciousJute.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
05_BabyPastelYellow.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
06_ItsPlushieYellow.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
07_LuxuriousSandstorm.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
08_BoorringYellow.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
09_TheNextVroom.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
10_CreamyYellow.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
11_SavannahSiena.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
12_LeatherStripsShag.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
13_SportyShortyBrown.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
14_MississippiMudSlide.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
15_OrangeShag.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
16_CarpetMars.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
17_VroomOnceMore.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
18_Growl.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
19_BurntOrange.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
20_ComfyRedCarpet.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
21_CherryPieDurawear.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
22_RedSprinkles.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
23_DeepBurgundy.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
24_ChocolateShavingsShag.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
25_BabyPastelGreen.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
26_GreenShag.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
27_ComfyGreen.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
28_SuaveSage.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
29_GreenMeansGo.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
30_LosGatosDiablos.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
31_BoorringGreen.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
32_AtRacetrackCarpet5.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
33_TheTealishFantasy.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
34_BabyBoyBlue.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
35_ItsPlushieBlue.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
36_ProvenceBlue.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
37_SportyShortyDarkBlue.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
38_HalsCarpet.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
39_CornflowerDreams.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
40_OceanDepths.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
41_EntirelyArtificial.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
42_SimplyVillainous.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
43_SportyShortyPink.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
44_ThePinkishFantasy.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
45_BoorringPink.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
46_ThinkPink.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
47_VroomFinishCar.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
48_TheLilacFantasy.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
49_De-FonceFlooring1Week.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
50_FestiveFiligreePurp.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
51_SportyShortyPurple.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
52_CarpetraIckyBoo.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
53_ThePurpleishFantasy.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
54_StillVrooming.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
55_MMonroeWhiteCarpet.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
56_CoconutShavingsShag.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
57_PlainStripes.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
58_CarpetBureaucracy.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
59_De-FonceCarpetFirst.jpg - width=2000 height=1200
This is a "Level Loop" low pile carpet - very industrial - I imagine it is extremely hard, and scratchy to walk on

It comes in 57 Maxis-Matching color options. (Each example picture shows the Maxis carpet color comparison.)
None of the colors are exact matches to the other carpet sets I've done, if you have all the sets, you won't waste catalog space with duplicate colors.
These are found in the 'carpet' floor category for $1 each; there is also a COLLECTION file, so you can find them more easily.
...a color swatch is included and files are properly named so you can identify them and discard any colors you don't need.
These would make great defaults - IMHO - for several of the in-game carpets. But, alas, I don't know how to do that. (Hint Hint)

Some of the colors are soooo exact (only the style of pile is different!)

If the Maxis carpet had many shades to choose from - I usually chose the lowlights...


Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
01_Title.jpg | jpg | 799916 |
02_Swatch.jpg | jpg | 785098 |
CGT-CarpetIndustrialCOLLECTION.package | package | 38343 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM01BlandBeige-CGT.package | package | 263804 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM02JudiciousJute-CGT.package | package | 263813 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM03BabyYellow-CGT.package | package | 263819 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM04PlushieYellow-CGT.package | package | 263834 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM05LuxSandstorm-CGT.package | package | 263825 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM06BoorringYellow-CGT.package | package | 263805 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM07NextVroom-CGT.package | package | 263836 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM08CreamyYellow-CGT.package | package | 263834 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM09SavannahSienna-CGT.package | package | 263840 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM10LeatherStrips-CGT.package | package | 263821 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM11SportyBrown-CGT.package | package | 263820 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM12MississippiMud-CGT.package | package | 263826 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM13OrangeShag-CGT.package | package | 263803 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM14Mars-CGT.package | package | 263800 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM15VroomOnceMore-CGT.package | package | 263816 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM16Growl-CGT.package | package | 263791 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM17BurntOrange-CGT.package | package | 263827 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM18ComfyRed-CGT.package | package | 263808 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM19CherryPie-CGT.package | package | 263820 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM20RedSprinkles-CGT.package | package | 263819 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM21DeepBurgundy-CGT.package | package | 263838 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM22ChocolateShavings-CGT.package | package | 263831 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM23BabyGreen-CGT.package | package | 263817 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM24GreenShag-CGT.package | package | 263810 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM25ComfyGreen-CGT.package | package | 263820 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM26SuaveSage-CGT.package | package | 263833 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM27GreenMeansGo-CGT.package | package | 263831 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM28LosGatos-CGT.package | package | 263823 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM29BoorringGreen-CGT.package | package | 263802 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM30RacetrackFive-CGT.package | package | 263828 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM31TealFantasy-CGT.package | package | 263822 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM32BabyBlue-CGT.package | package | 263808 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM33PlushieBlue-CGT.package | package | 263921 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM34ProvenceBlue-CGT.package | package | 263849 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM35SportyDkBlue-CGT.package | package | 263827 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM36HalsBlue-CGT.package | package | 263804 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM37CornflowerDream-CGT.package | package | 263817 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM38OceanDepths-CGT.package | package | 263826 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM39EntirelyArtificial-CGT.package | package | 263813 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM40SimplyVillainous-CGT.package | package | 263815 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM41SportyPink-CGT.package | package | 263817 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM42PinkFantasy-CGT.package | package | 263822 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM43BoorringPink-CGT.package | package | 263807 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM44ThinkPink-CGT.package | package | 263817 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM45VroomToFinish-CGT.package | package | 263823 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM46LilacFantasy-CGT.package | package | 263817 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM47DeFonce-CGT.package | package | 263831 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM48FestivePurple-CGT.package | package | 263833 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM49SportyPurple-CGT.package | package | 263811 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM50CarpetraIckyBoo-CGT.package | package | 263815 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM51PurpleFantasy-CGT.package | package | 263828 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM52StillVrooming-CGT.package | package | 263814 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM53MonroeWhite-CGT.package | package | 263826 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM54CoconutShavings-CGT.package | package | 263822 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM55PlainStripes-CGT.package | package | 263806 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM56Bureaucracy-CGT.package | package | 263812 |
floor_CarpetIndustrial-MM57DeFoneDeFirst-CGT.package | package | 504701 |
ThankYouFloors.txt | txt | 344 |
Uploaded: 31st May 2023, 7.98 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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