TESTERS WANTED: Broadway Bound Career Track -- UPDATED W/ NEW GUIDS!

Hey guys, I've updated this career so that it works with the EPs. Get it at my website:
This update should prevent this career from replacing the athletic career track! It has new guids. Current version is for US english only at the moment, I will work on other languages later...
This career is specific to sims persuing a career on the Broadway stage. It's a challenging career because it requires lots of body, charisma, creativity and also some logic. There are chance cards on only the first 3 levels at the moment, but I'm working on doing about 4-5 more. Your sim will perform in classic repetoire such as "CATS" "West Side Story" "Chicago" and "Mama Mia." -- some of these options appear as opportunities in the chance cards, I set the probability of the chance card options showing up to 85-100% so the choices will almost always appear. I tried to keep it as realistic as possible, in fact one of the chance cards is based upon my experience at an audition today! lol This is actually my current real life career path, so this was a fun one to create. The career is not yet complete, I want to test that everything is showing up ok.
The levels and descriptions are:
Waiter/Waitress 3pm-9pm $154/day
Desc - So you moved from home with big dreams... Big dreams of being on the Broadway stage! Seeing your name in the marque, being the STAR of the show. Well wake up and smell the coffee because you just spilled it on the floor. Until you can get noticed you're waiting tables at the local diner. This town is filled with wannabe's so it's going to be important for you to hone your craft, keep up with the singing lessons, take your dance classes, and stretch everyday because you're going to need it!
Casting Director's Intern 9am-5pm $250/day:
Trying your hardest to live off of tips and $2.50 an hour, which in the end just isnt cutting it, you decided that a change is DIRELY needed. After some consideration, you become an intern in a casting office. This new opportunity may not only get you in the door, but may also help you to learn the in's and out's of how and why people get cast for different roles. Keep your eyes peeled and ears open and something may come across that's just perfect for YOU! Brush up on those people skills, learn how to file papers, and continue to hone your craft to better your chances...
Usher 7pm-11pm $300/day
Well your internship with David E Smiley has ended. Hopefully you've learned some valuable lessons along the way. But as they say "the show must go on." Still struggling to pay for dance classes, vocal lessons, acting classes, and your rent, you decide that taking up a job as an usher in the local community theater is a great way to see great performances and rub elbows with people who could potentially hire you in your next role. Build up relationships with other actors and directors who perform at the theater and keep studying, you may just find yourself on stage one day -- performing, not cleaning up dust bunnies...
Chorus Dancer -- Non Union 6pm-9pm $420/day
So you've kept your eyes and ears open for any and every opportunity that came up. You eventually land a role in a non-union production of "A Chorus Line." Aaaah nothing like dancing around stage in some tights and a headband! At least it's steady work for the next 6 months. You perform 8 shows a week (which includes the dreaded Sunday matinee) but the pay is steady and you like the other performers. Now unless you plan on living forever in this mediocre existance you may want to continue working on your body points, up that logic to better remember your lines, and continue with daily dance classes and vocal training so that when the opportunity to better yourself comes, you're ready!
Equity Chorus Dancer 4pm-10pm $750/day
Finally you've made it! You're Equity. Now opportunity for auditioning for the big Broadway productions are at your fingertips! But are you really up for the challenge? At your level, the competition is fierce so you want to make sure that you are ALWAYS on top of your game. Also, dont you think it's time for new headshots and a resume update? Luckily, you're performing in a national tour of "Crazy For You" so you can actually afford to pay for them! Even better, the national tour has a sit down show in your neighborhood so you dont even have to move in order to fulfill your dreams. Still it's not enough, you want to be on the "GREAT WHITE WAY!" Keep your skills up and your friends close, and you may just get there sooner than you think...
Equity Principle Performer 4pm-10pm $950
It was really only a matter of time before the whole world woke up and realized your talent! You are cast in the role of Billy Flynn in the musical "Chicago" at the Bharami Dinner Theatre in downtown SimCity [the female version has the role of Roxie Hart from Chicago]. This is a big deal, anyone who is anyone comes to see shows at this historical venue on any given day of the week. It's really going to be important to keep submitting yourself to agents for representation now, particularly since you are union. They are usually good friends with the casting directors who can get you into the top musicals. Network, network, NETWORK!
Broadway Debut -- Understudy 7pm-9pm $1300
Your persistance landed you in the files of Harvey P. Levin, of the William Pritchkard Agency -- one of the top theatrical agencies in the country! Harvey, the power agent, came and saw your performance in "Chicago" and fell in love with you. He was eventually able to help you land your first role! Correction -- FIRST BROADWAY ROLE! Oh you're sooo excited you call home and tell mom... Only thing, you're the understudy buddy! So ok, you may never actually get to go on stage and perform, but you are one of the most important members of the cast. And not only that, but you are the understudy for the star of the show, one bad thing that happens to him, and you get to step in... But hey dont get any ideas! You need to just be at the theater ready to go on at a moment's notice.
Broadway Chorus Dancer 6pm-10pm $2200
Sooner than you can sing "DO-RE-MI" you are cast as a member of the chorus in the hit show "Mama Mia." Now that's something to sing about. What could be better than singing and dancing to the tunes of ABBA in Broadway Musical form! Even better, you are performing in NY in the legendary Wintergarten Theater (home to the musical CATS for 20 years). Harvey has worked his magic once again for you by helping you to land this better role -- the producer of the show is a good personal friend. Harvey has also done an excellent job of arranging transportation to and from NY via helicopter everyday! He wants you to continue to work hard though... There is a new show soon to open up, and he wants to submit you for the staring role!
Broadway Star 5pm-9pm $4500
Well, well hot shot... You've worked your butt off. You've faced rejection. You've shed blood, sweat, and tears. And now after all this time, your hard work has FINALLY paid off! Harvey is really proud as well. You've been cast in the staring role of an original Broadway production. Now you have to attend press junkets, and do all sorts of publicity stuff before the show opens. YOUR name appears in the marquee, and you've recieved rave reviews from the previews of the show alone! More offers are pouring in than even you can handle! You've come a long way baby, but you're not done just yet...
Broadway Legend 12pm-3pm $6800
You are now a "living legend." Theater goers all shower you with flowers and huge rounds of applause whenever you step onto any stage. You are called to choreograph all sorts of shows, you are sought after for coaching by upcoming Broadway stars. Little kids want to be you! Now really the only thing you have to do is sit back and be fabulous. You make your money by doing private coaching and teaching classes now, so your evenings are free to spend with friends and family. Enjoy your star status, you will be remembered forever!
Example Chance Card:
Female Version --
A casting notice arrives in the office. The breakdown calls for an extremely strong dancer who sings well for a local production of "CATS." They are seeking the lead role of Bumballurina. You think that perhaps you can do the job better than anyone David E. Smiley -- the casting director -- has on file. You want this opportunity more than anything but you know that if David finds out you're submitting yourself behind his back, it will not only cost you your job, but it will also tarnish your image a bit... But if you land the job, you will not only have a nice pay check, but he exposure can do nothing but help your career...
Attend the Audition on Your Own or Ask David if He Will Consider You
Uploaded: 23rd Feb 2005, 285.5 KB.
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
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- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 22nd Feb 2006 at 1:59 AM - FILE UPDATED 2/21/06
by ManUtd Simmer 28th Jul 2005 at 8:58pm
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