Unlocked Child/Teen LTR and Traits (Testers Wanted)
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Please Note: Due to the sheer number of traits, I have not had time to test each individual trait. Thus this mod is listed as in testing. If you are going to use this mod please make a back up of your saves first. I am not responsible for what you decide to do to your game!
Have you ever wanted to give your child or teen a trait, only to discover it's not listed? Does that anger you? What about Life Time Rewards? Do you want to give your teens fertility treatments only to find it's not on the list?
Have you tried the original "More Children LTR and Traits" mod here only to find out it's creator, jimmyThePipe, dropped off the face of the earth over two years ago and the mod is horribly out of date (last update was three years ago

Well good news! I've update his/her mod for you! This mod enables ALL life time rewards (and traits) for ANY sim ages child and up.
Pictures are below, under screenshots.
Compatibility: This mod will conflict with any other mod that modifies the traits.xml, which includes Awesomemod (though it seems to work with Awesomemod). This mod is compatabile with patch 1.67.
Additional Credits:
Peter L. Jones for Sim3PE
jimmyThePipe for the original mod
Nekochild for the request
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR 1.63.zip
Uploaded: 6th Nov 2013, 40.3 KB.
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR 1.55.zip
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2013, 33.0 KB.
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR 1.50.zip
Uploaded: 17th Mar 2013, 16.7 KB.
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR 1.42.zip
Uploaded: 4th Nov 2012, 15.8 KB.
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR 1.38.zip
| This will work for patch 1.39 as well
Uploaded: 2nd Sep 2012, 28.8 KB.
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR 1.31.zip
| This will work with any patch from 1.31 to 1.36
Uploaded: 17th Mar 2012, 27.2 KB.
Chicken0895 Unlocked Traits and LTR.zip
Uploaded: 18th Jan 2012, 26.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 6th Dec 2018 at 10:02 AM - New NRaas Link
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About Me
Please do not re-upload any of my mods anywhere (especially pay sites) unless you have written permission from me. PM me if you wish to do this.
I am taking sims 3 xml mod requests, if you are not sure what kind of mod your idea requires, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can do it. I cannot do custom careers or meshes. I do not currently know how to make food, although I would be interested in learning if anyone knows a good tutorial.
Happy simming!