Fabric wall art (slaved paintings) + frames in iCad's woods
frame-details.jpg - width=1008 height=626
frame-recolors.jpg - width=1092 height=819
meaningfruit-maxiscolors.jpg - width=941 height=504
scene.jpg - width=798 height=580
transcendence-maxiscolors.jpg - width=836 height=687
fruitshadows.jpg - width=892 height=451
First, have you ever watched one of the home decorating shows? Maybe I've just seen too many episodes of Sell This House, but it seems like they're always using random leftover fabric to make cheap coordinating wall art. So...now your Sims can, too.
I slaved four base game paintings to Jonesi's bed blanket, which comes in a gazillion recolors. The paintings are "Transcendence", "The Meaning of Fruit", "Bella Squared", and "Sim City at Night". They will show up as separate items in the catalog but are otherwise identical to the originals except that I changed the price from hundreds of Simoleans to 120-140. The environment scores are still at the original settings for those paintings (6, 10, 8, and 3, in order). I figure the boost is due to how clever your Sim decorator will feel. Jonesi's bed blanket mesh and recolors are not included. Try this set for a start, or look up more.
You can see from the photo that "Transcendence" mirrors the image and the two-tile "Sim City at Night" stretches it sideways. If you use a solid-color or lightly-textured bed blanket recolor (like...many, many of the recolors out there), this doesn't make any difference, but I used a more directional pattern in the preview so you could see what you were getting. (I prefer them a little less than completely identical, but if you like your wall art to match exactly, then just don't combine different paintings.)
Second, I recolored the frames using iCad's 12 wood colors for furniture. (I also replaced the backs on some of the paintings and increased the texture size to improve on the detail. The detail isn't as good on "Sim City at Night" because of how that one is mapped to the frame.)
You can see some details here and a full chart of recolors below:
Finally (this is the "and a half"), I pulled the matching textures that were already in the game for the "Transcendence" and "Meaning of Fruit" frames. There are 5 recolors for "Transcendence" and 13 (!) for "The Meaning of Fruit". Some of them are rather dull and some of them are a little...weird...but since they pull existing in-game textures they are only about 1.4 KB each.
This set is entirely mix-and-match. The recolors will work with both the slaved paintings and the Maxis originals, and you can use the slaved paintings without any of the recolors (they will pull the original Maxis textures for the frames). All files are clearly labeled and have been compressed.
In addition:
As you can see in most of the pictures I have attached, "The Meaning of Fruit" has a darker shadow than the other paintings. This is original to the game. However, in case you don't like it or just want things to match, I have "fixed" it (it wasn't really broken, just different) by pulling the shadows from another square painting ("Transcendence"). You will need to download that file separately in MeaningofFruit-lighterShadow.rar. (Only use one of my slaved versions of each painting, of course.) There is also a "fixed" package for the base game file--if you put it in your Downloads folder, your other "Meaning of Fruit" paintings in the game will have the same lighter shadow. (This gives it the custom content star, so be sure not to delete it from inside the game! If you don't want to take the chance you can try placing it in the relevant bin folder if you know how to do that.) One of the attached pictures illustrates the difference. All of the others show the Maxis original, darker-shadow version.
Additional Credits:
The photos use iCad's wood floors and wood colors.
The fabrics are from sarah*rose's recolors of Jonesi's bed blanket. The chair is mine.
All editing and such done in SimPE and the GIMP (thanks to iCad for GIMP-friendly colors!)
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| "Fixed" versions of both my slaved painting AND the original Maxis "The Meaning of Fruit" with lighter shadows to match the other paintings.
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 13.8 KB.
| Basegame "Transcendence" frame recolors in iCad's wood colors
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 373.2 KB.
| Basegame "Sim City at Night" frame recolors in iCad's wood colors
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 350.4 KB.
| Basegame "The Meaning of Fruit" frame recolors in iCad's wood colors
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 646.0 KB.
| Basegame "Bella Squared" frame recolors in iCad's wood colors
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 325.2 KB.
| Recolors for "Transcendence" and "The Meaning of Fruit" that pull matching textures already in the game.
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 23.7 KB.
| Four base game paintings slaved to Jonesi's bed blanket. (BED BLANKET NOT INCLUDED)
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 22.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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#Jonesi blanket, #iCad, #wood, #frames, #paintings, #Maxis extracted, #respository
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About Me
Since all I make is free stuff made with other free stuff (except for the games, half of which I bought used, I am not even using any not-free software--hooray for the GIMP!), and it is made possibly entirely by other people who have shared THEIR free stuff, I am entirely sharing-friendly. Do whatever you like with any of my stuff. Make recolors, pull it apart and make it better, mix it with your own stuff, upload it with your Sims or lots or whatever, or print it out and use it as a background on your dart board.
In order to make sharing easier, crediting me is nice, but not required. If you forget where you got it, 'er...someone somewhere' is acceptable credit. (Basically, anything short of claiming to have made it yourself.)
I would prefer that you not put anything made with my stuff on pay sites, because I figure if I make free stuff using other free stuff, it should stay free. Obviously you should never try to make money off of somebody else's stuff, but as for just posting for free on sites that have some pay content...since I don't actually frequent any pay sites, I wouldn't know if you did. Use your best judgment.