Army Enlisted Career - Now With Two Separate Career Paths! - Updated 12/02/2012

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Uncle Sim Wants YOU! Introducing a more realistic take on the Military Career, I offer you the Army Enlisted Career. As a US Army veteran myself, I'm just not all that thrilled with the way EA handled the Military career. Using the American Army enlisted ranks, your sim can join up as a raw recruit and work his or her way up to the rank of Sergeant Major of the Army or Command Sergeant Major, depending on which career path they choose! The career track choice option represents a major overhaul of the mod.

Having benefitted from the wonderful mods from all of you fabulous creators out there, I decided it was time to give something back. This is my first attempt at modding anything, so I hope you'll all enjoy it!

12/02/2012 - Added Dutch Translation (Thanks, Olbi!)
11/21/2012 - Added Korean Translation of the dual track career (Thanks again, somerset!)
11/20/2012 - Major Overhaul! Your sims now have a career decision to make! Upon promotion to level 4, sims will have the chance to choose between two career paths - Combat Arms (the combat or line units track) or Combat Service Support (CSS) (the administrative track). The CSS track has a new outfit - the Class B uniform - for levels 4 thru 6. The job descriptions have been updated below. This expanded career was built and tested on patch 1.42 (I have Seasons installed as well). Unfortunately, with the changes I needed to make to separate out the two branches, I was unable to include the current French and Korean translations. I have included an updated Translator file. The job descriptions have not changed, it's more a question of having to rearrange them. However, I had to add text for the career option offer and the option names (which show up on the selection buttons - see screenshot below).
11/19/2012 - Added Korean Translation (Thanks, somerset!)
11/18/2012 - Added French Translation (Thanks, piluc!)
10/27/2012 - It was pointed out that "OORAH" is Marine terminology, and that "HOOAH" is the correct Army terminology. I stand corrected, and so does the mod! I guess I watch too much NCIS!
- I also received some great suggestions for changes in the career progression. Your sim can now aspire to be the Sergeant Major of the Army (Level 10). I've made some minor modifications to the E9 titles and descriptions (see Career Details). I've re-uploaded the career and translator files. Please re-download and replace the .package file if you want the new career progression. You're more than welcome to keep the original one if you like it better, but just remember to place only one file in your Mods folder at a time!

As with any custom career, you'll need to have Twallan's Base Careers Mod installed in order for it to work.
Be sure to keep this mod updated, especially when a new patch is released. Twallan excels at keeping his mods up-to-date!

Patch Compatibility - This career was made with patch 1.38-1.39. Works fine with 1.42. I'm patched to 1.67 and it works fine. Be sure you have the latest Nraas Careers mod which was updated to work on patches 1.63-1.67.

Currently, the language is in English only, but I'm willing to take a crack at including other language files, so I've included a file for translators to use. Download the mflaha55_ArmyEnlisted_EnglishStrings_FOR TRANSLATORS file, translate the text into your language, return the file to me and I'll integrate it into the career file and re-upload. You can attach your .zip or .rar file to the Comments in this thread, or PM me for contact information.

All right. On to the details! The Army Enlisted Career is a ten-level, dual track career with custom career outfits for male and female, Young Adult to Elder (we're an equal opportunity employer! ). The outfits use the base game Military career uniforms and other base game hairs, shoes and accessories, with two exceptions. Since EA did not see fit to include a pair of high-top military-style boots for females, you'll need to download Sentate's Unisex Military Boots , or your female soldier will be wearing a dreadful pair of pumps with her fatigues! You will also need to have the World Adventures EP, as I used the Indiana Jones-style Adventure hat to simulate the female Drill Instructor's hat (In my day, female DIs wore Australian Bush hat-styled headgear). I also used this same hat for the male DIs in the new Combat Service Support track.

The career includes four custom tones that your sim can select while at work to help increase the skills necessary for promotion (Athletic, Martial Arts, Charisma and Handiness).

Your sim can join up through the newspaper or the computer...

...or by going to the recruiting office located in the Military Base rabbithole.

Your sim will also need to make a career track choice upon promotion to level 4.

Sorry, but this career does not currently have any opportunities or events, as I have not yet been able to find a tutorial on how to create customized opportunities/events!

Career Details: Levels, Descriptions, Hours and Pay

1. Private: You're in the Army now! It's a tough job, but a well respected one. Keep your nose clean and your powder dry; you can only go up from here! And look on the bright side: you only have to clean latrines with a toothbrush until you get promoted!
Hours: 7.00am ~ 5.00pm 10 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat (M,T,W,R,F,S)

2. Private 2nd Class: You've made it through basic training without screwing up too much! Now you're off to AIT to learn the fundamentals of your MOS. Work hard, do your best and you'll be the best in your job!!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 4.00pm 8 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri (M,T,W,R,F)

3. Private First Class: As a Private First Class, you are expected to start displaying the leadership traits the Army's looking for. Your job hasn't gotten easier just because you have people working under you. If anything, it's gotten harder, but you have the resolve necessary to run a well oiled section.
Hours: 7.00am ~ 5.00pm 10 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat (M,T,R,F,S)

4. Corporal (Combat Arms Track): Congratulations! Your hard work, dedication to the unit and demonstrated leadership skills have earned you a promotion to Corporal! As a junior NCO, you’re the buffer between Sarge and the troops. Do a good job, keep your nose clean and that third stripe will soon be yours!

4. Specialist Four (Combat Service Support Track): Congratulations! Your hard work, dedication to the unit and demonstrated leadership skills have earned you a promotion to Specialist Four! You've been assigned to the Battalion Adjutant's Office. Do a good job, keep your nose clean and that third stripe will soon be yours!
Hours: 7.00am ~ 5.00pm 10 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat (M,T,W,R,F,S)

5. Sergeant (Combat Arms Track): You've been promoted to Sergeant. With that third stripe comes more responsibilities than you ever thought you'd have. You're the Squad Leader now, but don't let it go to your head. You've got some new recruits to train. Put on your Sgt Rock face and make 'em give you 20! HOOAH!

5. Sergeant (Combat Arms Track) (Female): You've been promoted to Sergeant. With that third stripe comes more responsibilities than you ever thought you'd have. You're the Squad Leader now, but don't let it go to your head. You've got some new recruits to train. Put on your Sgt Rock-ette face and make 'em give you 20! HOOAH!

5. Sergeant (Combat Service Support Track): You've been promoted to Sergeant. With that third stripe comes more responsibilities than you ever thought you'd have. You're in charge of the Battalion Administrative Section now, but don't let it go to your head!
Hours: 7.00am ~ 5.00pm 10 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat (M,T,W,R,F,S)

6. Staff Sergeant (Combat Arms Track): Your demonstrated leadership of your squad has paid off in spades! As a newly promoted Staff Sergeant you are now ready to take on the responsibilities of section leader. It's your job to assist the platoon sergeant in keeping the platoon running like clockwork, which means keeping the LT out of trouble!

6. Staff Sergeant (Combat Service Support Track): Your demonstrated leadership of your section has paid off in spades! As a newly promoted Staff Sergeant you are now ready to take on responsibilities as the Battalion Operations Sergeant. It's your job to assist the Operations Officer in keeping Battalion Ops running like clockwork.
Hours: 8.00am ~ 5.00pm 9 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri (M,T,W,R,F)

7. Sergeant First Class (Combat Arms Track): You're a rough and tough Senior NCO now, and all of the Company knows it. As Platoon Sergeant, you'll need to keep a close eye on the LT and teach him the ropes of leading a platoon. Your leadership will keep your platoon well trained and battle-ready. HOOAH!

7. Sergeant First Class (Combat Service Support Track): You're a tough Senior NCO now, and all of the Battalion knows it. You've been selected to be a Drill Instructor! You've got some new recruits to train. Put on your Sgt Rock face and make 'em give you 20! HOOAH!

7. Sergeant First Class (Combat Service Support Track) (Female): You're a tough Senior NCO now, and all of the Battalion knows it. You've been selected to be a Drill Instructor! You've got some new recruits to train. Put on your Sgt Rock-ette face and make 'em give you 20! HOOAH!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 6.00pm 10 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat (M,T,W,R,F,S)

8. First Sergeant (Combat Arms Track): You've done it! That third rocker plus that diamond means you're now the Company First Sergeant, the Captain's right hand! No one dares cross your path for fear of a butt-chewing and Lord help the poor soul who tries to correct you! Your pep talks raise the morale of the troops tenfold. You've got the leader in you that the military needs.

8. Master Sergeant (Combat Service Support Track): Your experience and hard work has paid off! You've earned that third rocker and have been assigned as the top NCO on Headquarters staff. You've got the leader in you that the military needs.
Hours: 7.00am ~ 6.00pm 10 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat (M,T,W,R,F,S)

9. Command Sergeant Major (Combat Arms Track): Your skill and stellar leadership as Company First Sergeant got you noticed! You've been promoted and selected to be the Command Sergeant Major. You'll be held to a higher standard and expected to demonstrate those leadership skills and experience now more than ever. Show the brass what you're made of, and you'll get those double stars before you know it!

9. Sergeant Major (Combat Service Support Track): Your skill and stellar leadership on Headquarters staff got you noticed! You've been promoted and selected to be the Headquarters Sergeant Major. You'll be held to a higher standard and expected to demonstrate those leadership skills and experience now more than ever. Show the brass what you're made of, and you'll get that wreath before you know it!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 5.00pm 9 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri (M,T,W,R,F)

10. Sergeant Major of the Army (Combat Arms Track): You've done it! You've been selected to be the Sergeant Major of the Army! You're the top NCO in the Army. It's your job to handle the affairs of the enlisted soldiers in the Army. They all look up to you as the Top! You've come a long way, soldier. Accept the thanks of a grateful nation!

10. Command Sergeant Major (Combat Service Support Track): You've done it! You've been selected to be the Command Sergeant Major! You're the top NCO in the command. It's your job to handle the affairs of the enlisted soldiers in the command. They all look up to you as the Top! You've come a long way, soldier. Accept the thanks of a grateful nation!
Hours: 9.00am ~ 5.00pm 8 hrs
Days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri (M,T,W,R,F)

(Tip: A good Life Time Wish is Physical Perfection, as your sim will need high levels of Athletic and Martial Arts skills to advance).


Creon - for his Tutorial/Guide and Q&A Thread; Inge & Peter Jones - for s3pe; The CTU Team - for CAS Texture+Unitool; CmarNYC - for Sim Outfit Editor/Creator tool; Twallan - for Careers Base Mod, Bootstrap Creator and Sims 3 STBL Editor ; Creators of; Sentate - for his Unisex Military Boots

Special Thanks To: ThomasRiordan - for his help with STBL files (see especially posts #19 and #23 in Creon Q&A Thread above); and missyhissy - for her help with gender-specific titles (see post #76 in Creon Q&A Thread above)
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