Professional Procrastinator Career
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Procrastinating on the job - staged image.
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This was tested with patch 1.63, but should work on earlier patches - please let me know if it does not. Compatible with base game or any combination of EPs/SPs as long as the Careers Mod mentioned above is installed correctly.
The career is currently in English only. Language strings have been provided if anyone would like to translate it into other languages. Only translate the text between the <STR></STR> tags, leave everything else the same. Please also be certain not to delete any of the < or > characters when editing between the string tags. PM me if you have translated the strings and I'll give you my email address to send the file.
Professional Procrastinator Career Info
Rabbithole: ScienceLab
Levels: 10
Age: YA,A,E
Skill Building: logic, cooking, social networking, charisma
Uniforms: None - you go to work in whatever you want to.
Opportunities*: 2 included
Career Events/Chance Cards*: 9 included (there are actually 10, but one comes up blank - still trying to figure out which one it is)
*There is a possibility that opportunities and events may repeat, some are set to trigger only on certain levels, but are all set to a likelihood of 0.25-0.75. An example has been provided in the screenshots.
Professional Procrastinator Career Descriptions
It has come to the attention of the city council that there has been an increase of procrastinators in the city. The head of the science lab suggested to the council that his team could conduct a long-term study by creating an actual profession for these individuals. The idea behind this new profession would be to plant researchers and scientists in as the superiors for the procrastinators so that they may begin to examine and understand the habits, nature, and mind-set behind the whole procrastination behavior. In addition, by employing them, the scientists can play to the procrastinators' strengths and utlize them for further study or get them to do things without them even realizing they actually "worked". The council was intrigued by this prospect and has granted the Science Lab permission to go ahead with this program on the condition that they tactfully employ reverse-psychology on the procrastinators, getting them to "work" to the city's benefit and perhaps even to turn a profit. Of course, none of this has been published publically. Instead, the Science Lab has advertised the following job description in order to lure in the procrastinators:
Are you a procrastinator? Is "I'll do it later", "There's always tomorrow", or "Not now, later" your to-live-by motto or mantra? Do you find yourself doing a lot of things other than what you're supposed to be doing, putting off your todo list until the very last minute? Then the Science Lab has the perfect opportunity for you! We are hiring all levels of procrastinators... You read that right! HIRING procrastinators. Your "job" will be to do what you normally do, but at the lab office. Be as lackadaisical as you want, do what you want and get paid for it! Lots of benefits, easy money. If you're procrastinator enough to handle it, join now!... or do it later.
Level 1: Trial Stage
The scientists like to use the term "stage" instead of titled levels. The first stage is the Procrastination Worthy Evaluation Period. Since you moved from your own den to the den of the Science lab, you must re-establish your routine. During this period, your superiors will be monitoring your adaptation, but don't be nervous, the sterile environment is nothing to fret over and you're actually stoked about having a new slate to work with. There's nothing better than new gadgets to explore, new computer to hack into, a new desk to clutter and new couches to break in. Thank goodness they also have a bed, just in case staying up all those late hours the night before playing on the computer may have drained you. You were apprehensive about this job in the beginning, but now feel comfortable enough that later you may even kick off your shoes and plant your feet on the desk to lean back in that brand new office chair.
Level 2: Contemplative Stage
Somehow you passed the evaluation period without lifting a finger. You're still questioning, in your head, whether this job is for real or some reality TV show that's going to humiliate the crap out of you later. With all those questions and doubts going through your head you have a sense of dread hanging over you and are starting to feel sorry for yourself - what a big loser you are, and how utterly lazy others think you must be. You're a bit depressed at how you really should be doing SOMETHING, so that maybe you can impress your superiors... but for now there are so many other things you can do - like eat, or play games or...
Level 3: Emotive Stage
Every night you go home feeling sorry for yourself, then you get angry. It feels like the whole world is out having fun, but you have a long endless todo list that you need to be checking off. Why were you given all these things to do, anyway? You feel like you're stuck at the bottom of a very deep well that is slowly starting to fill with water, but you're trapped in the mud so there's no possible way you can stay afloat once the water reaches your head and those lousy scientists are just looking down at you nodding their heads and taking notes. Now even the thoughts in your head are rambling on and on in long run-on sentences.
There is so much you need to do - deadlines? HUH? - this is not what you signed up for, is it? - yet you don't want to do any of it. It's too overwhelming, instead you're probably thinking about posting your woes and rants to your PlumbBook page.
Level 4: Prioritizing Stage
So yeah, you haven't done a single thing since they hired you. All those sleepless nights and having to sleep some of the day away have made you extremely tired and you lack motivation. You need to take a break from all the pressure. Well, in theory, since you do have that major project that your superior handed to you last week that you need to get a jump on. Hmmm, but your friend happened to mention to you last night some bizarre video that you MUST watch, so you need to look that up first, it'll only take a few minutes...
Level 5: Time Management Stage
Your superiors told you that you had to time manage better. You aren't doing a good enough job at getting things done, which is totally mind-blowing to you since you thought you were doing exactly what they hired you to do. So you decide you will show them a thing or two and do intense research on time management. That's going to take some time, too much time to do anything else, but it has to be done, everything else can wait.
Level 6: New Skills Stage
You may have done everything BUT what you needed to do, and you might feel terrible about it, but you think you might actually have picked up several different new skills! You did waste many many MANY hours of your life, getting nothing productive done. Since you have some new skills you want to be able to use them to your benefit and actually change your perspective and do some "real" work. You feel that you have learned your lesson, after all... just as you finished that thought, your superiors were kind enough to send some new shiny gadgets to the office as gifts. You don't want to be rude by snubbing the gifts. You thank your superiors and jump at the chance to play with the new stuff. You'll work on changing tomorrow.
Level 7: Awkward Stage
When you socialize with friends and family they tend to ask what you've been up to and how work was going. This makes you feel rather awkward and lame. You have to make up normal sounding activities, be vague, or change the subject, while avoiding eye contact to make it seem like you do a whole lot more than what you really do. If they actually knew what you did on a day-to-day, night-to-night basis, they might be appalled to discover things things about you - things you already know about yourself, but are in denial about.
Level 8: Separation Stage
Feeling like you're going to be judged by one and all because of the way you do things, or not do things, you're starting to pull away from those that you know. Putting up an emotional barrier helps you to feel a little safe. This separation is indefinite, but only temporary. You need the reprieve to regather and find new ways to project yourself so that the eyes of public scrutiny, which you're sure exists, will be a little easier to bear. Meanwhile, you cross off a couple of the things on your todo list - the easy stuff, just so that you can feel a tiny bit better about yourself.
Level 9: Look In The Mirror Stage
You passed the mirror on the way to work and saw your unkempt hair, the dark circles under your eyes, and the slumming way you dressed.
Reflection and truth. The clouds begin to part and you start seeing things more clearly, literally and figuratively. You take a look at your surroundings at work, it was once pristine and sterile, now it's cluttered and in disarray. You know your life isn't exactly going as planned, and that your procrastination is problematically the saboteur. You round your shoulders, sit up a little taller, lift your chin, take a big deep breath then start straightening up and organizing your workspace. Next you begin writing down a goal list. You feel committed to doing what you need to do in order to better yourself and your life. You do want to be successful, you do want respect and want to feel a sense of accomplishment and feel appreciated for the work you do and the talents you possess. You take the initiative and dive head first and strong into your list, managing to stay atop of it. You ignore the fact that your superiors are wide-eyed surprised and baffled by your sudden change.
Level 10: Acceptance Stage
This final stage in your career is a complex one. It's where you decide whether to continue your new-found path of success-enlightenment, or revert back to those oh-so-tempting old ways of procrastination. Once you take even the slightest step back you will be in danger of repeating the patterns you were previously plagued with. Your superiors could care less if you continue the job or retire as there are many other procrastinators out there that can and will take your place. The choice is yours to make, just as your life is yours to live as you choose to live it. Rejoice that you have made it this far and that an accomplishment, no matter how big or how small, is something that you can embrace and feel proud of and can be used as a self-esteem boost the next time you need that little push to getting something done.
Career Pay/Work Chart
Level | Title | Pay/hr | Pension/day | Start | Day Length | Days | Car |
1 | Trial Stage | $35 | $53 | 11 | 6 | M,T,W,R,F | CarUsed1 |
2 | Contemplative Stage | $45 | $68 | 11 | 6 | M,T,W,R,F | CarUsed1 |
3 | Emotive Stage | $60 | $90 | 12 | 6 | M,T,W,R,F | CarCheap1 |
4 | Prioritizing Stage | $75 | $113 | 12 | 6 | M,T,W,R,F | CarCheap1 |
5 | Time Management Stage | $95 | $171 | 12 | 6 | M,T,W,R,F | CarSedan |
6 | New Skills Stage | $125 | $225 | 12 | 6 | M,T,W,R | CarSedan |
7 | Awkward Stage | $160 | $264 | 12 | 5 | M,T,W,R | CarSedan |
8 | Separation Stage | $190 | $314 | 13 | 5 | M,T,W,R | CarSports |
9 | Look In The Mirror Stage | $235 | $411 | 13 | 5 | T,W,R,U | CarSports |
10 | Acceptance Stage | $385 | $616 | 17 | 4 | T,W,R,U | CarExpensive1 |
Masked Tone | Tone Title | Description |
MeetCoworkers | Meet And Greet | You're not alone in your procrastinating ways, introduce yourself to your peers... fellow procrastinators. |
HangWithCoworkers | Go Socialize | Yeah, work can wait, gab about the latest video game, movie, or whatever else you can think of that will help you put off what you really need to be doing. |
TakeItEasy | Contemplate Working | To work, or not to work? That is the question. There's always tomorrow. |
SuckUpToBoss | Gossip With Superiors | Your superiors don't have anything pressing to do, right? So why not socialize with them too? |
WorkHard | Work On Todo List | That todo list can get pretty long in your profession, which can be quite overwhelming and stressful when you look at it. |
Skill Building Tones*
Masked Tone | Tone Title | Levels | Description |
PracticeCooking | Take Long Lunch Break | 1:6 | A sim has to eat! Take a break and make that recipe you've been dying to try. You may not be working, but you'll improve on your cooking skills. |
PracticeLogic | Play Video Games | 1:10 | Ah! Let's see what game shall you play today? Chess? Canasta? Sodoku? Reversi? So many choices. Luckily, those games will help you gain some logic even though you're not working. |
PracticeSocialNetworking | Download Latest Apps | 4:8 | You know you were supposed to do something specific today, but your smartphone is calling your name, download the latest apps, text your friends, SnapSimsChat, go on PlumbBook, surf the web. |
*Note about skill builing tones, though it's set so that you don't have to have any skill points to utilize these while your sim is "working", I'm finding that you still need at least a level 1 in the skill before it'll start building while you're at work. That may just be on my end or may just be that it's slow to build while at work so takes longer before any results are seen as far as leveling up in the skill - still investigating this.
Additional Credits:
Twallan's Careers Mod and various tools
Creon for the Complete Guide to Career Modding for Beginners! Tutorial via Sims Wiki
Staged shot:
Daydreamin' Pose (sim reclined in chair, feet propped up on desk) by me, aka bellissimo sims
Shot in an office in the Sunset Valley Modern Library Lot by Daftalan
| Language strings file for translation (only download if you are going to translate to another language)
Uploaded: 22nd Jan 2014, 7.5 KB.
| Professional Procrastinator Career - package file
Uploaded: 22nd Jan 2014, 27.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file. Now you will have either a .package or a .sims3pack file.
For Package files:
1. Cut and paste the file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder. If you do not already have this folder, you should read the full guide to Package files first: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki, so you can make sure your game is fully patched and you have the correct Resource.cfg file.
2. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
For Sims3Pack files:
1. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
2. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Find the item in the list and tick the box beside it. Then press the Install button below the list.
3. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the content to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
4. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see:
- For package files: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki
- For Sims3pack files: Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki
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