Car Dealership Career

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Okay so here's a Car Dealership career :D

Twallan's Careers Mod is needed to use this career.

You only need the Base Game to use this career, but it will work with any Expansion and Stuff packs installed. It was made with Patch level 1.63, though it should work with any patch level above or below this. This career is based in the Business and Journalism rabbithole. It's got 10 levels and involves Charisma and Handiness skills. It has no uniforms; feel free to add your own. There are no opportunities for this career.

This career won't overwrite any existing careers. Which means that when you click on the Business and Journalism rabbithole, you can join those careers and the Car Dealership.

Job Offer

Do you like cars? Do you have a knack for lies, deceit and treachery? Do you want to join the car sales market? Yes, yes and yes? Great! Just click this little tick!

Custom Tones

Build model cars - Builds handiness skill while you're at work.
Talk to customers - Builds charisma skill while you're at work.

Career levels and descriptions

1. Car Valeter ~ So, you like cars, eh? And you like driving them? Racing them? Well tough luck, your job is to clean the cars, not drive them! The small print - The pay sucks. But don't let that discourage you. You can play with remote controlled cars from time to time. Fun fun fun!

Hours: 8.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

2. Receptionist ~ *Click click. Click.* Hello? Are you there? You want to buy a new car? Hello? Hello? Testing? Hello? *Click* Yeah - this job can be pretty boring. You'll be wanting to suck up to your boss as soon as possible to get a promotion. Oh, and er... I hope you're not a technophobe...
Hours: 8.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

3. Mechanic ~ Well, life's a little more interesting now. You get to muck about with cars and stuff. You know, rip out an engine here... paint a new Ferrari there... NO DON'T TOUCH IT!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

4. Automotive Technician ~ A step up from mechanic, you now get to rip people off *Cough* sell spare parts in a fancy little shed. Customer care is the key - as well as buying your boss coffee and complimenting his hygene...well, that's up to you...
Hours: 8.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

5. Marketing Director ~ Leaflets! Computers! Spam mail! These are the tools of your trade! Your job is to advertise the business to the hordes of car-hungry customers, who are just itching to give you their cash. Of course, you take responsibility for all advertising campaigns, promotional techniques and clogging up customer's junk folders (It's generally advised to advertise competing firms for this one).
Hours: 9.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

6. Junior Salesman ~ Psst. You. Over here. YOU THERE! Buy this car. It's the right thing to do. You know this in your heart. Just give me your money...there, that wasn't so bad, was it? Huh? When am I delivering the car? What car?
Hours: 9.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

7. Sales Executive ~ You're now in charge of the sales team. You're in charge of keeping up profits. You get discounts on the vending machine. You're the first one to get sacked if sales slump. Wait, what? Surely it's not as bad as that? Get selling!
Hours: 9.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

8. Assistant Manager ~ A fine promotion! All that lying and deceiving has finally paid off! You don't need to do much, except fetch the manager the occasional cup of coffee...sit behind a desk trying to look busy...take the blame if the manager screws up... Good luck!
Hours: 10.00am ~ 3.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

9. Manager ~ A nice pay rise, a shiny car, a big office and lots of minions to do your dirty work! Bliss! You're the second in charge in the company, and the CEO depends on you to tell him what's going on (He'd find it out himself but he only works three hours a day, three days a week). Of course, if the company goes's very courageous of you to take this promotion. To say the least.
Hours: 10.00am ~ 3.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

10. CEO ~ It's your job to report to the board of directors about the state of the business. You get to sit in a big chair in a big office, play golf on the floor and yell at the manager when he launders your money. Which for your sake, I hope never happens. You get minimal work hours and a fancy limo to take you to work. Enjoy life at the top!
Hours: 11.00am ~ 2.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

The language strings have been included on the downloads tab for anyone who wants to include translations.
To translate, download the Language_Strings file and open it up in Notepad.

<STR>Translate This Text</STR>

Do that for the entire file.
I only speak English so if anyone wants to translate the career, please send me the translated file, and I'll add it.
Have fun!

Translations currently available
Polish - thanks mareko5!
German - thanks xBMWx!
Brazilian Portuguese - thanks teh_bill!
Korean - thanks TeenAge1234

Additional Credits:
Creators of S3PE Twallan for his Careers mod
Creon for his career making tutorial
MissyHissy for showing me how to make custom careers, and for putting up with me :D
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