Beekeeper Career
With April's theme of eco friendly/green living I have made a BeeKeeper career for Adults, due to its ecological role in agriculture.
Honey bees and agriculture go hand in hand and for example; in Britain 75% of crops and land are pollinated by bees alone. They are a renewable source and also make us yummy honey, honeycombs and wax to use to our advantages.
I find Sims that would suit this job the best are:
*Ones with Talent badges in Gardening or Fishing
*Ones with predestined hobbies for Nature or Science
*Ones with Higher skill points in Cleaning or Logic
*Ones with any type of personality
I have also included a glossary in the zip file explaining terminology used in this career.
Have a lovely Earth Month! <3
Job Descriptions (detailed):
Job Title: Nature Enthusiast
Description: You love to garden, but you also love those buzzing bees that your flowers attract. Join your local apiary and research on how to become a Beekeeper.
Wage: 85
Work Days: 11-4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Skill Requirements: 0
Friends: 0
Level: 2
Job Title: Happy Helper
Description: You've been accepted into your local apiary as a helping hand. It¡¦s time to learn about foul brood, drone combs and nuclei.
Wage: 115
Work Days: 1-5pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays.
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x1
Friends: 1
Level: 3
Job Title: Stung Green Thumb
Description: You've conquered the stinging, swarming and slumgum whilst keeping your flowers thriving. You can now proudly call yourself a professional Beekeeper.
Wage: 160
Work Days: 9-4pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays.
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x3 Creativity x1 Logic x1
Friends: 3
Level: 4
Job Title: Honey Hoarder
Description: Now that you've successfully learnt how to keep your colony happy and healthy, what are you going to do with all this sweet nectar?! It's time to get sticky sweet and sell!
Wage: 240
Work Days: 10-1pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Sundays.
Skill Requirements: Charisma x1 Logic x3
Friends: 3
Level: 5
Job Title: Local Apiary Inspector
Description: Word gets around real quick. Your local apiary wants you to become an official apiary inspector for the local areas. Your job is making sure other beekeepers treat their colonies as well as you treat your own.
Wage: 350
Work Days: 8am-3pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays.
Skill Requirements: Body x1 Cleaning x4
Friends: 5
Level: 6
Job Title: Prize Winning Pupae
Description: Your past, present and little soon to be workers and drones have earned your hives, honey and colony first place in the annual SBKA fete. Your apiary is legendary!
Wage: 420
Work Days: 12-4pm on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays & Sundays.
Skill Requirements: Creativity x2
Friends: 6
Level: 7
Job Title: Bee Activist
Description: With all the trees being cut down, flowers being de-bedded, your bees have nothing to pollinate and collect from. You now have taken matters into your own hands and have joined the political side of nature.
Wage: 675
Work Days: 4-8pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.
Skill Requirements: Charisma x3 Logic x4
Friends: 6
Level: 8
Job Title: Queen Bee Breeder
Description: You now graft and rear potential queen bees to sell across the country.
Wage: 850
Work Days: 11-4pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays.
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x3 creativity x4
Friends: 7
Level: 9
Job Title: President of the Simsting Beekeeper¡¦s Association
Description: You impressed the previous president of SBKA with your buzzing wisdom, influence and dedicated work that you are now the President of SBKA.
Wage: 1,000
Work Days: 8-1pm on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Skill Requirements: Charisma x4 Logic x5
Friends: 8
Level: 10
Job Title: King/Queen of the Bees
Description: You are one with your colony, and they are one with you. Your only cause now is to fight the war against the decline of bees.
Wage: 1,380
Work Days: 11-3pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays.
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x7
Friends: 8
All levels have a chance card written (Detailed (female version shown):
Chance A Good: (simname) notifies a senior beekeeper and it turns out to be European foulbrood. Just as she suspected!
Chance A Bad: (simname) notifies a senior beekeeper but it turns out it was just slumgum. He suggests that (simname) should do some more research.
Chance B Good: (simname) fails to notify a senior beekeeper but with further research she recognises it as slumgum.
Chance B Bad: (simname) fails to notify a senior beekeeper and the European foulbrood kills all developing larvae.
2) (simname) isn't wearing her beekeeping suit as she left it at home. Does she borrow one from a colleague?
Chance A Good: (simname) borrowed a suit and good job that she did, as there was a swarm.
Chance A Bad: (simname) borrowed a suit but there was a hole in it! (Simname) accidentally got stung by a naughty honeybee.
Chance B Good: (simname) took the risk of being suit-less and luckily did not get stung.
Chance B Bad: (simname) took the risk of being suit-less and ended up being stung during a swarm.
3) (simname) wants to plant some new flowers in her apiary. Does she plant some borage and lavender?
Chance A Good: (simname) plants some borage and lavender and her honeybees love them!
Chance A Bad: (simname) plants some borage and lavender but her honeybees end up neglecting the other plants, flowers and fruits in her gardens.
Chance B Good: (simname) decided not to plant anymore flowers and good job she didn¡¦t! Her bees are busy enough with what¡¦s already in her garden.
Chance B Bad: (simname) decided not to plant anymore flowers but now her bees are left with nothing else to pollinate.
4)You suspect one of your distributors, named Kenny, is stealing honey jars from your stockroom. Do you call the police?
Chance A Good: (simname) calls the police and it turns out Kenny is a convict known for stealing from his employers and reselling stuff as his own.
Chance A Bad: (simname) calls the police and it turns out Kenny had put the jars in another pantry in the stockroom. (Simname) apologises to Kenny.
Chance B Good: (simname) realises she had miscounted how many of jars of honey there was and apologises to Kenny.
Chance B Bad: (simname) realises that Kenny is actually stealing, but it¡¦s too late as Kenny has disappeared along with the entire stock of honey jars.
5) whilst inspecting an apiary, (simname) notices that there a lot of dead honeybees on the ground. She suspects the owner of overcrowding. Does she gather some evidence to take to her HQ?
Chance A Good: (simname) goes back to her HQ and gathers a team to help her shut down the apiary. They successfully shut it down and save the remaining bees!
Chance A Bad: (simname) and her team go back to the apiary. Once they are there, they realise the owner is a notorious mafia leader! She decides it¡¦s best to drop the charges before she gets whacked!
Chance B Good: Even without any evidence (simname) manages to shut down the apiary as her team found some poorly honeybees in some combs.
Chance B Bad: (simname) goes back to her HQ and gathers a team but once they get there, all the evidence has been cleaned up and there is no proof to shut it down.
6) (simname) is at her local supermarket and notices that they are selling only one brand of honey. Should (simname) ask the manager if he is interested in selling her honey too?
Chance A Good: (simname) asks the manager and he accepts her offer. Her honey jars are selling like hot llama cakes!
Chance A Bad: (simname) asks the manager and he accepts her offer. Her honey jars are unsuccessful as the locals are happy with their current brand.
Chance B Good: (simname) shakes off that idea, and good thing too as she has realised she needs to work a bit more on her marketing skills before trying to talk to the big shots! Chance B Bad: (simname) shakes off that idea, and ends up losing a great selling opportunity.
7) A Crab-apple tree that is popular with the honeybees is going to be knocked down! Does (simname) pull a classic move and protest by chaining herself to the tree?
Chance A Good: (simname) chains herself to the tree in protest. The crowds listen to her reason to why this tree is important to the bees. The Mayor of Simvilla changes his mind and decides not to have the tree knocked down.
Chance A Bad: (simname) chains herself to the tree in protest. The bulldozer driver doesn¡¦t notice (simname) and knocks down the tree! She breaks a leg.
Chance B Good: She decided that it was best not to pull a stunt like that. And good thing that she didn¡¦t! As the bulldozer driver wasn¡¦t paying attention and accidently injured a member of the crowd.
Chance B Bad: She decided that it was best not to pull a stunt like that. But another protestor did and ended up saving the tree! (simname) is furious that she didn¡¦t do it!
8) (simname) has successfully reared 10 new Queen Bees! Should she release them into the wild so they can start their own hives?
Chance A Good: She releases them into the wild and they go onto to help the environment, yay!
Chance A Bad: She releases them into the wild but one of them got angry and stung the little girl next door. Ouch!
Chance B Good: Good job (simname) didn¡¦t realise them, as there are enough hive-less queens out there looking for new homes already.
Chance B Bad: (simname) doesn¡¦t realise them and reads in the local paper about a local beekeeper that needed some queen bees. She missed out on a good opportunity, darn!
9) Whilst working late and exhaustively one night, (simname) realises she didn¡¦t fill out some paperwork correctly for tomorrow¡¦s board meeting. Does she submit it and ignore the errors?
Chance A Good: Luckily, no one at the board meeting notices and her meeting was successful!
Chance A Bad: one of the corporate members notices the errors and decides to no longer be a part of SBKA.
Chance B Good: (simname) manages to correct the errors and her board meeting was successful!
Chance B Bad: (simname) in her exhaustive state manages to add more errors to the paperwork and her team notices at the meeting. She feels embarrassed and spends the entire day in her office.
10) As the declination of bees reaches a significant plateau, (simname) personally thinks it¡¦s due to global warming. Does she share this with her colleagues?
Chance A Good: She shares her thoughts with her colleagues and they agree with her theory. It¡¦s nice to work with like minded people!
Chance A Bad: Her colleagues have different views and ridicule her. Maybe next time she should keep her opinions to herself.
Chance B Good: Good thing she didn¡¦t share her thoughts with her colleagues as she overhears them taking the mickey about global warming.
Chance B Bad: She doesn¡¦t share her theory with her colleagues and ends up missing a great conversation about global warming.
Beekeeping Career
| Beekeeper Career
Uploaded: 17th Apr 2015, 26.2 KB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 8th Feb 2016 at 1:20 PM
#themegreen, #beekeeper, #bee, #honey, #career, #custom, #ep, #base, #game, #keeping, #environmental, #agriculture, #nature, #cleaning, #garden
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About Me
I've been playing sims since I was 9.
I like recolouring items to create more maxis match stuff. I try keeping as much of it simple and base game so it's fun for all!
General Policies:
-DO NOT reupload any of my work.
-DO NOT edit/modify any of my work without my consent.
-IF you use my work for any photographic or video work, please let me know and also credit me.
-Please DO NOT steal my trademark names that I use for colours.
With my recolours/textures:
You may include with Sims.
You may re-use my textures for related projects.
Uploading Terms for anything else:
-Upload to MTS ONLY!
-DO NOT upload onto TSR/ the Exchange
-Let me know if you've credited me, love to see what you've made!
-Have fun!
-A big thank you for those who have downloaded, thanked, favourited and commented! You guys bring joy to me.