Around the World in 80 Days: A Phileas Fogg Career
I’ve submitted this career for August’s theme: All About Men as it revolves around a male character; Phileas Fogg.
Of course it doesn’t mean that any other gendered Sims cannot have this career, they are more than welcome to!
For that reason I’ve tried to keep all levels, chance cards etc non-binary.
The only exception is level 10 as Mr Fogg does fall in love/marry Aouda.
Thanks to Loki Beaker from StrangeTown for trying out this career!

Only disappointing thing about this career is that your Sims won’t be in those gorgeous lands! It’s a shame you can’t go to work with your Sims in TS2 otherwise I would have created a World or Locations to go along with the itinerary/levels.
*IMPORTANT* Info about Levels:
Levels 2-9 are based on the itinerary from the book which is condensed from the 37 chapters of the book:
2:London to Suez by steamer = 7 days
3:Suez to Bombay by steamer = 13 days
4:Bombay to Calcutta by rail/elephant = 3 days
5:Calcutta to Hong Kong by steamer = 13 days
6:Hong Kong to Yokohama by steamer = 6 days
7:Yokohama to San Francisco by steamer = 22 days
8:San Francisco to New York by rail = 7 days
9:New York to London by steamer = 9 days
Total: 80 days
Level 10 is based on a happy ending.
Days of worked is based/decided on days travelling from the internary, so;
Level 1: No travelling = 5 days a week 9am-4pm
Level 2: 7 days = 7 days a week 9am-12pm
Level 3: 13 days= 3 days a week 10am-7pm
Level 4: 3 days= 3 days a week 12pm -9pm
Level 5: 13 days = 3 days a week 11am-8pm
Level 6: 6 days= 6 days a week 10am-4pm
Level 7: 22 days= 2 days a week 11am-8pm
Level 8: 7 days= 7 days a week 9am-12pm
Level 9: 9 days= 4 days a week 9am-5pm
Level 10: Arrived back + $20,000= 1 day a week 11am-5pm
Friends needed per level are based on the friends he makes along his journey:
Levels 2-3: Jean Passepartout
Levels 4-5: Aouda & Jean Passepartout
Levels 6-10: Aouda, Jean Passepartout & Mr Fix
Job Descriptions (detailed):
Job Title: The Reform Club
Description: You have made a wager for £20,000 that you can circumnavigate the entire world in 80 days or less.
Wage: 200
Work Days: 5 days, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-4pm
Skill Requirements: 0
Friends: 0
Level: 2
Job Title: London, England > Suez, Egypt
Description: First stop Suez! Mr Fix has followed you here believing you are the thief who has robbed the Bank of England of 55 thousand pounds.
Wage: 400
Work Days: 7 days, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9am-12pm
Skill Requirements: Charisma 1, Logic 1
Friends: 1
Level: 3
Job Title: Suez, Egypt > Bombay, India
Description: Mr Fix seems really interested in you and Passepartout...
Wage: 500
Work Days: 3 days, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am-7pm
Skill Requirements: Mechanical 1, logic 3
Friends: 1
Level: 4
Job Title: Bombay, India > Calcutta, India
Description: Oh no! The railway isn’t complete, so let’s set off by Elephant. Also, what’s a suttee?
Wage: 800
Work Days: 3 days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12pm -9pm
Skill Requirements: body 2, logic 5
Friends: 2
Level: 5
Job Title: Calcutta, India >Victoria, Hong Kong
Description: Woah what a trip! You’ve save Aouda from a suttee & you’ve fled being arrested by Mr Fix, but he’s still on your tail!
Wage: 1,000
Work Days: 3 days, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 11am-8pm
Skill Requirements: logic 6
Friends: 2
Level: 6
Job Title: Victoria, Hong Kong > Yokohama, Japan
Description: You’ve missed your connection and lost Passepartout! Will you find a way to Yokohama and your friend?
Wage: 1,300
Work Days: 6 days, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10am-4pm
Skill Requirements: mechanical +3, creativity 2
Friends: 3
Level: 7
Job Title: Yokohama, Japan > San Francisco, USA
Description: Find Passepartout! It’s rumoured he’s somewhere at the circus...
Wage: 1,600
Work Days: 2 days, Wednesday, Thursday 11am-8pm
Skill Requirements: body 5
Friends: 3
Level: 8
Job Title: San Francisco, USA > New York City, USA
Description: Not again! Now Passepartout has been taken hostage by Native Americans! Can you get out of this rut?
Wage: 2,000
Work Days: 7 days, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9am-12pm
Skill Requirements: charisma 6, logic 7
Friends: 3
Level: 9
Job Title: New York City, USA > London, England
Description: Thanks to Aouda and the decision to travel east, you have arrived a day early in London. NOW RUN, GET TO THE REFORM CLUB!!
Wage: 2,200
Work Days: 4 days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday 9am-5pm
Skill Requirements: body 6
Friends: 3
Level: 10
Job Title: Around the World in 80 Days
Description: You made it back to the Reform Club just in time! Congratulations, you’ve not just won £20,000 but also the heart of the gorgeous Aouda.
Wage: 10,000
Work Days: 1, Thursday 11am-5pm
Skill Requirements: logic 8
Friends: 3
Levels 2-9 have chance cards written (Detailed):
2) Whilst on the steamer to Suez, you can’t sleep. Should you go wandering?
Chance A Good: You wander out onto the deck and the cool sea breeze calms your nerves, you sleep peacefully that night. + 1 Logic
Chance A Bad: You wander out onto the deck just as the boat hits stormy waters! You nearly fall off the deck and you get soaked by sea water. -1 Logic
Chance B Good: You stay in your cabin but thankfully fall asleep. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: You stay in your cabin but suffer from seasickness. Quick, grab a bucket! -1 Logic
3) Whilst having a quick pit-stop in Suez, should you try the Ful Medames at the market stall?
Chance A Good: That was the most amazing dish! The vendor has also given you the recipe. +1 Cooking
Chance A Bad: Oh no! Your belly aches and rumbles, I think that wasn’t properly cooked. -1 Body
Chance B Good: Good that you didn’t try it! It turns out the vendor was very unsanitary and let bugs crawl all over it. +1 Cleaning
Chance B Bad: You should have eaten something, now you feel dizzy from the heat and have no food or water until you get on the steamer. -1 Logic
4) During the elephant journey to Calcutta, should you feed the elephant some bananas?
Chance A Good: You feed him some bananas and that has perked him up! He’s now walking faster and as soon as you know it you’ll be at Calcutta. +1 Cooking
Chance A Bad: The elephant’s stomach did not appreciate those bananas and you’ve had to stop for him to be sick! -1 Cleaning
Chance B Good: Thank God you didn’t feed him! Turns out this elephant is intolerant to them. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: The elephant smells the bananas in your bag and decides to shake you and your party off his back to eat them all! You’re now delayed. -1 Body
5) You see a pretty Sari in Calcutta, should you buy it for Aouda?
Chance A Good: She absolutely loves it, much nicer than the one she nearly got sacrificed in! +1 Charisma
Chance A Bad: She’s grateful and appreciates the gift but isn’t really fan of coral. -50
Chance B Good: Good thing you didn’t buy it, she wasn’t a fan of the colour coral. +50
Chance B Bad: Aouda is tired of wearing the same sari since you saved her, you should have bought her it! -1 Charisma
6) You find a Yamoto cockroach in your bag! Should you preserve it as keepsake?
Chance A Good: Well that’s made a pretty charm! The cockroach goes onto your wall at home along with your butterfly collection. +1 Creativity
Chance A Bad: Argh! Turns out its laid eggs in your bag and you have to throw away some of your clothing. -1 Cleaning
Chance B Good: Good thing you didn’t: turns out it was carrying eggs and could’ve ruined all your belongings. +1 Cleaning
Chance B Bad: Turns out the Natural History Museum in London needed one for their collection and you could of given it to them! -1 Logic
7) Whilst at the circus, a clown says “Shake my hand!” Do you shake his hand?
Chance A Good: He introduces himself as Akihiro and says it was lovely working with Passepartout. +1 Charisma
Chance A Bad: AH! You’ve just been squirted with water, he’s a cheeky clown that one. -1 Logic
Chance B Good: You say no kindly and witness him shake a crowd member’s hand and they get squirted with water. What a cheeky clown! +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: You say no politely, but he becomes offended as he thought you would be as kind as Passepartout. -1 Charisma
8) One of Native Americans is distracted, should you pick and steal a rare Eagle feather off his headdress?
Chance A Good: Aren’t you sneaky! You managed to pick one of the feathers off. +1 Creativity
Chance A Bad: Ah! You got caught and the Native American steals your belongings as punishment. -300
Chance B Good: Thank God you didn’t! He was carrying a hatchet and it could have been dangerous! +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: Well nothing bad can happen if you don’t steal! +1 Logic
9) It’s the Gilded Age in New York, should you purchase some art work?
Chance A Good: Turns out you bought a Childe Hassam painting and it one day it will be worth a lot! +1000
Chance A Bad: You got conned! You ended up buying a painting that is of no value. -1000
Chance B Good: Good that you didn’t buy it, turns out if was of no value and you would have been conned. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: You missed out on a great opportunity of buying a Childe Hassam painting which would have been worth a lot! -1 Logic
Other *IMPORTANT* Info:
• Yes the wages/working hours are a bit unrealistic and especially for the time it was set in but I wanted to keep it in pattern with the itinerary and also leading up to the £20,000 wager prize which is $10,000 simoloeans (the game doesn’t allow it to go any higher than that.*
• I have also included a glossary in the zip file explaining terminology used in this career.
• Chance cards are for levels 2-9 only because I didn’t want them for the start/ending of the career/story.
• Chance cards are random and are not based on the book, just quirky little things I’ve made up to make it fun.
• I’ve used the Captain Hero Flyaway as method of transport for work as it gives it a whimsical feel!
• I’ve used the PowerSuit as the work outfit.
• Has its own GUID, should not override any other careers.
Feedback would be incredibly welcome; especially if you know the story inside out.

Additional Credits:
Uploaded: 28th Feb 2016, 24.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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About Me
I've been playing sims since I was 9.
I like recolouring items to create more maxis match stuff. I try keeping as much of it simple and base game so it's fun for all!
General Policies:
-DO NOT reupload any of my work.
-DO NOT edit/modify any of my work without my consent.
-IF you use my work for any photographic or video work, please let me know and also credit me.
-Please DO NOT steal my trademark names that I use for colours.
With my recolours/textures:
You may include with Sims.
You may re-use my textures for related projects.
Uploading Terms for anything else:
-Upload to MTS ONLY!
-DO NOT upload onto TSR/ the Exchange
-Let me know if you've credited me, love to see what you've made!
-Have fun!
-A big thank you for those who have downloaded, thanked, favourited and commented! You guys bring joy to me.