College Letterman Jacket
Bobcats_Letterman_Back.jpg - width=1366 height=768
Bobcats Back
Griz_Letterman_Back.jpg - width=1366 height=768
Griz Back
In_Game_Bobcats.jpg - width=1366 height=768
Bobcats Front
In_Game_Griz.jpg - width=1366 height=768
Griz Front
Summer_CAS.jpg - width=1366 height=768
Found in Everyday>Jacket
I always thought that the letterman jacket seemed too plain, so I thought that I would add a team logo to it. I chose Grizzlies and Bobcats because they are both Montana teams and since I am from Montana... well, you get the picture. Future plans for this mod include adding other team logos and colors. If you would like to see your favorite team on a jacket or sweatshirt, PM me and let me know.
I will be changing the download file to reflect the conference that the teams are in. Grizzlies and Bobcats are part of the Big Sky Conference. I will add a file for each conference as I complete them. Sorry for taking so long to add more jackets, but more are coming, so check back often.
This creation can ONLY be uploaded to MTS. Do not reupload unless you credit me and DO NOT upload to any pay sites.
v1.0 - Female only at this time. My next update will include Male and possibly Child.
v1.5 - Added Male Letterman and Child Hoodie for Griz and Bobcats. Also added the rest of the teams from the Big Sky Conference for Female. Changing the file to reflect conference.
v2.0 - Added Boise State Broncos per request from WicklessDoll. Thanks! More from the Mountain West Conference to come.
v3.0 - Fixed the issue where you couldn't use the Mountain West jacket with the Big Sky jacket installed, thanks to orangemittens over at Remade all Big Sky jackets for all teams in Female, Male and Child, except for University of North Dakota. See the notepad file for details.
v4.0 - Completed Mountain West Conference for Female, Male and Child. Next update will be the Big 12 Conference, per a request from Double_G.
v5.0 - Added Big 12 Conference. Child sweatshirt includes all teams. Male and Female only has Oklahoma State so far. More ahead for Big 12.

Additional Credits:
NCAA Division 1 - Griz and claw logo on front - Griz logo on back - Bobcats image on back - Bobcats logo on front
And, of course, Montana State University and University of Montana for the two best teams ever (in my opinion)! - for providing a great central forum for all Sims creations. And for providing speedy responses to my questions.
Summer Holiday - For agreeing to pose for the pictures
Big 12.7z
| All Division 1 NCAA Big 12 Conference teams for Male, Female and Child.
Uploaded: 9th Dec 2015, 3.85 MB.
Mountain West.7z
| All Division 1 NCAA Mountain West Conference teams for Male, Female and Child.
Uploaded: 30th Nov 2015, 4.25 MB.
| All Division 1 NCAA Big Sky Conference teams for Male, Female and Child.
Uploaded: 26th Nov 2015, 4.08 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 9th Dec 2015 at 5:51 AM - Added Completed Big 12
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