Anyone can Swipe Mod

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Updates on December 30, 2016:
Adds Swipe_NoNeedForTrait_AutonomousSwipe.package
If you want to let sims swipe autonomously, please use this Swipe_NoNeedForTrait_AutonomousSwipe.package instead of Swipe_NoNeedForTrait.package. In addition, if you want the possibility to swipe autonomously higher, you should use a cheats command "sims.add_buff buff_Trait_Klepto_NeedToSwipe" after "testingCheats true".

The mod is compatible with the latest patch of August 16, 2018 (PC Version
But there has been an EA's bug that a stolen object goes into the target's household inventory since a patch v1.27.80.1020. So we would have to wait for EA to fix the bug.
The patch v1.29.69.1020 fixed the issue above.
The EA's bug above has happened AGAIN since the patch v1.30.103.1010, which was released on May 25, 2017. We have to wait for EA to fix the bug AGAIN!
The patch v1.32.1.1020 fixed the issue above.

The mod consists of 2 files, which are Swipe_NoNeedForTrait.package and Swipe_NoNeedForInterval.package. You can use both packages at the same time or only one pakage if you like.

1. Swipe_NoNeedForTrait allows your sim to steal an object even if your sim has no Kleptomaniacs trait. You can return or sell the object.
Your sims usually use Mischief Skill to swipe something whether using the mod or not. The higher your Mischief Skill level is, the more expensive object your sims can swipe.
There are two options for Ita_Swipe_NoNeedForTraitV1.3.
Option 1: ... Any sims can swipe without Kleptomaniacs trait and can NOT swipe autonomously.
Option 2: ... Any sims can swipe without Kleptomaniacs trait and can swipe autonomously.
Sims usually satisfy themselves after swiping objects autonomously so they don't swipe autonomously for a while.

2. Swipe_NoNeedForInterval allows your sim to steal another object at once after stealing an object. Your sim doesn't need to wait for some hours but you sim isn't rewarded with an Energized buff.

Change Log:
December 30, 2016 Adds Swipe_NoNeedForTrait_AutonomousSwipe.package
November 16, 2016 Ver1.3(Swipe_NoNeedForTrait): Fixed for patch v1.24.112.1010
The patch(v1.24.112.1010) fixed a bug of EA part so the mod was updated for the fixed game system. Now anyone can swipe again!!
June 11, 2016 Ver1.2(Swipe_NoNeedForTrait): Fixed for patch v1.19
Feb.10,2016 Ver1.1(Swipe_NoNeedForTrait): Your sim doesn't swipe autonomously. You have to swipe manually.

Installation and Compatibility:
To install, unzip the file and place only one or both the .package files in your mods folder.
This mod was created using Version (Feb 4,2016 patch), and may not be compatible with earlier versions of the game.

This mod edits the following resources and will conflict with other mods that also override these resources.

Additional Credits:
Sims4 Studio
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