Neo-Byzantine Military (Adult Career)
If there is one thing that those snobs at the Senate of the SimNation don't like, is the generalized and common army structure of SimNation. But what's worse is the fact that RedNation and the "comrades" in their capital, the infamous RedCity, also share the same system. Therefore, since the political system of SimNation was somewhat based on the structure of the late medieval incarnation of the Roman Empire, it was time to make sure that the army would become "integrated into the system". And despite the protests of certain generals, amongst them a certain Buzz Grunt, the Senate is quickly moulding the army into something that many won't recognize by the end of the year.
And as it stands, there is no doubt that the Senate is consolidating even more power, but who knows what the consequences of such an action would be? Perhaps, when the time comes, all shall be revealed... |
And so, here is the military branch of the Neo-Byzantine careers, obviously focusing on the army. This is not a “replacement career”, but it is meant to be played as such. Therefore, you shall have both this and the basegame Military career available to your Sims. And while there is a single, complete chance card in the career, it is disabled for now.
The career reward for this is the Obstacle Course (also the reward for the basegame Military career).
Here are the career ranks:
1. Soldier - (Mon; Wed; Fri) - 310§ - 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM You are a simple soldier in the vast army of the SimNation, holding virtually no power at this moment. Perhaps if you enhance your skills, you’ll attract the attention of high officials, who might assign you to a more appropriate rank. 2. Komes (Mon; Tue; Fri) - 390§ - 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Requires -> 1 Creativity, 2 Body, 3 Logic Your superiors saw that you being a common soldier was a waste of talent, so they assigned you to be a Komes. As such, you are now the commander of a Bandon, a small force of soldiers within the army. 3. Tagmatarch (Mon; Tue; Fri) - 448§ - 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Requires -> 2 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 3 Body, 4 Logic Your work as a Komes allowed you to be promoted to the rank of Tagmatarch, placing a large regiment under your command. And as you rise in ranks, the eyes of the Senate of the SimNation begin to fall onto you. 4. Kastrophylax (Mon; Tue; Thur; Fri) - 525§ - 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Requires -> 2 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 4 Body, 5 Logic, 3 Friends You came to be appointed as a Kastrophylax, and you are now in charge of protecting a certain location, commonly a town, in SimNation. And as your rank increases, so does the force under your command. 5. Strategos/Strategissa (Mon; Tue; Wed; Thur; Fri) - 630§ - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Requires -> 5 Charisma, 6 Creativity, 6 Body, 7 Logic, 5 Friends With the changes that occurred in the government, you were given the position of Strategos, a provincial governor in the SimNation. Both a civil and military position, you now stand above the common city mayors. 6. Doux/Duchess (Mon; Tue; Wed; Thur; Fri) - 756§ - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Requires -> 5 Charisma, 6 Body, 7 Creativity, 7 Logic, 7 Friends The Senate of SimNation has granted you the honorific title of Doux, a reward for your work as a Strategos. Although you technically still are a Strategos, none can deny the prestige and power that comes with being a Doux. 7. Katepano (Mon; Tue; Wed; Thur; Fri) - 896§ - 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Requires -> 7 Charisma, 7 Body, 7 Creativity, 8 Logic, 8 Friends In your hands is the government of a larger region of SimNation, overseeing the work of a few Strategos and regions under your direct supervision. At your disposal is a rather extensive team of administrators which manage the growing bureaucracy, a small taste of the life of the administrative class of the SimNation. 8. Megas Doux/Grand Duchess (Mon; Tue; Wed; Thur; Fri) - 1036§ - 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Requires -> 7 Charisma, 8 Body, 8 Creativity, 8 Logic, 9 Friends Your brilliant strategies made the Senate grant you the position of Megas Doux, giving you the command of the entire navy of SimNation. However, the position also places you at the headship of several more provincial governments, and you now can safely declare that you understand somewhat how the bureaucracy of SimNation works. 9. Protostrator/Protostratorissa (Mon; Tue; Wed; Thur; Fri) - 1522§ - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Requires -> 8 Charisma, 8 Creativity, 9 Body, 9 Logic, 10 Friends Removed from your office as Megas Doux, the Senate saw it more appropriate to appoint you as the Protostrator of SimNation. You are now the second-in-command of the entire army, having only the Grand Domestic above you in military terms. Improve your standing, and perhaps that rank may soon belong to you. 10. Grand Domestic (Mon; Tue; Wed; Thur; Fri) - 2650§ - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Requires -> 8 Creativity, 9 Charisma, 10 Body, 10 Logic, 12 Friends You were chosen by the Senate to be the commander-in-chief of the entire army, having many below you, and few above. With the experience you gained commanding various military forces and managing several territories, you are without doubt one of the most valuable assets of all SimNation, and one of the most respected Sims. Right now, the only thing you can do is to see if everything you've done until now isn't ruined by some sort of disaster. But if you grow tired of military service, there is always a place for the former Grand Domestic in the high ranks of the Senate. |
And for those that are interested, here is a short explanation of what these positions were in real life (except for soldier, as that one is self-explanatory) Keep in mind that some of these positions disappeared through the history of the Byzantine Empire, and were replaced by others:
1. Komes ("Count"), was the rank attributed to someone who commanded a bandon, which was a basic military and territorial administrative unit of the Eastern Roman Empire. This position disappeared during the reign of Emperor Leo VI. 2. Tagmatarch (translation of "Tagmatarches") was the rank attributed to the commander of a tagma, a military unit of regiment size. 3. The Kastrophylax ("fortress guard"), was a local official who served as the assistant of the Kephale (a provincial governor) in maintaining the defence of a city and its guard service. 4. The Strategos was a military and later also civil commander of a theme (an administrative division in the Empire), who could also have the title of Doux. This position is somewhat equivalent to “general” or “admiral”. 5. A Doux ("Duke") was in charge of large circumscriptions consisting of several smaller themes and of the professional regiments of the Byzantine army. 6. The Katepano ("the one placed at the top") was the governor of a greater area combining two or more themes. 7. The Megas Doux ("Grand Duke") was a position that was the basic equivalent of the "modern" Lord High Admiral in England and later the United Kingdom. In other words, the Megas Doux was the commander-in-chief of the Byzantine navy. 8. Originally, the Protostrator ("First Groom") was the Emperor's stable master. However, during the Komnenian and Palaiologan eras, this position was used for the second-ranking commander of the army. 9. The Grand Domestic (translation of "Megas domestikos"), was the commander-in-chief of the Byzantine army from the 11th to the 15th century, and was directly below the Byzantine/Roman Emperor. |
This career is part of a small series based on the Byzantine Empire. If you want, go here to see the Neo-Byzantine Administration career (available only on this site).
Additional Credits:
Bidou's Career Editor and SimPE
Uploaded: 5th Jun 2016, 13.7 KB.
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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