Hallway "Bravo" [TS2] Update [26/10/2016]
The set Bedroom "Bravo", can be downlo here
The set Child's Room "Bravo", can be download here
I have now made an additional set of furniture for the hall, from the set of "Bravo". Now it is possible to make the interior in the same style - the hallway and the living room!
The living room can be viewed and downloaded here .
Although in the SIM houses usually do not pay much attention to such a room as an entrance hall, and in some homes, it did not do, I have created a large hallway. Then I thought, and decided that it is necessary to complement the set so that you can make and a small hallway of my objects. To this end, I have made decor hanger at one place.
Some pieces of furniture need to put codes (moveobject on and boolprop SnapObjectsToGrid false), it would be possible to arrange the furniture was beautiful. And of course useful codes and OMSP , to install some decorations to the desired position and location (for example - hang clothes, cap or umbrella).
IMPORTANT! - In the archive WinRAR Hallway _BRAVO error (not replace GUID) was made, who downloaded the file before 10/26/2016, download again and replace the entire folder or files Bravo_CabinetL.packag and Bravo_Hallway COLL.packag
- The set includes 26 new meshes.
- When creating decorative objects I used elements Maxis meshes.
- Four recolors metal parts - silver, gold, bronze, light bronze.
- Four recolors wood - brown, dark red, light.
- In WinRAR Bravo_Hallway includes bronze metal.
In WinRAR Bravo REC darkwood includes silver metal.
In WinRAR Bravo_REC lightwood includes light bronze metal.
In WinRAR Bravo REC redwood includes gold metal.
- Recolors ottoman are included in WinRAR Bravo_Hallway.
- A set of decorative items included in WinRAR Bravo_Deco set.
- Right cabinet (file name - Bravo_CabinetR_Master) is the MASTER-grid for the left cabinet.
- Right shelf angle (file name - Bravo_ShelfAngleR_Master) is the MASTER-grid for the left shelf angle.
- Right small table (file name - Bravo_SmallTableR_Master) is the MASTER-grid for the left small table.
- Dressers shown on screen is NOT part of Seth and can be downloaded in the set - Living Room "Bravo" . Dressers need addon Season.
- The file for easy collection - Bravo_Hallway COLL.package
1-2 Object name: Bravo Cabinet Left/Right, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
3-4 Object name: Bravo Shelf Angle Left/Right, Price: 100$
Buy > Surfaces > End Tables
5-6 Object name: Bravo Small Table Left/Right, Price: 100$
Buy > Surfaces > End Tables
7 Object name: Bravo Rack&Mirror, Price: 250$
Buy > Decorative > Mirror
8 Object name: Bravo Clothes Hanger, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
9 Object name: Bravo Stand, Price: 100$
Buy > Surfaces > End Tables
10 Object name: Bravo Cabinet Angle, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
11 Object name: Bravo Mirror, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Mirror
12 Object name: Bravo Ottoman, Price: 150$
Buy > Comfort > Sofas and Loveseats
13-14 Object name: Bravo Deco Bravo Vase 1-2, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
15 Object name: Bravo Deco Shoe Polish, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
16 Object name: Bravo Deco Newspaper, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
17 Object name: Bravo Deco Umbrella, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
18 Object name: Bravo Deco Cap, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
19 Object name: Bravo Deco Miscellaneous, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
20 Object name: Bravo Deco Box, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
21-22-23 Object name: Bravo Deco Shoes Boots 1-2-3, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
24 Object name: Bravo Deco Wrapping Pack, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
25 Object name: Bravo Deco Bag, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Sculptures
26 Object name: Bravo Deco Clothing, Price: 50$
Buy > Decorative > Wall Hangings
Polygon Counts:
Cabinet Left/Right - 88
Shel fAng leLeft/Right - 260
Small Table Left/Right - 188
Rack&Mirror - 1088
Clothes Hanger - 496
Cabinet Angle - 168
Mirror - 92
Ottoman - 838
Deco Bravo Vase 1 - 368
Deco Bravo Vase 2 - 384
Deco Shoe Polish - 372
Deco Newspaper - 88
Deco Umbrella - 164
Deco Caps - 624
Deco Miscellaneous - 332
Deco Box - 56
Deco Shoes Boots 1 - 392
Deco Shoes Boots 2 - 478
Deco Shoes Boots 3 - 578
Deco Wrapping Pack - 124
Deco Bag - 644
Deco Clothing - 48
Additional Credits:
Adobe Photoshop CS6,
The Compressorizer
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
Uploaded: 26th Oct 2016, 1.01 MB.
Bravo_REC lightwood [hall].rar
Uploaded: 24th Oct 2016, 396.2 KB.
Bravo_REC redwood [hall].rar
Uploaded: 24th Oct 2016, 352.4 KB.
Bravo_REC darkwood [hall].rar
Uploaded: 24th Oct 2016, 374.2 KB.
Bravo_Deco set [hall].rar
Uploaded: 24th Oct 2016, 1.22 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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About Me
About Sims, lots, meshes, rekolors, walls and floors
You can use them as you like. But:
- Do not give as your own works
- Do not use for downloads and presentation of your work on paid sites
- If possible indicate author
Friends, I am from Russia. English is not my native language. Advance I am sorry for the delays and errors in replies.