Recolors of two Base Game Paintings

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Now I made some recolors of the Base Game Paintings "In the Beginning" and "Sim City at Night" and their frames.
The Paintings are the same for both, but the frames are very different.

I think these pictures would fit the cheap base game Bedroom furniture, when your Sims have earned a bit more money.
But there are certainly other uses.

For "In the Beginning" I have used Hafiseazales CEP's, because otherwise it's frames are not separately recolorable.
If you only want the paintings without the recolors of the frames, you don't need her CEP's and you don't need the Frames-Folder too.

In case you have already recolors of "In the Beginning" with other frames as the original, it could be recommendable to use only the paintings,
because of these frames will not be shown anymore, only the original and such wich are made with Hafiseazales CEP's.
However it is not to difficult, display the other frames again, when using Simpe. Read more here.

If you want to use the frames, please read in the "Required, but not included"-section below the images, how to install the CEP's.

Catalogue Info:
Sim City at Night: Decorative // Wall Hangings // Price: 425 §
In the Beginning: Decorative // Wall Hangings // Price: 600 §

I hope you'll like these recolors.

Required, but not included:
Additional to Numenors CEP you need two of Hafiseazales CEP's.
You can find these Packages here:
Search for "DOWNLOAD CEPS:", download from the "Base Game"-Link.

Only following Packages are necessary for these recolors:

To install Hafiseazales CEP's put the Files into the following directories:

HA_CEP_Extra_BG_IntheBeginning_Documents.package put to C:\Users\\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA,
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_IntheBeginning_ProgramFiles.package put to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA.

Additional Credits:
Numenor's CEP -,
Hafiseazale's additional CEP -
Maxis/EA Games for almost all wood textures I used and two pictures.
GIMP, The Compressorizer, MTS,
Pixabay -
susannp4 used for the colorful striped frames,
tpsdave used for GL_DEF_Feld_John_Inchbold and GL_SCN_Feld_John_Inchbold,
Donations_are_appreciated used for GL_DEF_Impressionismus_Landschaft and GL_SCN_Imperssionismus_Landschaft,
tpsdave used for GL_DEF_Landschaft_Robert_Duncanson and GL_SCN_Landschaft_Robert_Duncanson,
navallo used for GL_DEF_Meise and GL_SCN_Meise,
PublicDomainPictures used for GL_DEF_RosaRose and GL_SCN_Rose_Rosa,
PublicDomainPictures used for GL_DEF_RoseWeiss and GL_SCN_Rose_Weiss,
Leunert used for GL_DEF_RoteRose and GL_SCN_Rose_Rot.
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