Rhames' Hired Help Mod 2.0

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Your Hired Help! Your Way. You're In Control!

This mod adds several additional NPC's as full time residents to households just like a Butler and is broken up into various modules if you only want some of the features. The additional NPC's at this time are the Maid, Nanny, Gardener; the Butler has some additional features as well. If you want the servant to leave, you fire/them dismiss them/ask to hangout as normal per the interaction menu. I also recommend the Free Services Trait because if the NPC hangs out for a while your bill may be high when they are done.

If you want the whole package, simply put the RhamesHiredHelpMod package in your mod folder

Butler - there are two packages for the Butler: ButlerNoUniform and ButlerTraitAdjust. The first removes the Butler Situation outfit and simply lets you use the standard 7x5 outfits for the NPC that you might want to design. The second controls how the Butler NPC is generated and "blocks" the following traits from being randomly selected for the Butler: Mean, Hates Children, Evil, Insane, Kleptomaniac, Hot headed, Slob, Geek, Lazy, Glutton, Squeamish, Gloomy and Jealous. It also provides SpeedCleaner, Mentor and SuperGreenThumb to help the Butler in their various duties. If you want both features, you can use ButlerFull package otherwise just use the Butler package that you want (uniform or traits.)

Gardener - there are three packages for the Gardner: GardenerNoUniform, GardenerTraitAdjust and GardenerFullTime. The first removes the Gardener Situation outfit and simply lets you use the standard 7x5 outfits for the NPC that you might want to design. The second controls how the Gardener NPC is generated and "blocks" the following traits from being randomly selected for the Gardener: Neat, Mean, Hates Children, Evil, Insane, Kleptomaniac, Hot headed, Slob, Geek, Lazy, Glutton, Squeamish, Gloomy and Jealous. It also provides SuperGreenThumb to help the Gardener in their duties. Finally, GardenerFullTime makes the Gardener hang out full time like a Butler. If you want all three features, you can use GardenerFull package otherwise just use the Gardener packages that you want (uniform, traits or fulltime.) Remember you need to have a "garden" to be able to hire a gardener.

Maid- there are three packages for the Maid: MaidNoUniform, MaidTraitAdjust and MaidFullTime. The first removes the Maid Situation outfit and simply lets you use the standard 7x5 outfits for the NPC that you might want to design. The second controls how the Maid NPC is generated and "blocks" the following traits from being randomly selected for the Maid: Mean, Hates Children, Evil, Insane, Kleptomaniac, Hot headed, Slob, Geek, Lazy, Glutton, Squeamish, Gloomy and Jealous. It also provides SpeedCleaner to help the Maid in their duties. Finally, MaidFullTime makes the Maid hang out full time like a Butler. If you want all three features, you can use MaidFull package otherwise just use the Maid packages that you want (uniform, traits or fulltime.)

Nanny- there are three packages for the Nanny: NannyNoUniform, NannyTraitAdjust and NannyFullTime. The first removes the Nanny Situation outfit and simply lets you use the standard 7x5 outfits for the NPC that you might want to design. The second controls how the Nanny NPC is generated and "blocks" the following traits from being randomly selected for the Nanny: Mean, Hates Children, Evil, Insane, Kleptomaniac, Hot headed, Slob, Geek, Lazy, Glutton, Squeamish, Gloomy and Jealous. It also provides Mentor to help the Nanny in their duties. Finally, NannyFullTime makes the Nanny hang out full time like a Butler. If you want all three features, you can use NannyFull package otherwise just use the Nanny packages that you want (uniform, traits or fulltime.)

If you used the previous version of this mod or are using it for the first time, any previously generated NPC's will not have the defined traits here; that part of the mod only impacts newly generated service npc's.

PSA: if you have a service NPC you like, you can save them to the library and then put in another game, you can hire them as long as you haven't made them a playable sim. This works regardless of whether you use this mod or not.

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