0-Positiv - look into space
Spacewindow (1).jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 1
Spacewindow (2).jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 2
Spacewindow (3).jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 3
Spacewindow (4).jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 4
Spacewindow (5).jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 5
Spacewindow (6).jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 6
1_high.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 1 high
1_medium.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 1 medium
1_small.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 1 small
2_high.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 2 high
2_medium.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 2 medium
2_small.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 2 small
3_high.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 3 high
3_medium.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 3 medium
3_small.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 3 small
4_high.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 4 high
4_medium.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 4 medium
4_small.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 4 small
5_high.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 5 high
5_medium.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 5 medium
5_small.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 5 small
6_high.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 6 high
6_medium.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 6 medium
6_small.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 6 small
Spacewindow (7) - Tardis.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
7_high_Tardis.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 7 high
7_medium_Tardis.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 7 medium
7_small_Tardis.jpg - width=1858 height=1057
color selection 7 small

first of all I would like to thank the Mod the Sims team for the good work on the mod release exam, you are doing a good job.
As anyone who has ever uploaded a mod to Mod the Sims knows, this is a very time-consuming process.
Since I want to use my limited time better, I decided to publish my mods in my own Blog .
Updates for the mods published via MTS will only be done via my Blog in the future.
There you can also find the look into space wall.
This is my first wall cover with motif, as the theme I have chosen the "view into space".
The covering comes with six color variations.
Each color variation represents a separate motif.
The wall covering can be purchased in the "Construction menu", with the wall samples in the department color for a price of 4 Simoleons.

22.07.2017 - On request I have a wallpaper variant with Dr. Whos Tardis. This is to be found in the new wallpaper version as an additional color selection.
The space images were downloaded from NASA JPL and are marked with the appropriate credits according to the requirements of the JPL Image Use Policy.

space Images:
Note: color selection 5 is a combination of Color selctions 3 and 4, color selection 6 is a combination of Color selections 1 and 2.
color selection 1:
Young Stars in Their Baby Blanket of Dust
Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
color selection 2:
A Royal Celebration
Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA
color selection 3:
Taken Under the 'Wing' of the Small Magellanic Cloud
Image credit: NASA / CXC / JPL-Caltech / STScI
color selection 4:
Horsehead of a Different Color
Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech
window Image:
Open window PNG image with transparent background
Image credit: pngimg.com
License: Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC
Tardis Image:
Tardis Dr. Who animation - green screen - Video
Image credit: BBC / BestGreenScreen
Additional Credits:
Sims 4 Studio
0-Positiv - look into space.zip
Uploaded: 22nd Jul 2017, 9.83 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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