Imogen Clarke, an alternative model sim

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Hello folks!

It's been a while since I've uploaded a sim, so I'm happy to bring you my first upload of 2018, Imogen Clarke. I've made her long ago but never could get around to uploading... partly because I needed to flesh out her backstory, partly because I was honestly afraid to deal with the sensitive topic of physical disabilities. Imogen made several appearances over sim forums and communities, I actively used her as a model and there seemed to be a certain interest in her. So, let me present, Imogen Clarke! A modelling world breakthrough who turned her prosthetic arm into her significant feature.

Imogen was born with her right arm almost completely absent due to a rare genetic anomaly. She grew up in a loving family and by the time she was to start school, she got her first prosthetic arm. It was difficult to learn to write with it, so Imogen got used to writing with her left hand instead. She recalls this earning her quite a few awed gazes over her elementary school years. Due to her cheerful and friendly personality, she never was an outcast, a fate her parents were extremely afraid of when sending their daughter to a public school.

Learning about herself and the world around her, Imogen got pretty excited about her prosthetic. One day, when her new arm was supposed to arrive to fit her quickly growing body, she asked her parents to get her a set of acrylic paints. The request was met with mild surprise, but the box of paints was soon laid on the girl's table. Both children and teachers were looking at a young girl with wonder when she walked into school building next morning, her right arm coveren in bright colourful swirls. Imogen admits that being able to freely customise the part of her body like this still thrills her to no end. With a laughter, she recalls spending almost an hour glueing sequins on her arm to shine on the school dance night.

During high school years, her unique style started to show through. Imogen was never afraid to look wacky or flamboyant or strange or anything the society might call her. She could throw together an ensemble from almost anything and rock it. Heads started to turn to follow her on the streets and not so long before her prom she was street-cast for a modelling agency.

As for today, the young woman is working as a model with a part of her income from photoshoots going to various charities supporting people with disabilities. She is very ambitious and has plans of starting her own clothing label that accounts for the needs of people with special needs.

Now, for a bit of boring technical stuff:
  • First of all, loads of thanks to Criquette, who kindly let me borrow a piece of texture from his WHT-FC28 servo default to make Imogen possible in the first place ^_^
  • Imogen's prosthetic is a part of her skintone, i.e. a purely cosmetic modification. She functions like a normal sim and her artificial arm will stick on her whatever you change her into.
  • Some clothing unfortunately can cause distortion of the prosthetic texture or both arms appearing as prosthetic. This is a mapping issue and it isn't something I can really do much about. Sorry about that You should still have a pretty big choice of what to dress her up into!
  • The skintone behaves fine with Maxis hands and Tenshii~Akari's smooth hands but with Kimika's Grabby Hands you might get "metallic" nails on the right hand and flesh-toned nails on the prosthetic hand. Once again, it's a mapping issue I cannot really do anything about.
  • Her skintone has a specific tooltip and a thumbnail to be easily identified in CAS and Bodyshop. It is neither geneticized nor townified so you won't have sims randomly born or generated with a prosthetic arm.
  • However, that still means that a potential offspring might inherit that skintone. I only modified adult and elder textures (sorry, I know it doesn't fall well with the story I made up) since body mapping differs too much for ages teen and below. If your offspring sim suddenly appears with a prosthetic arm upon aging up to (young) adult, please, refer to this tutorial to fix their genetics. The original skintone I used as a base is Lilith's Eve Skinblend tone Warmth, that can be acquired here. The genetic value of said skin is ae669417-41f6-520c-a9eb-95a4d9b2c5e8 so that you don't have to look up yourselves
  • The ombre hair recolour I made for Imogen is binned under blonde and pink tips appear on ages teen and up. Elders go gray.
  • Imogen wears quite a heap of accessories If you don't want them, uncheck the following files while installing (or obtain the needed meshes from links below):
    - CASSISxDasha_Studded_Collar_3t2_BlackGold.package (mesh found here)
    - CASSISxthe77sims3-Wrist-Bandana-3t2-Skulls.package (mesh found here)
    - Aikea_Guinea_AFA_spikedbracelet_left.package (mesh found here)

Phew, this seems to be about it. Sorry if the list was long and boring to read through, but I decided I should be clear about what you're getting and possible gameplay problems with breeding a "special" sim

Anyway, I hope you enjoy playing with Imogen and will be happy to bring a bit of diversity into your hood.
Have fun!

Custom Content by Me:
- Imogen's face
- Fragile ~ Lilith Eve skinblend with Criquette's prosthetic arm ~
- Cazy Taylr ombre recolour (Grenade-Powder Cake)

Custom Content Included:
- CuriousB ~ Box Set ~ Recurring Dream by CuriousB
- -Lilith-Blush Hairline 1- Grenade by Lilith
- -Lilith-Bake Me a Cake Nosemask- by Lilith
- Dazzle Dust - Supernova - by Bruno
- #5 - Magnetism - Bruno@MTS2 by Bruno
- Kiss Gloss - Forbidden Love - Bruno@MTS2 by Bruno
- 4t2 Alf-si Eyebrows N19 by Memento
- Studded collar (black/gold) by Cassis aka 0201-sims
- Wrist bandana (skulls) by Cassis aka 0201-sims
- Leviathan, Please... - Left Hand Spiked Bracelet by Aikea Guinea
- Cazy Taylr 3t2 MESH by DigitalAngels
- Kamacoma dress by Yuxi
- Kamacoma dress MESH by Yuxi

Additional Credits:
Criquette, for allowing me to use his Servo textures to create a prosthetic.
Create chat, for being extra supportive of the idea of making and releasing Imogen.
Tashiketh aka Delphy, for making a place to learn and share our creations.
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