my house, lol i wish
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the game does not include the windows i would prefer to of used, so had to use the maxis ones.. the floors are usable up to the ceiling level, with one flat roof over one room which i plan to use for a rooftop hottub for my less inhibited sims. that is if the game will allow me to place stairs there, may have to use the moveobjects on cheat to get that to work.
should be no hacks, but i advise using clean install to be sure. as usual, i don't have uni or any ep, just the regular game with the update.
well guess thats it. hope you enjoy.
oh yes, the pic shows the family in intend to move into it, but they are not in the file. they are 3rd generation Winston family, with close family ties to the Richards family which is also a large family.
tanner ln.rar
Uploaded: 2nd May 2005, 863.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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by Phoenix06 29th Jan 2006 at 1:31pm
3 6.7k 1
by Amanda_22 7th Feb 2006 at 1:12pm
3 5.4k
by ivans 10th Feb 2006 at 10:34pm
3 6.5k
by jakobandbrandonsmom 10th Jul 2006 at 6:13am
+2 packs
My House!!! (3 br 1 bathroom seperate toilet)
by witchwithwings 15th Nov 2006 at 10:22pm
+4 packs
Open for Business
by nazariopilar 7th Dec 2006 at 1:44pm
2 6.4k 2