Custom Career - Hawaii 5-0 Reboot

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Welcome. First of all, I would like to note that this is my first time making a mod, and if it seems rather specific - well, it is.
I made it for my personal use but decided to upload it after I got a request in Nraas community.

As of the start of October '18, Nraas has moved to a new website! It's still in development but downloads are up and running.
If you run into any problems regarding their downloads, please request help there. Remember to be polite and respectful, as you should in everything. :D

What Is It?
This mod is a custom career that you can add to your game for your sims to have a bit of diversity in their choices. It's been written with patch 1.67 (Steam version of Sims 3) so I recommend you have the latest patch available. It's only available in English, but it's compatible with any language. The mod will be updated if there are any changes, but it's considered finished and has been tested in-game by me.

Hawaii 5-0 is a cop show about a speciality law enforcement team based in Oahu, who work alongside the police but have more freedom and immunity to get their job done, a sort of elite group within the state's authority. It's also very friendship/family heavy, and I tried to convey that when writing this mod.
It's very similar to EA's original Law Enforcement career, and borrows a lot of its resources because I used LE as a basis. I wasn't fully happy with EA's take on Law Enforcement, particularly the branching and their later levels, so I made myself something more akin to what I wanted my sims to have (the original plan was to write a new LE career, but halfway through it started to seem redundant).

What Do I Need?
  • The Sims 3 and World Adventures EP
For it to show and function properly, you need to have Nraas Career base mod installed. Feel free to check the other modules as well for more variety, and I also recommend MasterController, DebugEnabler, Overwatch and ErrorTrap for your gaming convenience, but they are not required for this mod to work.

World Adventures is required for the Martial Arts skill. The career won't work (or possibly even show up) without it. Can't say I've tested it.

How Do I Get It?

First and foremost, install Nraas Careers from the link provided above (if you don't have it yet).
After that, download the file here, unzip it and place it in your Mods >> Packages folder.

If you need help doing this, refer to the MTS Guide to Installing Sims 3 Packages.

What Does It Feature?
Most things you would expect any EA career to, with the exception of Events and Opportunities.

Five-0 Career is a full-time rabbithole career for YA, Adults and Elders. Your sim reports to City Hall for work and stays there until they're done (or you've decided otherwise). Any City Hall, single or combo unit, will do - I tested it in Island Paradise with a combo rabbithole myself. If the career is working as expected, you should see it available there. Should work with any building that has been assigned as a City Hall as well, by means of other mods and such (untested).

It also has:
  • custom tones for skill building while at work, each one specific for a skill. Read the text when you're viewing the selection, the tips will tell you what they do;
  • specific metrics for each career level, between Mood, Skill, Reports and Coworker Relationship;
  • all text has been written by me to read and feel as close to the series genre as possible - grammar-checked, but let me know if you find a typo;
  • automatic wake up time, minor feature that will make your sims wake up a while before they have to go to work, whether they've slept enough or not (you can prevent that by extending the 'sleep' action to Until Fully Rested);
  • custom icon designed by me, with Photoshop, specifically for this career;
  • and finally, though I didn't want to spoil it but I have in the pictures attached, EA Law Enforcement-specific promotion rewards from both branches;

It doesn't have:
  • Events or Opportunities (I really want to add those in but I haven't fully figured out how to do it yet. If you happen to know how it's done, drop me a message! I'd love to learn more from the community and your experience. They need to be planned and written beforehand and I will only upload a version with them once I've tested it myself)
  • custom Career Outfits (for two reasons: one, they are all different people in the show. Two, I like the freedom to assign my own career costumes. However, they will choose the police uniform for work in some levels unless you change it - which is appropriate and done on purpose)
  • Retirement Option (honestly, I have no idea why I didn't include it xD but you won't find it. May be included in the future if requested.)

Can I Get The Details?
Of course! If you're anything like me, you like to give everything a once-over before deciding if you want to install it, and if what I've listed so far isn't enough or you're just too curious, click the SPOILER buttons for more in-depth information about the career itself.

Possible Future Updates?
  • adding Events and Opportunities
  • including translations into as many languages as possible (if I'm provided the translation)
  • Retirement Option (upon request)

If you'd like to download this career but don't have WA, send me a pm and tell me which base game skill you think is more appropriate to replace Martial Arts with (available: Cooking, Fishing, Gardening, Guitar, Handiness, Painting and Writing, but not all fit the career) - I'm torn between Handiness and Writing.

If you'd like to play it in your language, I've included the Strings file in the available downloads. PM me first (in case someone is already working on it), download it, translate only what is between < STR >example< /STR > tags, and send it back to me to be implemented into the mod. I won't check your spelling or grammar, so be sure to be careful when translating and message me with any questions.

If you'd like to contribute to adding Events and Opportunities to this mod, aside from helping me out on how to do it - I would love to hear what your ideas are! So if you've got one and want to share, whether from being a fellow fan of the show or just playing it in your own game, drop me a PM as well. If I use it in my mod in any way, you will absolutely be credited for it. I'll try to reply to any messages I get as soon as possible.
Notes: this is not a contest of any kind, just a little nudge in case anyone feels like pitching in. Game resources (like rewards and buffs) from any EP except Into the Future are fine to be suggested along with the opps. No SP content though. Just in case you get really creative with your suggestion :]

You are free to alter, tune, modify and use as a base for whatever you'd like (for personal use).
If you want to share your own modified version with others, credit is appreciated. No pay sites or advertisement revenue. PM me so I can see what you made with it.
No credit necessary if you use it as a base to create a new career - that means if it's not a reworked/translated/slightly altered version of the original, but something different.
Otherwise, do not re-upload or claim as your own. This career has been provided completely free and no money will be made with it.

Additional Credits: S3PE - credit goes to the creators of the software
Twallan and the NRAAS Community - for the mods, tutorials and all the help provided while I was learning how to and going through the process of making this
MissyHissy - for her easy-to-follow Creating Sims 3 Rabbithole Careers: Beginner's Guide, which is where I started
Hawaii 5-0 series - without which I would never have thought to make this, so they deserve a mention
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